Agenda for TLT-MAG Meeting, February 12, 2016
10:00-11:30 AM
RM 302, Middleton Building
Attendees: Steve Cramer, Linda Jorn, Bruce Maas, Bree Bruington, Brian McNurlen, Jocelyn Milner, Jonathan Klein, Marty Gustufson, Lee Konrad, Bruno Browning, Scott O, John Booske
Guests: Karen Skibba (on behalf of Katy Duren), Rafi, Rob, Elizabeth Harris (on behalf of Deb Helman), Bethany Gordy, Brian Rust, Jim Jonas(on behalf of Anna Lewis), Paul Oliphant, Rob Kohlhepp
Welcome – Linda Jorn (5 minutes)
- November Minutes approves
Updates (15 minutes)
- Linda Jorn updated on the UW–Madison Student Digital Ecosystem
- Brian updated on the Learn@UW Madison Service emerging tools
- Top Hat
- Course Evaluation Tool
- 50 departments will be using this tool this coming Spring.
Unizin and Canvas Updates (70 minutes)
- Steve Cramer and Bruce Maas updated on Canvas decisions
- D2L license ends June 2016
- ~650 schools have switched to Canvas, 350 schools within the last 24 months.
- Intention to transition to Canvas and sunset D2L and Moodle in approx.. 24 months.
- TLT-MAG subgroup to work on the resolution.
- Vice Provost has approved the integration structuring, but not the migration, until the governance group have weighed in and taken a position.
- David Miller has confirmed that if UW-Madison moved forward with Canvas and the other UWSystem does not, UW-Madison will not be financially liable for additional LMS costs.
- We have communicated back to Instructure about Canvas issues we are experiencing in the pilot. It is not certain whether they can fix these issues or whether we would handle those issues in house.
- Bruce Maas and Steve updated on Unizin Board discussions
- Where we are, compared to the other Unizin Founding schools, on Canvas and Unizin content adoption.
- Discussionwas led bySteve Cramer
- Rafi – Faculty hesitate due to lack of information. Any resolution should have more information on advantages and deficiencies of Canvas and how we would plan to go forward.
- Reminder to have intentional attention to be paid to those courses, programs and faculty deeply invested in and reliant on D2L and Moodle.
- Transition phases, timeline and communication will be critical.
- How can we learn from the other schools process, timeline and communication. Canvas R1 Peer group.
- Canvas Support needs to be ahead of Campus, be prepared to support transitioning faculty.
- Moving forward, John Z. appoint onesmall group to write resolution and Paul and Bruno will lead one small group of members to timeline and issues facing supportfor Canvas integration.
Next Scheduled TLT-MAG meeting:
March 16, 2016 1:00 – 2:30pm, RM 52 Bascom Hall