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Lesson 9-1: Guided Reading Activity

​Review Questions
Directions:Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Refer to your text to fill in the blanks.
I. Constitutional Powers

Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.
1.The problems caused by the ______showed theFounders the need for a strong executive to respond to problems, enforce laws, and carry out theacts of Congress.​
2.​The Founders did not want people to take a direct role in decision making and wanted a strong ______to hold the ______in check.​
3.​​Article II of the Constitution says that the executive power is given to a ______, whohas the power to execute laws, ______legislation, command the military, andengage with foreign leaders.
4.​​Although the ______can make treaties with foreign nations and appointambassadors and federal judges, these activities must be approved by the ______.
​Review Questions
Directions:Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Refer to your text to fill in the blanks.

​II. Growth of Presidential Power

Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.
5.​Over the years, presidents have enlarged their authority through claims of ______not clearly expressed in the Constitution.
6.​Congress and the courts may accept or limit a president’s use of______, and at times the Supreme Court has ruled those presidential actions______.​
Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.
7.​In times of ______or other crisis, presidents may use these powers to deal with thedifficulties.
8.​Presidents also claim the power of ______, or the right towithhold from Congress or the courts information about communications between the president andhis advisers.
9.​Presidents like to claim that, because they won the election, they have a ______fromthe people to pursue their ideas and policies.
10.​A significant safeguard against presidential abuse of power is the power of the House and Senate to ______the president.
​Review Questions
Directions:Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Refer to your text to fill in the blanks.

​III. Presidential Roles

11.​The seven main roles of the president are head of state, chief ______, commander inchief, chief diplomat, ______leader, economic planner, and party leader.​
​Summary and Reflection
Directions:Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the question below.

12.How did Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt each increase the power and role ofthe president?​

Answer Key

1.Articles of Confederation​
2.executive, legislature​
3.​president, veto
4.president, Senate​
5.inherent powers​
6.inherent power, unconstitutional​
8.​executive privilege
11.executive, legislative​
12.​Each of these presidents increased the power of the president by calling upon their inherent powers.Thomas Jefferson claimed the inherent power of the office of president to purchase, on behalf of thenation, the Louisiana Territory. Abraham Lincoln, during the Civil War, claimed the inherent powersof his office gave him the authority to do what was necessary to preserve the Union, includingsuspending some rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Theodore Roosevelt claimed inherent powerin order to break up “trusts” and intervene in labor disputes. He said that unless the Constitution orlaws forbade an activity, the president had the right to take whatever action the nation needed.
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