School Advisory Council (SAC)

The mission of Oakridge Elementary is to develop an effective learning environment through strong relationships between teachers, staff, students, parents, business partners, and members of the community. We believe that all students can learn in a safe, standards-driven, technologically advancing, culturally diverse school.


January 13, 2016

SAC Meeting called to order at 3:25 by Ms. Heise. Mrs. Pendlebury made a motion to approve the minutes from December and Mrs. Hernandez seconded the motion.

Welcome, Introductions & Ground Rules:

We’re all colleagues; let’s respect each other It’s okay to disagree

Everyone is encouraged to participate Listen as a partner

Old Business:

·  Giving Tree – Thank you to the staff members that supported another successful Giving Tree program. We couldn’t do it with out you!

·  Staff Updates – The ad for the literacy coach position is still being run.

·  Attendance Improvement Plan – Plan in full implementation. Looking forward to sharing improvement in student attendance at future meetings.

New Business:

·  SIP Updates/Accreditation

o  Ms. Heise reviewed Oakridge’s SIP goal with the attendees and shared the resources currently being utilized in the classrooms to support the goal. Parents were asked if there was any feedback regarding the implementation of Daily Five, CAFÉ, or the extended hour of Reading instruction (the main components used to support the SIP goal) and there was no feedback.

·  Broward Standards Assessment (BSA) Testing

o  BSA Testing will take place from January 26th through February 5th at Oakridge. Third grade ELA and math and fourth grade Math will continue to be paper based this year. Fourth grade will be taking the BSA ELA portion digitally on Lenovo laptops as well as fifth grade for ELA and Math. Mr. Stella, the testing coordinator, will be training teachers and staff later this month. He is also creating a schedule for the Computer Based Testing (CBT), as Oakridge does not have enough laptops to support simultaneous CBT testing for fourth and fifth grade.

·  School Choice Enhancement Program Update-As per Dr Strauss, after Mrs. Friedman’s meeting with the enhancement people, if we do not have enough computers (Lenovo) for all students, staff and computer lab using the allotted funds (154K) he will approve the purchase of more.

·  We are going to also include (funds allowing) new carpets for all classrooms and completion of the back fencing.

·  This meeting will take place sometime in Feb.

·  Reconstruction of Loggia (area outside the cafeteria) Repair Status

o  Pending Approval January 14th, Construction will start February 3rd through February 19th

Title I – K. Moore:

·  Upcoming Oakridge Title 1 Parent Training and Expo- January 14, 2016

o  The intermediate grades have a wonderful night of parent training and hands on activities planned. Mrs. B. Rivera’s class will be performing a play during dinner. Be sure to get a seat early!

·  Title 1 Parent Seminar @ Signature Grand Saturday, January 30

o  We are still looking for parents to go. The parents that agreed previously in September have had other things arise and are unavailable to attend.

Partners in Education:

Thank you to, Memorial Health Care Systems and Publix

Dates to Remember:

Monday, January 11th 3rd Quarter Begins

Wednesday, January 13th SAC Meeting 3:15

Thursday, January 14th Olsen Middle Matriculation -5th Grade 9:00

Thursday, January 14th Title 1 Academic Expo Grades 3-5 6:00

Monday, January 18th No School

Wednesday, January 20th Chess Lady Visit Grades 2-3 2:00

Monday–Friday, January 25th-29th BSA Testing

Thursday, January 28th Report Cards Issued

Awards Assemblies- 3rd Grade- 8:25,

4th Grade-9:00, 5th Grade-9: 35

Saturday, January 30th Title 1 Parent Seminar@ Signature Grand

Tuesday, February 2nd Take Your Child to Work Day

Tuesday, February 9th Health Screening Grades K, 1, 3

Wednesday, February 10th SAC Meeting 3:15

Thursday, February 11th Interim Reports Issued