Unit 3 Area of Study 1: How does the nervous system enable psychological functioning?
Week / Dot Points / What to cover? / Activities/Resources / Jacaranda References1 /
- The roles of different divisions of the nervous system (central and peripheral nervous systems and their associated sub-divisions) in responding to, and integrating and coordinating with, sensory stimuli received by the body.
- The distinction between conscious and unconscious responses by the nervous system to sensory stimuli, including the role of the spinal reflex.
Focus is on the integration and coordination between different divisions to respond to sensory stimuli.
Spinal reflex
Distinguish between conscious and unconscious responses to stimuli. / Summarise- each division (including the main components and functions) using a flow chart or summary table.
Body Tracing Activity- use butchers paper, students to draw and label all the divisions.
Scenario Worksheet- create flow charts, diagrams or cartoons to represent the process of responding, integrating and coordinating with sensory stimuli. (see handout)
‘What am I? worksheet
Spinal reflex worksheet- Students use key terminology to describe a step by diagram of reflex. (See handout)
Comparison Table- students to use a table to compare/distinguish between the features of conscious and unconscious responses to stimuli / Chapter 2
Read pages 4-9, LA 2.1 pg. 9 &LA 2.2, Read Pages 9-10, LA 2.3 (SNS), Read Pages 10-11, LA 2.4 (ANS), LA 2.5 (SNS vs ANS), Read Pages 12-14, LA 2.6, 2.7 & 2.8, (Symp vs Para).
Read Pages 16-18
LA 2.9 & 2.10 (reflexes)
NS Division Revision LA 2.11
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- The role of the neuron (dendrites, axon, myelin and axon terminals) as the primary cell involved in the reception and transmission of information across the synapse (excluding details related to signal transduction)
- The role of neurotransmitters in the transmission of neural information between neurons (lock-and-key process) to produce excitatory effects (as with glutamate) or inhibitory effects (as with gamma amino butyric acid [GABA])
- The effects of chronic changes to the functioning of the nervous system due to interference to neurotransmitter function, illustrated by the role of GABA in Parkinson’s disease *Dopamine
Dendrites, Axons, Myelin & Axon terminals.
The synapse.
Basic types of neurons (sensory, motor &
Reception and transmission within the neuron (electrical) and across synapse (chemical).
Neural transmission,
Inhibitory (GABA)
Excitatory (glutamate)
Chronic NS changes
Neurotransmitter interference
Parkinson’s disease / Model a neuron- with anything you like (lollies, play-dough or pasta!)
Give students blank diagrams of a neuron and a synapse and get them to colour in and label.
Role play- get students into small groups. Allocate role cards (see handout). Neurotransmitters are given Bubbles and a blower and the lit Sparkler is passed between neuron parts (dendrite- soma-axon-myelin-axon terminal) to signify the electrical impulse. OR Card game- to demo neurotransmission (see handout)
Roll a neuron- see powerpoint slide (handout)
Activity for Lock and key- (see handout)
Research Task- Ask students to find other conditions caused by imbalances of these neurotransmitters (GABA, glutamate & dopamine)- eg. Anxiety, Depression, ADHD etc. (see handout)
Media response MJ Fox- -use as an intro to Parkinson’s and its symptoms. (see handout) / Chapter 2
Read pages 19-21
LA 2.12 pg. 22
Read Pages 23-25
LA 2.13 Pg. 25
Read Pages 26-31
LA 2.14 & 2.15 Reflection Pg. 31
Neurotransmitter & NS Revision: complete the checklist Pg.33 and Chapter 2 test. Pg. 34-38. (Check answers on ebook plus).
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- Sources of stress (eustress and distress) including daily pressures, life events, acculturative stress, major stress and catastrophes that disrupt whole communities.
Daily pressures, life events,
acculturative stress, major stress,
Distinction between eustress and distress / Life events- Holme’s Rahe Stress Scale-students can complete this and discuss. 6. Holmes Rahe Scale.docx
Catastrophe Japanese Tsunami Task- (teachers advice)
Acculturative stress case study- example of african refugee’s settling in rural Australia. Students can analyse how this project has reduced the acculturative stress these people have experienced. (Australian Story)
Kelly McGonigal- Ted talk on how we think about stress (leads into eustress and distress nicely, as well stress as a psychobiological process). / Chapter 3
Read pages 2-4 (Eustress & Distress) & complete LA3.1 pg.4. Read pages 5-6 & complete LA 3.2 Pg. 6 (Daily Hassels). Read pages 7-11 & complete LA 3.5 Pg. 12 (life events) & LA 3.7 pg. 12 (data analysis)
Read Pages 13- 20 & complete LA 3.8 Pg. 21
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- Models of stress as a biological process, with reference to Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome of alarm reaction (shock/counter shock), resistance and exhaustion, including the ‘fight-flight-freeze’ response and the role of cortisol.
Fight-flight-freeze response,
GAS and its stages
Cortisol / Great introduction to the physiology of stress and its relationship with illness.
FFF Response Short clip-
Modern Family Clip- Students will need to distinguish whether each character is showing a Fight, Flight or Freeze response. c/o Felcity CDES
Gas Scenarios- see handout / Read pages 22- 26 & complete LA 3.11 (cortisol) & 3.12 (FFF response)
Read Pages 28-33 & complete LA 3.14 & 3.15 (GAS)
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- Models of stress as a psychological process, with reference to Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman’s Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (stages of primary and secondary appraisal)
- Context-specific effectiveness, coping flexibility and use of particular strategies (exercise and approach and avoidance strategies) for coping with stress.
Lazarus & Folkman’s model
(just primary and secondary appraisal)
Coping with stress
Context-specific effectiveness
Coping flexibility
Approach strategies
Avoidance Strategies / Kelly Mcgonigal Ted Talk- role of psychology and thinking in our stress response
Lazarus and Folkman Scenario’s- (See Worksheet)
Venn Diagram- get students to compare and contrast the psychological and biological models of stress.
Article listing benefits of avoidance coping strategies:
Mentos Advert’s (Felicity CDES)- students will find these are all examples of approach strategies:
Stressful Scenario’s- get students into small groups, ask them to discuss the psychological aspects of the stressful event they’ve been allocated. They could work through Lazarus & folkman’s Model and come up with as many examples of approach and avoidance strategies and discuss which one’s would be most appropriate (context specific). (see handout) / Read pages 34- 37 & complete LA 3.17, reflection LA 3.18.
Read pages 38-45 & complete LA 3.23 Pg.46
Stress Revision: Complete the checklist Pg.48 and test. Pg. 49-53. (Check answers on ebook plus).
6 / Revision / Revision / SAC 1 (50 marks)