William Masterson, Area IX Vice President
All Chapter Presidents in Area IX during the 2006-07 year have worked hard throughout the year to hold on to their members and to recruit new members. I have enjoyed visiting all the Chapters over the past year and I am again impressed with their efforts.
Area IX and X set up and staffed a NARFE booth at the NOVA TRIAD in Fair Oaks. TRIAD brings together organizations from legal, law enforcement, andsenior services (or those advocating senior issues) within VA. The TRIAD in VA is administered by the VA Attornery General's Office. We gave away over 50 NARFE Magazines
Area IX participated along with Area X in the planning for the Northern Virginia Aging Network (NVAN) 7th Annual Legislative Forum and Breakfast in November 2006. Area IX and X members represented NARFE VFC on the day of the Forum. As in previous years, the attandance by Northern Virginia Legislators and guest was outstanding. NARFE VFC contributed $500 and was advertised as a co-sponsor of the Forum.
Area IX’s membership had a serious decline in mid year but ended the year with more members than we started with in January 2006. Again, Manassas Chapter ended 2006 with the highest percent of increase in membership and Woodbridge had an increase of 62 for the biggest increase in Area IX membership. Congratulations to President Phil Louer and the other officers in the Manassas Chapter. Area IX ended the year with 236 members more than we had at the beginning of the year. We are hoping for even a better year this year.
During Lobby Month, March 2007 and on the final day of the NARFE Legislative Conference, Area IX and X members visited the offices of Senators James Webb and John Warner and Congressmen Tom Davis and James Moran to discuss and promote NARFE issues and legislation.
The Northern Virginia Caucus meetings provide Chapter presidents and other key officers an opportunity to exchange chapter information and address area and/or chapter issues. The Caucus was also used for discussion to the Proposed Resolutions and Bylaws Changes that were coming up for discussion and possible vote at the VFC Convention.
I have enjoyed being Area IX Vice President over the past 3 years. Thanks to all members of Area IX for their help and support.