2012 SENIOR CHECKLIST as of 08/08/11
SEPT 14 Fresno Area College Night @FresnoConvention Center, 6:00-8:00.
20 Madera South High School College and Career Night in the cafeteria
Classroom presentations
OCT Classroom presentations
NOV Deadline for MCC Scholarship.$$
MAR MCC/FCC Orientation, must sign- up in
Deadline for FCC Scholarships.$$
APR23 CSF Life Member Night.
MCCC/FCC On-Site Registration, must have
submitted application, taken Placement Test and gone to orientation. / AUG Applyon-line for SAT Reasoning or ACT,should be taken by December
SEPT 14 Fresno Area College Night @Fresno
Convention Center, 6:00-8:00.
20 Madera South High School College and Career Night in the cafeteria
OCT 1- Application period
NOV 30
Classroom presentations
OCT Online Application Workshops
must make appointment.
NOV 30 Deadline for CSU Scholarship, see application
for instructions. $$
APR 23 CSF Life Member Night.
MAY CSU notification of ELM and EPT Exams
7-18 AP Testing
Request from Registrar final semester transcript sent to college. / AUG Apply on-line for SAT Reasoning or ACT
and SAT Subject. All tests should be taken
by November.
SEPT 14 Fresno Area College Night @Fresno Convention Center, 6:00-8:00.
20 Madera South High School College and Career Night in the cafeteria
OCT SAT & ACT application workshop
Lunch and after school
Personal Statement Workshop
NOV 1-30 Application period.
Online Application Workshops after school
JAN Deadline for UC Scholarships, see application
for instructions.$$
APR 23 CSF Life Member Night.
MAY 1 UC Statement of intent due.
7-18 AP Testing
Request from Registrar final semester transcript sent to college.
REPS / FCC TBA, weekly, beginning in Nov.Regina Uribes Weekly, beginning in Nov.
MCC Daniel Rivera,weekly,beginning in Nov. Dan Rivera, weekly, beginning in Nov. Weekly, beginning in Nov. / CSUF TBA , weekly, beginning in Nov. / UCTBA, weekly, beginning in Nov.
TESTS / OCT 20 ASVAB Test (Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery)
NOV Madera Community/FresnoCommunity
Placement Test, must sign-up in CareerCenter.
FEB MCC/FCC Placement Test for ELL and
SpecialEd students. / SAT: Register Online at
Test Date Postmark Date Late Registration
10/01/11 + Subject 09/09/11 09/21/11 09/20/06
11/05/11 + Subject 10/07/11 10/21/11 10/11/06
12/03/11 + Subject 11/08/11 11/20/11 11/09/06
01/28/12 + Subject 12/30/11 01/13/12
03/10/12 02/10/12 02/24/12
05/05/12 + Subject 04/06/12 04/20/12 01/04/0703/10/07 SAT only 02/02/07 02/14/07 02/14/0705/05/07 + Subject 03/29/07 04/11/07 04/11/07
06/02/12 + Subject 05/08/12 05/22/12 / ACT: register online at
Test Date Postmark Date Late Registration
09/10/11 08/12/11 08/26/11
10/22/11 09/16/11 09/30/11
12/10/11 11/04/11 11/18/11
02/11/12 01/13/12 01/20/12
04/14/12 03/09/12 03/23/12
06/09/12 05/04/12 05/18/12 08/25/06 08/18/06 08/25/06
AUG Listen to daily bulletin for specific scholarship
information. Obtain more Info in CareerCenter.
OCT Starting period for Financial Aid Profile for some
private schools.
DEC FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
and GPA Verification classroom distribution.
JAN 1 First day to submit FAFSA & GPA Verification
Local Scholarships Packet distribution.
24 Financial Aid Workshop to complete FAFSA
FEB Deadline for Local Scholarships Packets due in
CareerCenter by 3:45 SHARP.
MAR 2 Deadline to submit FAFSA & GPA Verification
APR First notification of Cal Grant recipients.
MAY24 Senior Scholarship Awards Night. / State Center Community Colleges Info
FAFSA Online Application
US Government Financial Aid FAFSA
Scholarships, Loans, etc.
Scholarships, Loans, etc.
Online Applications, Aid, etc.
Financial Aid
College/Career Search
SAT’s, College Search,
Financial Aid
ACT Test
California State University Info
University of
California Info
Research Colleges, Aid
www(college name).com or.edu Specific College Info / OCT 11-12 CAHSEE Test
14-16Semester Finals
MAR 13-14CAHSEE Test
APR 2-9 Spring Break
OEII Make Up Interviews
MAY 19 Prom
Senior finals
31 Senior Exit Activity
JUNE 1 Graduation!