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TRIBE: ______

Annual Narrative Report 2014-2015

Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery

G2G Fundingand Mental Health Mini Grant Block Grant Narratives

(Please respond to each question if applicable)

Treatment and Prevention:

  1. Needs Assessment – (See 45 CFR 96.133, 45 CFR 96.122, and 42 USC 300x.29)
  2. How have the needs of the populations been met?
  1. What strategies have been used to improve existing treatment and prevention programs, create new programs, or actions taken to remove barriers?
  1. Describe the strengths and challenges faced in delivering treatment or prevention services?
  1. How many unduplicated clients have received treatment services in the past year?
  1. Describe efforts made to ensure that training and continuing education is made available to treatment and prevention staff. (See 42 USC 300x-28(b) and 45 CFR 96.132(b))
  1. Coordinating prevention activities and treatment services with other appropriate services. (See 42 USC 300x-29(c) and 45 CFR 96.132(c))
  1. Describe what activities or initiatives have been implemented to coordinate services.
  1. What activities have been used to raise public awareness in communities?
  1. Describe what tools are used to perform background checks on all employees, volunteers and subcontractors?

Treatment Only:

  1. Referral for Treatment - (See 42 USC 300x-28(a) and 45 CFR 96.132(a))
  1. Describe the process for referring individuals to the treatment modality that is most appropriate for the individual, including co-occurring services.
  1. Describe the strength and challenges with utilizing the GAIN-SS tool with each new client?
  1. What strategies have been taken to ensure an integrated assessment is completed for clients with a positive screen for the possibility of a co-occurring disorder?
  1. Provide specialized services for pregnant women and women with dependent children. (See 42 USC 300x-22(b) (1) (C) and 45 CFR 96.124(c) (e))
  1. Describe treatment services designed for pregnant women and women with dependent children.
  1. Describe how the tribe makes prenatal care and child care available.
  1. Preference in admission given to pregnant and parenting women.(See 42 USC 300x-27 and 45 CFR 96.131)
  1. Describe the procedure or the process used to ensure that PPWs are provided interim services within 48 hours.
  1. What mechanism is utilized for maintaining contact with the individual awaiting admission to treatment?
  1. Services to Intravenous Drug Abusers
  1. Describe how the tribe ensures treatment admission is provided within 14120 days.
  1. What activities or initiatives are in place to ensure that IVDUs receive treatment, referrals, or interim service? (In addressing this narrative the Tribe may want to discuss: Outreach, Waiting list(s), Education, Risk reduction, Detoxification, and Methadone Maintenance)
  1. Describe any health and safety issues at the treatment facility and action taken to correct the issues.

Mental Health Mini Grant - Wellness Promotion ONLY

Please describe:

  1. the activities
  1. the outcomes
  1. what worked
  1. what you would do differently