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EESC Civil Society Prize
Notice to candidates
Candidates are herewith informed that , in accordance with Article 138(3) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 (OJ L 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1) and Article 214 o the Rules of Application,
Candidates have the sole liability in case of claim relatingto the activities carried out in the framework of the prize;
The winners shall accept checks and audits by theEESC, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Court of Auditors and the publicityobligations as specified in EU financial rules;
The civil society prize shall be governed by EU law, complemented, where necessary, by the national substantive law of Belgium;
Candidates which are in one of the situations referred to in Article 106(1) and Articles 107, 108 and 109 of the Financial Regulation, will be excluded from the prize.
If candidatesbelieve that there was maladministration, they may lodge a complaint to the European Ombudsman within two years of the date when they became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based (see
The court responsible for matters relating to this prize is the General Court of the European Union:
General Court
Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
L-2925 Luxembourg
tel.: (+352) 4303 1 fax: (+352) 4303 2100
Candidates are furthermore informed that:
Processing the application for the prize will involve the recording and processing of personal data (such as name, address etc.). Such data will be processed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. Unless indicated otherwise, the replies to the questions and any personal data requested are required to evaluate the application and will be processed solely for that purpose by the Communication Department.
Candidates are entitled to obtain access to their personal data on request and to rectify any such data that is inaccurate or incomplete by contacting the data controller (Communicatin Department, Mr Peter Lindvald-Nielsen, e-mail: ). In case of queries concerning the processing of their personal data, candidates may address them to .Candidates have the right of recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor for matters relating to the processing of your personal data[1].
For the purposes of safeguarding the financial interest of the Communities, personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, to the European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel and/or to the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).
Personal data (name, given name if natural person, address, legal form and name, and given name of the persons with powers of representation, decision-making or control, if legal person) of candidateswhich are in one of the situations referred to in Articles106, 107, 109(1) and 109(2) of Regulation No 966/2012 may be included in a central database managed by the Commission (CED) and communicated to the designated persons of the Commission, other institutions, agencies, authorities and bodies mentioned in Article 108 of Regulation No966/2012. Any party entered into the database has the right to be informed of the data concerning it, up on request to the accounting officer of the Committee or directly to the accounting officer of the Commission.
Prior to the registration in the CED, the candidate concerned shall be given the opportunity to express its view in writing (14 calendar days to do so). However, pending a possible decision on the duration of the exclusion and in order to protect the Union's financial interest, it may be requested a provisional registration of an exclusion warning already before having given the third party concerned the opportunity to express its views.
The CED is operated by the Commission for which a specific privacy statement is available on the europa website of this institution at the following address:
The undersigned (insert name of the signatory of this form):
in [his][her] own name(if the nominee is a natural person)
representing the following civil society organisation(if the nominee is a civil society organisation):
full official name:
official legal form:
full official address:
VAT registration number:
acknowledges the above.
Full nameDateSignature