Psych 2000

Personality Psychology

Spring, 2009

Instructor: Dr. Richard MangoldOffice: D302Office Hours: TBA

Telephone: (815)224-2720 ext 367Email:

Texts: Feist, J. & Feist, G. (2008). Theories of Personality - Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill Publishers: New York.

Biological Bases of Behavior (2005). McGraw-Hill Compilation Booklet

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The primary learning objective of this personality psychology courses is to explore the subject matter of the field and to become familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of the field and with some of the research findings upon which our knowledge of human thought and behavior is based. Furthermore, the primary goal of this class is to emphasize development of critical thinking skills and to prepare you to be a cautious and analytical consumer of information that is proclaimed to be scientific or to be based on research.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: There are 5 tests that you will be required to complete. There will be matching, fill in the blank, short answer, and essay items from each chapter reading. Each of the five tests will follow the completion of each of the sections of the text. The total value for each test is 50 points.

ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING AND GRADING: Grades will be assigned based on the number of points accumulated during the semester. The maximum number of points for each exam is 50. From the 5 exams, your 4 highest grades will be used to determine your final grade for a total of 200 points. The lowest test score will be dropped. If you miss an exam due to illness, a conflicting schedule, or just do not want to take one, that counts as one drop. There will be NO make upexams and NO exceptions. If you know that you are going to miss a test it must be taken ahead of time not after the test. The maximum number of points for all regular exams is approximately 200. The final exam is worth 200 points and will contain questions from material covered on previous examinations. Opportunities to do extra credit will be given throughout the semester. Students are encouraged to do as much extra credit as possible. You can calculate your own grade throughout the semester by dividing the total points you have achieved by the total possible. Grades will be assigned as follows:

"A" is 90% and above (300 to 270 points), "B" is 80-89% (269 to 240 points), "C" is 70-79% (239 to 210points), "D" is 60-69% (209 to 180 points), and "F" is below 60% (below 180 points).

Tentative Schedule *

Week 1Introduction – Ch. 1 - Introduction to Personality

Week 2, 3 & 4Biological Basis of Personality

Week 5 & 6Assessment and Psychological Testing and the DSM-IV

Week 7, 8 & 9 Exam 1 & Begin Psychodynamic Personality theory(Freud, Jung, Adler, Klein, Horney,

Sullivan, and Erikson)

Week 10 & 11Exam 2 – Begin Humanistic/Existential Personality Theory (Rogers, Maslow, May)

Week 12 Exam 3 – Begin Dispositional (Trait) Personality Theory (Allport, Eysenck, McCrae, & Costa)

Week 13Exam 4 – Begin Learning and Cognitive Theory (Skinner, Bandura, Rotter & Mischel)

Week 14 Exam 5 – Begin Review for Final Exam

Final Examination

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPECTATIONS: The student is expected to follow the guidelines for student code of conduct as outlined in the IVCC catalog. Students are expected to come to class, be on time, and read all of the assigned materials for class. There will be NO make up exams unless prior arrangements are made. There are NO exceptions. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your attainment of knowledge and understanding of the course materials by performing satisfactorily on examinations, quizzes, assignments, extra credit essays, and in-class activities. Any concerns regarding the code of conduct for students can be addressed by referring to the IVCC catalog.

Cell phones, pagers, and other similar equipment are not permitted in class without the prior approval of the instructor. Please be aware of others around you and turn your telephones off.

REQUESTS FOR MODIFICATION: Any student that needs additional help due to documented disability should make an appointment to meet with the instructor as soon as possible. Arrangements can be made to provide help in the LearningCenter.


Attendance will be taken on a daily basis. Whether or not you come to class is up to you. Experience has shown, however, that students that come to class and participate get more out of the course and eventually end up with a better grade. It is your responsibility to come to class. You will NOT be dropped from class is you simply don't show up. This may result in failing the class.


It is the student’s responsibility to ask the instructor to be withdrawn from the class. I do not automatically withdraw students without their agreement to do so. Withdrawal should be made to me in writing and include your name, student identification number, and your address. If you need or want to be withdrawn from class it is your responsibility to let the instructor know and make arrangements, during office hours, to fill out the necessary paperwork.


Withdrawal from the course can affect financial aid. Students who receive financial aid should see an advisor in the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from a course.


Plagiarism and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. If a student is caught cheating the test will be taken and the student will receive a failing grade for that test. If a student cheats a second time, they will be failed for the semester. Using someone’s work and claiming it as your own will also not be tolerated. If a student is caught plagiarizing they will be failed for the semester.


Since everyone in this course is an adult it is expected that students will practice self-control allowing others to speak, respecting each other, and allowing others to work in quiet during exams. This allows for a positive learning environment for all.

CLASS CANCELLATION If you are concerned that the college may be closed because of inclement weather please check the college website ( and note that on the opening page it will be posted or listen to your local radio station. A list of them is on the website as well. If you would like the college to alert you by text message or via your email address visit and sign up for which ever modality you would like to use.

OFFICE HOURS Office hours will be posted on my door (D302) and on my webpage at IVCC. It is best to call ahead and let me know if you are coming in. This might avoid conflicts with other students wanting that same time.