Curriculum & Instruction/Ed Core Meeting/May 2, 20141

Present: Ingrid Spence (Chair), Melissa McConnell, Diane Swensen, Julie Amador, Beth Price, Sally Greene, Dan Campbell, Susan Kologi, Raymond Dixon, Teresa Million, Mary Orr, Alex Hollingshead


Alex moved to approve. Mary seconded. Motion passed.


Technical Records Specialist II

Correct title: Financial Specialist position has been filled. Valerie Headtke has joined us.

Director of Teacher Ed

The Dean is chairing the committee with Paul, Music, Ag Ed, Student Services are the committee.

Probably looking at a Fall 2015 start.

Legislative Update

Ingrid shared documentation. Be sure to update your syllabus and TaskStream as there are numerous changes.

Documents are linked to the agenda.

There are new Praxis exams.

NCTQ Participation Required

The President is requiring this and the Dean has tasked us to participate.

Dean’s Request for Syllabi

Every core class should be teaching to the Common Core Standards

Position Descriptions

Fill out the forms and schedule a meeting with Paul ASAP.

Curriculum Changes

EDCI 410, 453, and 463 change EDCI 302 to CO or PRE req.

EDCI 485 from 7-15 to 15

Beth moved to approve the curriculum changes as presented. Alex seconded. Motion passed.


Melissa reported what was discussed at Advanced Studies. Take a look at the proposal.

Background Check

There is a new policy and background check form. The form and documentation are attached to the agenda.

There is also a disclosure form that students will be required to sign. These need to go to Tammy Bowen, Andrea Chavez, or David Schloss.

Catalog Changes

Several teaching major and minors are being removed from the catalog.

The 20-credit economics teaching minor will continue; it is being removed from the list attached to the agenda.

C&I Travel Funds

Faculty who are full-time get $1,200. There is a spreadsheet attached to the Department Meeting agenda with details.

Shadow $$$ can also be used for travel.

Focus for the Future

We looked at the President’s letter with the results of the FFF study.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

The new policy is attached to the agenda. It is required that faculty contact the Dean of Students. This is no longer optional!

Tiered Licensure

Three licenses – UIdaho TPA, Professional Growth Plan, and pass all 22 areas.

Three tiers.

Eight years.

Committee of 30 people only included 2 K12 educators.

This is worrisome. May happen as soon as 2015.

TaskStream Rollover

Using newest core standards. Get these changed out right away.

State Board of Education Report

Report fromDan. Good job!

Spring Schedule

Ingrid will teach one EDCI 201 section at the Moscow High School, including dual enrollment students.

One other section will be taught on campus.

What are the major issues, concerns, questions, delights surrounding Education Core?

Susan has 90 students in EDCI 301 and Raymond has another 27.

There is a noise problem in EDCA 12 and EDCA 13. Equipment (microphones and speakers) has been ordered to resolve this issue.

Cassidy and Raymond talked about the TeachLive system for Classroom Management.

MWF open lab hours in Doceo Center. There are currently several classes on TR.

Meeting Schedule

October 10, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Other Business

Advising Symposium next Friday.

Meeting adjourned 2:16 p.m.