Human Resources
Review Period:January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
Employees Covered:
All Regular Employees, including: Contract Professionals, Unclassified Staff, Classified Staff, and
Bargaining Unit Staff / Section I - Employee Information
Employee ID:
Employee Name:
Job Title:
Supervisor’s ID:
Supervisor's Name:
Fill in time period if Review Period is different than noted: / From: / To:
The 2010 Annual Performance Review Program at The University of Akron is a collaborative process where the employee and supervisor complete the review form together. For further instructions, please refer to the online 2010 Guidelines at:
The University requires that all University employees whose assigned duties include some involvement with The University of Akron’s intercollegiate athletics program comply with all relevant NCAA bylaws in performing their work.
Section II - Identify Duties/Responsibilities & Review Employee Performance
Duty No. / Employee:Briefly describe each duty you performed in the past year. Provide comments on your performance of each duty during the past year. Where applicable, refer back to the “Goals and Objectives” section of your 2010 Performance Review Form. / % of Time Spent on Duty / Supervisor:
Rate how employee performed duty listed. / Supervisor:
Provide comments assessing the employee’s performance in relation to this duty.
1 / Excellent
Very Good
2 / Excellent
Very Good
3 / Excellent
Very Good
4 / Excellent
Very Good
5 / Excellent
Very Good
Section III - Overall Performance and Summatives
Overall Rating Summarized by Category:Rating / Number of Duties Receiving Rating / Percentage of Total Duties
Performance is excellent.
Performance is very good.
Performance is good.
Performance is fair.
Performance is poor.
Supervisor's summative/additional comments:
Employee's summative/additional comments
Section IV – 2011 Goal Setting and Employee Professional Development Plan
This section moves the employee and supervisor from discussing the previous review period to the upcoming review period (January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011). Use this section to list one to four goals for the upcoming year.
IMPORTANT – for all duties listed as “Below Expectations” in Section II, supervisor and employee should use this space to list course of action that will be taken to improve performance.
My individual Action Plan consists of the following steps to align my job duties with my department’s and/or division’s 2011 goals and objectives as well as meet my professional development goals: / Describe how it is to be Accomplished1. / Departmental (team with co-worker, supervisor)
In-house (HR, IT, continuing education)
External (off-campus)
2. / Departmental (team with co-worker, supervisor)
In-house (HR, IT, continuing education)
External (off-campus)
3. / Departmental (team with co-worker, supervisor)
In-house (HR, IT, continuing education)
External (off-campus)
4. / Departmental (team with co-worker, supervisor)
In-house (HR, IT, continuing education)
External (off-campus)
Section V - Signatures and Processing
My supervisor and I have reviewed this document together.
I agree with my supervisor's review of my performance.
I do not agree with my supervisor's review of my performance. Explain why in "Employee's Summative/Additional Comments" section or attach additional documentation.
Employee Signature ______Date ______
Immediate Supervisor's Signature______Date ______
Reviewed by
Second Level Supervisor ______Date ______
Send the original completed form to Human Resources (+4732).Reviewed by Human Resources ______Date ______
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HRF035 Regular Performance Review