Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes

25th July 2016

Present: Mike Molloy, Louisa Steel, Jarrod Buchanan, Brendon Edge, Paul Hill, Chris Reddell, Jarrad Welsh, Suzanne Kirk-Smith (Minutes Secretary)

·  Previous Minutes/Matters Arising – minutes from June 2016 meeting were accepted as a true and accurate recording.
Strategic Decisions/Discussions
·  Charter Review – Strategic Goal 3
-  Year 4-8 children were consulted via a Google questionnaire on the school’s values. Positive feedback was received in most areas.
-  Parent engagement – drop-in sessions popular with parents especially around the 9am or 2pm time. Also when required, evening speaker sessions.
-  Signage for new build will be bilingual (Maori will be prominent) and to be incorporated into the other buildings. Local Runanga to be invited to view new building.
-  Maori/Pacific Island/Asian – Mandarin session available with Friday’s technology class (Years7-8). Kapa haka commencing this term.
·  Roadside Project Update
-  Jarrod advised he met with Chris and Vicky who are happy to sign document (similar to a Heads of Agreement). Document currently with Tavendales and should be back early next week. Do a timeline.
-  To obtain quote for replacing the fence. Chris and Vicky have indicated they would like to keep gate where it currently is. Have also advised they like the idea of planting native bush.
-  Jarrod has spoken to an asphalt company who have advised they would do the compacting/rolling for free of charge (to check re digging it out). To talk to the local quarry re supplying material and to see if communications box can be moved/buried.
-  to contact Council again re roadside (re lip of the road as well worn).
-  by next meeting should have quotes sorted, agreement in writing from quarry and asphalt companies, confirmation of cabling/communications box moved and what is involved. Timeline to be done to have completed project by Term 4.
·  New Build Update/Financial Approval – still on track. A few variations advised by Cooks Brothers since commencement (noted at their expense and not to come out of school funds). Outside area looking very smart, look at having a working bee in time. Deck to come off the staff room area. Looking at 23rd September for opening (to be confirmed). Mike went through School Spending Priorities :-
-  new build costings (cabinetry, fire & security, glass divider walls, wireless AP units, white boards) - $23,377 (subject to MOE approval) – Board unamiously agreed approval. Carried.
-  furniture for staff room, Principal’s office, admin area and sick bay - up to $11,500 furniture grant (and possibility of $4,000 from Op Budget should this be required) and $10,000 Rata Foundation grant for furniture for Years4-6. Board unamiously agreed approved. Carried.
-  FOS were looking at funding 2 x projections/sound system (installed) for the amount of $7,605. Board approved unamiously agreed. Carried.
Board have given approval for spending to take place once FOS have approved their funding and the MOE have approved any build modifications/additions.
·  Refurbishment Update - final plans received for refurbishment. Notification received from 15 contractors and short listed down to five. Next phase to get drawings finalised and send to final five for their tender. Property team to then go over and to bring back to Board for final approval at next Board meeting.
·  ERO Update – 29-31 August. Mike has asked previous Chairpersons Rod Hansen and Anna Chapman if they would be available for any questions. ERO will advise of their findings verbally and then provide a draft copy. Board members will be kept fully informed.
·  Cluster Update – Cluster has been accepted as Community of Learning. Next step is to appoint a Leader (Principal) who will source data from Cluster and look at strengths and weaknesses and what areas can be improved etc. Once Leader appointed, then able to obtain the funding. A representative from our Board will need to be appointed to assist in the Leader appointment process. Chris indicated he would be interested in this role.
·  Principal’s Report – Mike went through report.
·  Finance Report – Mike went through report. Tracking well. Mike advised the Board they are more than welcome to view previous reports/accounts.
·  Funding/Grant Applications – Paul advised he would take on this role moving forward and to liaise with Mike/Kim Greenhalgh (previous Board member).
·  Health and Safety - Paul to attend H&S meeting on 1st August at Tai Tapu School. Mike to contact Tai Tapu School to advise of Paul’s attendance and payment of invoice.
·  FOS – Chris attended last meeting. Discussion held re koha and what FOS actually pays for with regards to thank you gifts. Constitution that came into effect last year has no mention of special requests from the Board/Principal that enables thank you gifts on behalf of the school. Board agreed that a special request note could be added to the Constitution which could be looked at case by case and Chris will recommend at next FOS meeting. To assist with relationship between the FOS and Board, look at getting together once a year to assist FOS understand where the Board is going, their plan/funding requirements for the future etc. and to recognise FOS’s role that they play in benefiting the students and school.
·  Code of Conduct – Board received document.
- Code of Conduct: Principal - after a query was raised, Board unamiously decided to remove this section as a Principals Appraisal document was in place.
-  Code of Conduct: Board of Trustees – amendment to “Trustees will declare any conflicts of interests in Board discussions and abstain from any decisionmakingprocessesinthesecases where necessary”.
-  Code of Conduct: Board of Trustees – amendment to “Trustees will serve the school and community to the best of their ability”
-  Amendments to be made and reissued to Board members. Board members to sign and return to Mike.
·  Correspondence - no correspondence received.
·  Items for next meeting agenda:-
-  Cluster Review
-  Strategic Goal 1
-  Data Sharing
-  Roadside Project
-  New Build/
-  Refurbishment Update
-  ERO
-  FOS
·  Morning Tea for staff – Board to provide morning tea on Wednesday, 7th September (11.10am)
·  Board meeting dates for rest of 2016:-
-  Monday, 19th September
-  Monday, 17th October
-  Monday, 14th November
-  Monday, 5th December

Meeting concluded at 8.30pm

Next Meeting: Monday, 22nd August 2016 @ 6.15pm

Signed ………………………………………………………..

Louisa Steel
