Sacred Heart Catholic Church Week of February 24, 2013
Masses/ Misas de Esta Semana
Saturday February 23rd
5:00 pm
W Howard Joseph by Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fisher
W Margarito Rodriguez by Rebecca Rodriguez
Sunday February 24th
7:30 am
W Jaime Vega by Gary & Becky Meyer
9:30 am
Trish Huse by Michael Burks
11:30 am
W Jose Angel Navejas by Navejas Family
1:30 pm
W Howard Joseph by Bob Ryan & JoAnn Joseph
W Albert Mikulencak, WAlbert, Jr., & WBarbara Garrett by
Ann Mikulencak
Monday February 25th
8:00 am
W Howard Joseph by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Joseph
Tuesday February 26th
Wednesday February 27th
6:00 pm
Deceased Members of the Ceplecha Family by
Isabelle Ceplecha
Lesley Reyes (birthday blessings) by Sulema Renteria
Thursday February 28th
8:00 am
W Lupe Reyes by Reyes Family
Friday March 1st
8:00 am
Zachary Ott (birthday) by Grandma Lily
Saturday March 2nd
5:00 pm
W Fanny Prewitt by Dan & Sandra Hicks
Altar Server Schedule
March 2nd 5 pm
Frank Castillo, Isaac Hernandez
March 3rd 7:30 am
Omar, Elsa, & Victoria Mendoza, Junior Tabares
March 3rd 9:30 am
Isaac Ubias-Gaspar, Max Fisher, Ashton Kresta
March 3rd 11:30 am
Elizabeth Vega, Mariano & Francisco Brionex
March 3rd 1:30 pm
Therese Werchan, Christian & Israel Martinez
Regular Collection Sunday February 17th $4,987.50
Youth Collection $ 186.13
Thank you for your donation/Gracias por su donación
Calendar of Events for the week of February 17th
10:30 am First Communion CCD
11:45 am Confirmation Class
12:00 (noon) CCD (6-8 grades)
2:30 pm High School Youth Group Crew 463
6:30 pm RCIA in the RE Library
7:15 pm Clase Basico de Biblia en Espanol, RE Salon #2
6:30 pm Middle School Youth Group
6:30 pm CCD Classes
10:00 am Bible Study
1:00 pm Sew & So
7:00 pm Talleres de Oracion Y Vida-Salon #2
8:30 am Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel All Day
12:00 pm Stations of the Cross
7:00 pm Stations of the Cross
3:00 pm Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel Ends
3:30-4:45 pm Confession in the Church
4:30 pm Rosary (church)
Prayer for the Sick
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones.
Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones.
And for all your love's sake. Amen.
Albert Arzola, Jr. Manuel Beltran, Sr., Zayden Bird,
Thomas Duarte, Santos Duran, John Garcia, Raymond Gomez, Elitania Guerrero, Kiirsten Guzman, Rick Harkins,
Susan Hohmann, Danny Lewis; Benito Lopez, Patricia Loredo, Ruben Medrano, Liborio Mendoza, Yesenia Mora, Billy Morris, Maria Luisa Ovalle, Ann Pease, Jenny Runde, Sylvia Renteria, Denice Stingl, Lacy Swarthout, Kyle Thomas, Mary Lou Vallejo, Elizabeth Verastegui, and Joe Westmoreland
May Perpetual light shine upon them and may they walk in the presence of the Lord.
Deceased: Hilarion Alvarado, Tony Renteria and
Dale Stanley
Due to the risk of spillage, we will no longer be carrying the communion cup to persons in the pews, but we will continue to take the Body of Christ to those who cannot approach the altar. Only those who are seated on the first row will be offered the cup. So, if you are unable to approach the altar and you would like to receive both the Body and Blood of Christ, please be seated in the first row. Remember that you do receive the fullness of the Body and the Blood of Christ under either species.
We would like to remind everyone that you should not try to enter the worship space during the Readings from Holy Scripture. Hospitality Ministers will ask that you please wait in the narthex (entryway to the church) until after the readings, at which time you may be seated. We appreciate your cooperation.
MARRIED COUPLES? Is your Lenten focus on your sacrament?
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a positive, common sense, private experience between you and your spouse that helps you to see again those loving qualities in each other again. What is God's plan for your marriage? Revitalize, Renew! Bring more of God’s love, forgiveness, and tenderness to your marriage by attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend.
The next weekends are March 22nd—24th (Round Rock Hotel) and May 3rd—5th (Cedarbrake Retreat Center). For more information and to apply, contact
Anh & Greg Thomas at 677-WWME (9963) or .
Each family is invited to pick up a special Lenten box, and keep it on or near the dining table in your home. Put in some coins each day during Lent and pray for missions worldwide. Return your Lent box to the parish on Easter. Money collected will help missionaries from our diocese working in other countries.
Invitamos a cada familia recoger una Cajita de Cuaresma y mantengala cerca de su mesa de comer. Deposite unas monedas cada día de Pascua y reze por las misiones mundiales. Este año, su generosidad asistira a misioneros de nuestra Diócesis trabajando en otros países. Regrese su cajita el Domingo de Pascua.
Debido al riesgo de derrame, ya no se llevara la Sangre de Cristo a las personas en las bancas, pero seguiremos llevando el Cuerpo de Cristo a los que no pueden acercarse al altar. Sólo a los que esten sentados en la primera fila se les ofrecerá la Sangre de Cristo. Por lo tanto, si usted no puede acercarse al altar y le gustaría recibir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, por favor tomen asiento en la primera fila. Recuerde que usted recibe la plenitud del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo bajo las dos especies.
Nos gustaría recordar a todos que usted no debe entrar al espacio de congregación durante las lecturas de la Sagrada Escritura. Ministros de Hospitalidad les pedimos que por favor esperen (y mantenga a los feligreses a la entrada de la iglesia) hasta después de las lecturas, momento en el cual usted puede pasarlos. Agradecemos su cooperación.
Email address for Bulletin and Announcements: Bulletin deadline is Tuesday by 5 pm & inserts by 7 pm
Webmaster: Veronica Barnes