SLU Health and Safety Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2009
The meeting was held at Station 21. Members present; John Richardson (Chair), Paul VanGerwen (Training), Bill Fisher (Battalion 12), Mark Sparling (Battalion 11), Nate Herring (Cuesta CC), Janet Ford and Albert Aguilar (ServiceCenter), Kurt Petrie (Battalion 16), Chad Zerelek (Prevention).
Minutes were read from the August 26, 2009 meeting.
Old Business
We reviewed
- The use of energy drinks on duty.
- N1H1 updates.
- Vehicle accident review.
- 2009 Focus on Safety compliance.
- PPE committee report.
- MRE inspection for contamination.
- Heat related injuries.
- New chain saw chaps requirements.
- Eye protection for sawyers. (in use at the camps)
- Nomex gloves for driver operators (in stock at service center)
- Reviewed “3-Stripe and your out” policy.
New Business
Janet talked about turnout inspection and replacement. Turnouts need to be inspected annually and replaced after 10 years. Contact Janet or Albert if you have questions. The group recommended all turnouts be inspected by the BC’s at the company officers training or at 4039 training in each battalion and the results given to management for tracking.
Supervisors were reminded about PT and base-line requirements for all employees. Information for the requirements can be found in the 1855 section of the Health and Safety Handbook.
Discussed the accident review for vehicle fires causing ff injuries due to exploding shocks and struts. I sent out an email covering the accident and watch outs when dealing with vehicle fires. Let me know if you don’t have it and I’ll send it to you.
3419 reviewed the Target Safety program and how it will assist the unit getting out required H&S training.
New Business (cont.)
The dozer curtains have been or will soon be on all the unit’s dozers.
The H&S portion of the target safety program will include a hearing conservation plan for all of the IIPP programs and Focus on Safety 2010.
There is still concern in the field about double layered nomex. It is causing a higher rate of heat injuries and loss of production. There has been no direction from Sacramento Safety that the policy has changed. Supervisors need to evaluate their employees prior, during, and after training and incidents.
Ensure all employees are aware of the SOG for going code-3 with a trailer.
There is some concern with A/G frequencies assigned on Federal incidents. Employees are having trouble getting their GPH radios cloned with non standard frequencies. I will talk to B3409 about the issue.
I will talk with 3407 and 3409 about the “in quarters” issueand management will make a decision shortly. This had to do with the field calling “in response area” and the accountability issue of what happens between then and when they go in quarters. For some of the out stations that could be 30min plus.
FC Money is the contact for N1H1 questions and or procedures.
Accident/Injury Review
There was one heat related injury and two minor sprains reported this period. Supervisors are reminded to monitor employees for signs and symptoms of heat related injuries. Hydration is still an issue even with the cooler conditions. This goes for wildland as well as structure fires.
The meeting ended at 1115. The next meeting will be December 22, 2009. This will be a Tuesday due to the holidays and staff meeting.