Ranavirus1-7 / Identified in the early 1990s with mass mortalities suspected from the 1980s; associated with mass mortalities of larval amphibians on a local scale; widespread global distribution; mass die offs in Americas, Europe and Asia / Ongoing and new population declines / North America, England / Individual mortality on 5 continents; mass dies offs of larvae and failure of recruitment affect short term population structure; long term effects in terms of impacting biodiversity generally not known; evidence of long-term decline inRana temporaria in England; Ranidae most susceptible / Largely endemic with many strains; mass mortality events / Naïve host exposure through trade/transport of amphibians; sporadic local nature suggests a variety of sufficient causes; waning immunity could be important for outbreaks; likely emerging due to increased incidence, geography and host range, although some cases may be due to increased detection / Research on population impacts required; important but level of importance needs to be resolved; notifiable disease to the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health)
Chelonidfibropapilloma associated herpesvirus8,9 / First recognised in 1930s; widespread / Ongoing / Regarded as significant cause of mortality in Florida and Hawaii / Associated with fibropapillomas and fibromas in marine turtles; recognized as a major chronic disease of juvenile greenturtles; considered the most significant cause ofstrandings and mortality in waters around Florida and Hawaii; appears to be associated with oncogenesis in certain circumstances / Wildlife and environmental
management agencies are particularly concerned due tothe potential population impact this disease could exerton otherwise threatened species / Suspected to operate under certain environmental conditionsand in synergy with immune system modulatorswhich may influence the persistence and severity of the lesions; no obvious reason for emergence / Uncertain importance
May be a snap-shot of long-term dynamics
Mycoplasma agassizii
Part of Upper Respiratory Tract Disease (URTD) in desert tortoises10 / URTD and desert tortoise declines recognised in 1980s; M. agassizii shown to be causative experimentally of URTD in 1994 / Thought to be ongoing / California and Nevada, USA / Desert tortoise Gopherusagasizzii;
associated with declines; thought partly responsible for declines of up to 68%. / Causal evidence moderate and mostly relies on extrapolation of outcomes of laboratory experimental infections to prevalence data which is correlated with declines / Likely multifactorial given apparent heterogeneity in effects of pathogen in the wild; other pathogens implicated in URTD; hypothesised to have emerged but no obvious reason; alternative hypotheses are possible / Uncertain importance
May not be currently emerging; outbreaks may be snap-shots of long-term dynamics
Batrachochytriumdendrobatidis(Bd)11-17 / Identified as the cause of “enigmatic” amphibian declines in 1998; disease and pathogen described in 1998 and 1999; sudden severe declines began in 1970’s, ongoing into 1990’s, retrospectively diagnosed as most likely due to Bd / Ongoing; declines due to chytridiomycosis have continued until the present day / Global distribution; few disease free countries; declines in Australia, Americas, Spain,
Tanzania / Individual mortality in multiple amphibian species
Population declines and extirpation have occurred in greater than 200 species. Approximately 100 species have gone extinct / Highly virulent lineages have caused population declines
Less virulent lineages exist in areas where there have not been declines such as Asia and appear to be endemic / Spread of highly virulent Bd lineage(from Africa) to naïve populations through globalisation of amphibian trade and lack of biosecurity / Most spectacular loss of vertebrate biodiversity due to disease in recorded history; very important; notifiable disease to the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health)
Batrachochytriumsalamandrivorans (Bs)18 / Not previously known / 2013 / Netherlands / Caused 96% decline in fire salamander (Salamandrasalamandra) population / Novel pathogen related to Bd discovered and causing impact / Spread through globalisation of amphibian trade and lack of biosecurity; may have originated from Asia
Cystodiscusaxonis sp. n. and Cystodiscusaustralis sp. n. (species of Myxosporea)19-21 / Emergence in 20th century based on absence in museum specimens prior to 1935; disease recognised in 1997 / Pathogens identified in 2012 / Widespread Australia / Individual mortality in multiple amphibian species / Population effects unknown / Hypothesised that cane toads are an amplifier host / Uncertain importance;
may not be currently emerging
Sparganosis cestodeSpirometra erinacei22-23 / Infects cats and dogs globally; frequent spillover to others / Recognised in 2009 / Australia / Individual mortality of white lipped green tree frogs (Litoriainfrafrenata) and green tree frogs (Litoriacaerulea) / Lack of significant spatial or temporal patterns / Likely spillover from cats (definitive host) / May have emerged prior to 2000
Serpinema microcephalus24 / Broad natural host range in Europe and Asia / 2003 / Spain / Pancreatitis and morbidity in red eared sliders Trachemysscriptaelegans / Population effects unknown / Spread from native to exotic turtle; overcrowding, stress from non-native habitat hypothesised potentiating factors / May have emerged prior to 2000
Parasitic copepod Lernaea cyprinacea25 / Opportunistic parasite of many freshwater fish and amphibians; cosmopolitan spread from Africa due to international fish translocations / 2006 / California, USA / Malformations in tadpoles and young of the year in Foothill yellow-legged frogs (Rana boylii) / No records in this species back to 1989; population effects unknown / Hypothesised increasing temperatures in summer and/or decreased daily discharge in a watershed. / May have emerged prior to 2000; may be a snap-shot of long-term dynamics
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