Fine Art
Adult Art (Ages 19 and up)
Director: Dianne Adams, 257-6562
Assistant Director:Dianna Maughan, 257 -3527
Youth Art (Ages 11-18)
Director: Lori Nicholas, 854-3839
Children’s Art
Director: Vicki Rhodes, 257-7276
Assistant Director: DeLynn Porter
Poetry and Literature
Director: Tamara Zollinger, 257-7696
Rules and Regulations
- Entries will be accepted … Tuesday Aug. 21from 1 -8 p.m.
- You may pre-register your exhibit ONLINE
@ entry beginning July 15 but no later than midnight on August 19, 2012. If entering in Classes A – Fplease identify the category in the description(example: Department – 006, Class – A, Lot – 1, Description – #2 Acrylic. The online entry website will send a confirmation email to the fair. You do not need to bring paperwork with your exhibit. Online entry is strongly recommended but not required.
- Deliver paintings to the HOME ARTS BUILDING on Tuesday, August 21 from1 -8 p.m.
- Exhibitors will be allowed one entry in each category to be judged.
- Work should be completed within the last three years.
- Work entered in previous fairs cannot be entered again.
- Paintings with wet paint will be rejected.
- Entries that are inappropriate for family viewing will be rejected.
- Entries and display items are restricted to residents of Box Elder County.
- Class work and work copies will be allowed, but not considered for
Sweepstakes and must be labeled as such.
- All artwork MUST be ORIGINAL, meaning entirely the work of the artist-
No paint by numbers, etc. will be allowed.
- Artwork is entered in the Fait at the owner’s risk. The utmost care will be
made to secure all artwork, but we cannot be responsible for loss or
damage of art.
- Judging will be on Wednesday. Exhibit closed to the public until 6:00 p.m.
New judges (Classes A-F) are chosen every year.
Judges decisions are final.
- IMPORTANT: Classes A-F Art Work must be ready to hang: securely
framed withscrew eyes and wire or shrink-wrapped and equipped with plasticHanger.
- Premiums may be picked up on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday
In the Home Arts Building.
- Artwork will be released between 9:30-10:30 on Saturday.
No Exceptions! Any unclaimed items will be moved to the south end of the
building available for pickup on Monday morning. We are not responsible
for any unclaimed items after 10:30 on Saturday.
- Only Original works will be eligible.
- Sweepstakes is awarded to the judges favorite piece overall.
- No class work (unless original design, must specify), or no work copies from other artist work will be considered.
- A person can be awarded sweepstakes winner every third year.
- Sweepstakes award includes all divisions and will receive a ribbon,
$6 premium, a Feldman’s gift Certificate, and $150.00 in other donations.
- Awards will be given to the artists who are voted “People’s Choice” by the
viewing public.
- The Adult winner and the winning artist, 18 years or younger, will each receive a plaque and a Feldman’s gift Certificate.
- People’s Choice voting will end at 10:00 p.m. on Friday in order to display
the winning artwork all day on Saturday.
- Eight “Special Merit” Award ribbons and $5 premiums ( 1 each in
Classes A-G and 1 in Class J) will be awarded to the pieces the
Judges feel are outstanding in the division.
Classes A-D
Lot 1
Adult Art (Ages 19 and up)
- 1) Oil
- 2) Acrylic
- 3) Watercolor
- 4) Drawing Media: Pencil, Ink, Colored pencil, Scratchboard,
Computer Art (All Original-no programs)
- 5) Pastel and Chalk
- 6) Printmaking: Woodblock, Etching, Screen Print
- 7)Sculpture
- 8) Pottery
- 9) Collage
- 10) Miscellaneous
CLASSES A-D: All entries must compete in the highest division that they have ever competed in. All judging will be competitive having reached a quality of work that places them a class above Amateur.
- A total of four ribbons may be given in each division:
1st place - $4, 2nd place - $3, 3rd place - $2.50, 4th place - $2.
- In the event there is only one entry in a class and no completion, prize money and ribbons may not be awarded unless judges feel the artwork merits an award.
CLASS A: (Ages 19 and up) PROFESSIONAL
- A Professional is one who is actively engaged in the art field in his or her occupation or one who teaches classes or sells artwork for a portion of their income.
- A Semi-professional is one who has reached a degree of professional quality in their work. This classification is a matter of ability and attitude more that career.
- Advanced Amateur is one who will be consistently painting, striving for a
quality of workmanship, creativity, and originality that placed them above amateur.
CLASS D: (Ages 19 and up) AMATUER
- An amateur is one who is frequently taking classes and/or studying with more experienced painters, or uses artwork as a hobby.
Lot 1
Youth Art 11-18
All judging will be based on individual merit, enabling the artist to improve in the areas where they are weak and strengthen the quality of their work. These artists are beginning to occasional painters who are working to improve their abilities and gain mastery of their media.
- Ribbons will be awarded as follows:
1st place –$2.00, 2nd place - $1.50, 3rd place – $1.00
- Artwork can be framed and ready to hang with screw eyes and wire of shrink wrapped with sticky backed hanger.
- 1) Oil
- 2) Acrylic
- 3) Watercolor
- 4) Drawing media: Pencil, Ink, Colored pencil, Scratchboard,
Computer art (All original-no programs)
- 5) Pastel and chalk
- 6) Printmaking: woodblock, etching, screen print
- 7) Sculpture
- 8) Pottery
- 9) Collage
- 10) Miscellaneous
- Class or school work will be accepted.
CLASS F: (Ages 11-14) YOUTH
- Class or school work will be accepted.
Lot 1
- Entries must be original. No Color book pages or paint-by-numbers allowed.
- Only one entry per child
- Entries will receive a 1st or 2nd place ribbon.
- All entries accepted (i.e. paint, crayon, colored pencil, pencil, marker, etc.
- Artwork need not be framed unless desired.
- All entries receive $1.00 and one entry will receive a Special Merit Award
Ribbon, $5.00 premium, and a Feldman’s gift Certificate.
CLASS H: (Ages 5 and under) CHILDRENS ART
- All rules apply as stated for Children’s Art above.
- Entries will not be judged but will receive a participation ribbon and $1.00
Lot 1
- Literature must be original, with original illustration.
- Entries may be typed or neatly handwritten, with illustrations done in any media.
- Books must be bound, but need not be professionally done, however, presentation is considered in the judging. Cover page and author page is required.
- Only one entry per exhibitor will be allowed.
- Ribbons will be awarded as follows:
1st place – $2.00, 2nd place – $1.50, 3rd place - $1.00
- Entries must be original and may be typed or neatly handwritten.
- Poetry may be presented in sheet protectors or framed and ready to hang.
- Only one entry per exhibitor will be allowed.
- Ribbons will be awarded as followed: Special Merit $5.00
1st place - $2.00, 2nd place - $1.50, 3rd place - $1.00
Adult Art (Ages 19 and up)
Dianne Adams : 257-6562
Dianna Maughn: 257 -3527
Youth Art (Ages 11-18)
Lori Nicholes: 854-3839
Children’s Art
Vicki Rhodes: 257-7276
Poetry and Literature
Tamara Zollinger: 257-7696