Español 2 Profe.Ramaeker

Classroom Procedures and Policies

Required materials


Folder or 3 ring binder for handouts

-a writing utensil

Leaving Class/Pass Policy

If you need to leave the room during class, use common sense as to when the best time is and please ask. This is a privilege and you will receive it as long as it is not abused.

Class begins when the bell rings

Tardiness is not acceptable. A warning will be given for one unexcused tardy. The second will result in serving time after school.


In the case of absences, it is the student’s responsibility to A.) show me the work we corrected/collected during his/her absence B. ask what was missed C. schedule a time to makeup the quiz, test, activity, or assignment.

or: go to Plymouth School District Website.

Click Plymouth High School. Click Teacher webpages. Click Mr. Ramaeker. Choose calendar. Click on date of assignment. To receive assignments click on links from the Spanish 2 wiki page.

To access my wiki site directly:

Seating assignments

Seats will be assigned. I feel that the most learning takes place in an environment with the fewest distractions.


Your grade will be computed using total points. Every graded activity will have points that will be converted into a percentage for your quarter and final grades. Your grade will be based on the following:

Tests, quizzes and projects

  • Quizzes/Tests Most quizzes will be announced before given (however I do reserve the right to give a pop quiz). They will include only information covered in class.
  • Special projects As an alternative to written tests projects will be assigned to demonstrate a student’s understanding of concepts discussed in class. A project usually will carry the same point value as a written test. Some projects are mandatory while others are offered as an alternative to a traditional test.

Class participation and partner activities

  • Class Participation and effort. Participation in the class includes partner activities, in class speaking, and quick start reviews. Effort is being prepared with materials, engaging in Spanish speaking activities and songs, and staying focused and positive about learning.
  • “Rapiditos” Almost every day, the class will be given a warm-up activity called a “rapidito” Most of the time, you will find the “rapiditos” on the Spanish 2 wiki page. Sometimesthe “rapiditos”will be directly submitted to Skyward (grading program); other times they will serve as review to generate discussion about a learning target.


  • Classwork Classwork is used as practice for understanding the material. Periodically the homework will be collected for a grade, although most of the time the assignments will be reviewed in class to clarify any questions.Assessments will contain questions similar to the daily work. Students will be allowed to exempt the final exam if 80% or more of the homework is turned in.
  • Retakes:

Students who have shown participation and effort in completing 80% daily work may retake tests or quizzes. All assignments relative to the current test material must be completed in order to retake test. The test retake will be a modified version of the original.

Extra Credit: Extra Credit opportunities will be announced periodically.

Grading Scale

85.5-88.4 B73.5 - 76.4C-

94.5-100 A82.5 - 85.4 B-70.5 - 73.4D+

91.5-94.4 A-79.5 - 82.4 C+67.5 - 70.4D

88.5 - 91.4 B+76.5- 79.4 C64.5 – 67.4D-

Nuestras Responsabilidades:

  1. Be on time
  2. Do your own work
  3. Respect yourself and others
  4. Bring materials to class

I will work hard to prepare the best lessons and units for you and your classmates. I will do my best to make room B227 a place where you are not afraid to take risks and you can acquire as much Spanish as possible. If there is something I can do to make class better, share your ideas with me.

Others things to keep in mind:

  • Leave any fear at the door. Relax and TAKE RISKS with the language.
  • Demonstrate a positive attitude. Students who believe in their potential and that of their peers have a powerful impact on both the individual and the group level of performance. Grumps and complainers, on the other hand, drain class energy.
  • Be organized. (The netbook will help!)
  • Set a goal, and push yourself to achieve it. Take advantage of as many opportunities as possible in and outside of the classroom. Reading, listening to music, watching Spanish TV, chatting with the exchange students and friends, and interacting with the Spanish speaking community are not only beneficial, but also a lot of fun.
  • SEE ME, TELL ME if you are struggling, or if you need a challenge. I am available Periods 1,4and after school.

Feel free to contact me at home 893-2058 or at school 893-6911 ext. 1612 if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year. My Email address is .

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness” – Mark Twain