ChristianBrothersGrammar School


Application for the Post of Senior Prefect

Name ______Class ______

Which of the following posts would you like to be considered for? (Please circle - students may select a maximum of 3posts. If selecting more than one please state order of preference; i.e. write 1st, 2nd or 3rd beside it).)

Pastoral Prefect Liturgical prefectLibrary Prefect

Music prefect Community & PR Sports Prefect

Performing Arts Prefect Eco Prefect

If your application for Senior Prefect is successful would you like to be considered for the position of :

Head Prefect Yes/ No Deputy Head Prefect Yes/ No

Completed application forms should be returned to Mrs McMorrow (Room 34), Mr McKenna or Mrs Nugent (Study Hall) no later than 3.30 pm onTuesday 3rd May 2016

Academic progress

  1. What grades and scores did you achieve in your most recent school report/ are you currently working at?

Subject / Teacher / CA Grade / Homework Grade / If you achieved lower than a Grade C please explain why.


  1. Give your percentage attendance for this school year ______

(Available at the school office or form your form teacher.) If you have had a illness or other genuine reason for absence that may have affected your overall attendance score please outline this in the space below. )


Involvement in extra-curricular activities in school

4. Are you currently a hall monitor? Y/ N

4.b. How effective do you feel you have been in carrying out your hall monitor duties?

Very effectiveEffectiveNot as effective as I could have been

4.c. Have you helped out at any of the following school events in 2015-16. (Please circle those you have assisted with/ participated in.)

School Concerts Familiarisation Day Transfer Test Day 10/5 k Run/ Walk

Open Day Post 16/ KS4 choices evening Parent Teacher Meetings

Other (Please specify below)

  1. Participation in school and community events is an important part of the role of a senior prefect. These events may take place at weekends or in the evenings. Would you be available to help out with such events during the next academic year?

Y / N

  1. Please state clearly any dates/ times during the next academic year that you feel you would be unavailable.


  1. In what other ways have you participated in school life including extra-curricular activities and posts of responsibility and explain their relevance to your application for the position of Senior Prefect? e.g. skills and qualities they’ve developed that may be beneficial in the post of senior prefect.

Key Stages 3 and 4

In Year 13

Involvement in out of school activities

7.List your involvement in out of school activities e.g. Youth Club or Parish and explain

their relevance to your application for the position of Senior Prefect.e.g. skills and qualities they’ve developed that may be beneficial in the post of senior prefect.

10. In no more than 500 words please use the space below to explain why you have applied for the particular senior prefect/ deputy/ head prefect role(s) on Page 1 of the application form and what initiative you would like to introduce to that particular role(s). If you have selected 2/3 senior prefect / head/ deputy head roles you may wish to focus most of your answer on the role you selected as your first choice.

Signature ______Date ______

Completed application forms should be returned to Mr McKenna or Mrs Nugent (Study Hall) no later than 3.30 pm onTuesday 3rd May 2016.