20.11. 2002


Thematic Priority

1.6. Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems

1.6.2: Sustainable Surface Transport



Table of contents




3.1: Objective 1 «New technologies and concepts for all surface transport modes (road, rail and waterborne)» 4

3.1.1 Short term research to support the European Transport Policy (Research domains from 1.1 to 1.3) 4

3.1.2 Research, technological development and integration ( Research domains from 1.4 to 1.10). 6

3.2 Objective 2 «Advanced design and production techniques» 9

3.2.1 Short term research to support the European Transport Policy 9

3.2.2 Research, technological development and integration (Research domains from 2.1 to 2.7). 9

3.3: Objective 3 «Re-balancing and integrating different transport modes» 13

3.3.1 Short term research to support the European Transport Policy (Research domains from 3.1 to 3.13). 13

3.3.2 Research, technological development and integration (Research domains from 3.14 to 3.17). 21

3.4: Objective 4 «Increasing road, rail and waterborne safety and avoiding traffic congestion» 22

3.4.1 Short term research to support the European Transport Policy (Research domains from 4.1 to 4.10) 22

3.4.2 Research, technological development and integration ( Research domains from 4.11 to 4.16). 28


5. Implementation Plan and Related Issues 32



Surface transport plays a key role in people’s everyday lives and is a decisive factor in economic competitiveness and employment. The promotion of its sustainable development without sacrificing either economic growth or the freedom of movement has become a central objective of the European Union policy.

Surface transport has to face the challenge of supporting future economic development and subsequent traffic increase without degrading the quality of transport services and protecting the environment. Research and technology developments have an important role to play and are providing the European Transport System with innovative vehicle technology and new forms of transport organisation and infrastructure.

The sustainable surface transport work programme proposes a set of research objectives which take into accountimplement the content of the Gothenburg declaration of June 2001 and the Commission White Paper on European Transport Policy ‘European transport policy for 2010: time to decide’[1].

The realisation of ERA across the entire surface transport chain of stakeholders and the different research schemes proposed at national level will be essential to achieve the aims for an Integrated and Sustainable Surface Transport System in Europe. The work programme implementation will, where appropriate, strengthen and complement research carried out under non-EU initiatives such as PREDIT, Mobilitaet und verkher, Foresight Vehicle, LOGCHAIN, DEUFRAKO, EUREKA etc in order to maximise the impact of research within ERA. Also, participation of organisations from Candidate Countries in ERA instruments will ensure a sustainable development and security of transport in an enlarged Union.

The complexity of the transport system is addressed in an integrated and comprehensive way, through two complementary approaches, that are identified in this work programme as Short-term research to support the European Transport Policy and Research, technological development and integration.

The Work Programme has been developed taking into consideration the complementarity of the transport policy orientated research and transport technology oriented research that must be carried out to achieve the goal of sustainable mobility.

Short term research to support the European Transport Policy addresses research for transport policy with emphasis on short-term implementation and exploitation of results. Research, technological development and integration focuses on the development of new technologies specific to surface transport and on their integration into future transport systems and products with a short, medium and long term perspective.

The technical content of the work programme is described in section 3. Research domains and activities proposed for the calls are presented in relation to the four objectives of the sub-priority as described in the specific programme. They are identified for each objective starting with Short-term research to support the European Transport Policy followed by Research, technological development and integration.

Research domains form a comprehensive and structured set of elements which will be addressed during the entire period of the Framework Programme by means of the different new and traditional instruments which are proposed. Within section 3, the description of research domains is followed by information on the selected topics to be included in the calls with deadlines in 2003. For Research, technological development and integration, additional information is given on possible subjects for the call with deadline in 2004.

An update of this document will be produced every year during the Framework Programme, giving information on further calls and revisions to the proposed research domains as appropriate.

Periodic Periodic Calls for Short-term research to support the European Transport Policy are identified with the letter A (1A, 2A, etc.) and periodic calls for Research, technological development and integration with the letter B (1B, 2B, etc.).



The sustainable surface transport work programme addresses the following objectives as defined in the Specific Programme::

Objective 1: New technologies and concepts for all surface transport modes (road, rail and waterborne).

Objective 2: Advanced design and production techniques.

Objective 3: Rebalancing and integrating different transport modes.

Objective 4: Increasing road, rail and waterborne safety and avoiding traffic congestion.

Modalities for implementation

Short term research to support the European Transport Policy

The activities described will be implemented by means of four periodic calls with deadlines in March 2003, December 2003, 2004 and 2005. These calls will include both new and traditional instruments. Details on the periodic calls with deadlines in 2003 are given in section 6 (Calls 1A (March 2003) and 2A (December 2003) in the rest of the document).

Research, technological development and integration

New instruments, specific targeted research projects, co-ordination activity actions and specific support actions will be implemented by means of three periodic calls with deadlines in 2003 and , 2004 and 2005 respectively and one opencontinuous call from year 20023 to 20056. Periodic calls cover new instruments, specific targeted research projects and co-ordination activityactions. The opencontinuous call includes only specific support actions. Details of the periodic call with deadline in 2003 (Call 1B (March 2003) in the rest of the text) are given in section 6. Information on the continuous call is also given in at the end of section 6.

Focussing the technical content of the research activities

A call An invitation to submit for Expressions of Interest[2] has been organised with the aim of assessing the readiness of the scientific community and industry to propose Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence. The results of the call invitation have been used as one of the inputs to help define the research domains of the work programme and to specify the technical scope of the first calls as well as indicative trends for future calls.

Short term research to support the European Transport Policy

Several research domains, including topics identified from the Expressions of Interest, have, have been considered ready for implementation by means of new instruments and of the highest relevance for Call 1A and Call 2A. Selected topics in Calls 1A (deadline March 2003) and 2A (dedlinedeadline December 2003) are given in section 3.

Other research domains of the work programme will be open for specific targeted research projects, co-ordination actions and specific support actions. Details on the research domains open for Calls 1A (deadline March 2003) and 2A (deadline December 2003) are also provided in section 3.

Research, technological development and integration

Given the number of expressions submitted, the strong presence of industry (49%) and the indicative size of potential projects it is considered appropriate to allocate up to 70% of the budget for the new instruments.

In total eleven research topics have been considered ready for implementation by means of new instruments and of the highest relevance for Call 1B. The four objectives defined in the sustainable surface transport research priorities are covered and the activities defined provide focus in terms of a precise definition of socio-economic objectives, the technical content and expected results. Selected topics for Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence in Call 1B are given in section 3 together with indicative topics for Call 2B (March 2004).

In order to fulfil the objectives of sustainable surface transport, structuring and integrating effects have to be complemented with technological developments of a more limited scope. Projects to acquire new essential knowledge on aspects such as developing new transport concepts (e.g. new types of vessels) or processes (e.g. advanced automation in manufacturing processes) are also foreseen. A limited and strategically relevant number of research domains of the work programme will be open for specific targeted research projects in the periodic calls. Details on the research domains open for Call 1B are provided (section 6).

International co-operation

The sustainable surface transport research programme welcomes the collaboration of organisations from Third Countries outside the Member States of the European Union and Associated States on a project-by-project basis, if the participants in the project find mutual benefit.

All research domains of the four objectives of the work programme are open to international co-operation.

Participation of SMEs

SMEs and small research centres through their participation in New Instruments will have an important role to play in integrating and structuring the technological and scientific base supportingdriving innovation in surface transport. In particular, they will be essential to the creation of new and improved value added supply chains across Europe and accordingly are expected to be key players in the underpinning research programme. SMEs are therefor encouraged to participate in research activities using New Instruments. Specific Targeted Research in areas such as the development of new inter-modal vessels and wagons or new construction processes for transport infrastructure which will be open in Call 1B represent concrete opportunities to stimulate SMEs’ participation. Specific measures to facilitate their participation to both new and traditional instruments will be implemented throughout the programme by means of Specific Support Actions, continuing the effort initiated in Framework Programme 5.


3.1: Objective 1 «New technologies and concepts for all surface transport modes (road, rail and waterborne)»

3.1.1 Short term research to support the European Transport Policy (Research domains from 1.1 to 1.3)

Clean Urban Transport

The development and introduction of new transport policy concepts in cities, where 80% of the EU population lives, is a major challenge for policymakers. The White Paper on the Common Transport Policy has identified congestion; pollution and energy consumption as key causes for the deteriorating performance of Europe’s transport systems, especially in the industrialised urban regions.

This research priority is of direct concern to authorities, businesses, citizens and the transport industry. It addresses both urban passenger and freight transport. In an era of just-in-time delivery, competition among cities and regions and environmentally conscious development, urban transport has become an important element of the European production system and social fabric – ensuring the conditions for economic growth and social integration.

Research will focus on RTD activities for developing, testing and demonstrating innovative policy tools and technological solutions.

CIVITAS II will address implementation and transition strategies for Clean Urban Transport. Research in the field of public transport will include the development of innovative solutions for market analysis and product development, offensive marketing, service integration, improved access for people with reduced mobility, private sector investments, and low-cost network and vehicle refurbishment. To advance the knowledge on innovative measures, research is planned on urban pricing, awareness and information tools, mobility management, integrated planning approaches, and access control and regulation.

Research domains:

1.1 Testing implementation and transition strategies for Clean Urban Transport – CIVITAS II

1.2 High quality public transport

1.3 Advancing knowledge on innovative measures in urban transport Selected topics for Call 2A
Ø  Testing implementation and transition strategies for Clean Urban Transport CIVITAS II (Call 2A)

Joint initiative with Thematic priority 1.6.1 (sustainable energy systems).

Objective: CIVITAS II (CIty–VITAlity–Sustainability) addresses :addresses:

(1) Ambitious cities in the EU, which should test implementation strategies for innovative and bold integrated packages of transport policy and fuel/vehicle-technology measures that are able to maintain or improve the existing modal split in favour of ‘alternative modes’.

(2) In particular, cCities in the Accession Countries, which should concentrate on transition-strategies for innovative and bold integrated packages of transport policy and fuel/vehicle-technology measures that are able to maintain existing modal splits despite the rapid increases in car-ownership.

Scope: Each proposal should combine:

(1) Energy-efficient, cost-effective and clean public and/or private vehicle fleets for passenger or freight transport (minimum Euro-IV standard) using alternative fuels and the necessary fixed energy infrastructure (see Work Programme 1.6.1 – sustainable energy systems for more details),

with a wider package of

(2) Policy measures and tools in order to cover both the transport demand and supply side. The package of policy measures should be city/area wide and well focussed. It should address as many as possible of the following categories of measures and tools:

·  Demand management strategies based upon access restrictions to the inner city areas and other sensitive zones by means of introducing access control permitting access only to clean and energy efficient vehicles (including collective transport vehicles), and to cycling and walking; parking management;

·  Demand management and revenue raising strategies based upon integrated pricing strategies by means of introducing full scale area-wide or city-wide pricing schemes, that can incorporate integrated strategies for road and cordon pricing, possibly in combination with innovative use of pricing of parking and of public transport

·  Stimulation of collective passenger transport and its quality of service by means of introducing clean and energy-efficient vehicle fleets; non-conventional public transport systems; innovative organisational, financing and management schemes; improved security and safety; integration with walking, cycling and other modes; particular attention should be paid to accessibility for people with reduced mobility.