Steps for Creating a New Club
1) Determine what the purpose of the new club will be, and check the list of existing clubs to make sure that the school doesn’t already have a club for this purpose.
2) Determine who will serve as the Club Representative, this will be a student contact and leader for the club.
3) Find an SCC employee who is willing to serve as the club’s advisor.
o Determine the Advisor Level (see page 4)
o Stipends: Please note that the stipends listed on the Advisor Level Spreadsheet only apply to faculty advisors.
4) Fill out the forms in this packet, including the Constitution template, Club List of Members, and Club Advisor Terms of Agreement. Keep in mind that a minimum of 10 student members is required to start a new club.
5) Submit an electronic copy of the packet to the Club Affairs Officer at .
6) Schedule a meeting with the Club Affairs Officer (Ed Dilimulati) and Program Support Supervisor (Micaela Smith) to discuss your plans for the club.
7) All new clubs are approved by a student government vote at an ASG Board Meeting. The Club Affairs Officer will put your club’s approval on the agenda for an upcoming meeting. Be sure to send at least one representative of your club to this meeting to present about your club’s purpose and answer questions. Keep in mind that the ASG Board only meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, so it may take up to two weeks to be approved.
8) Once club is approved, carefully review the Club Handbook for important information about policies, procedures, and deadlines. Contact the Program Support Supervisor to schedule training meetings as soon as possible for advisor and club leaders.
Renewal Process for Clubs
In order for clubs to stay active, they will need to be officially renewed each year. Clubs will not receive their new baseline budgets or be eligible for mini-grants or advisor stipends until they have renewed.
v To a renew a club that was active during the 2015-2016 academic year, you will only need to fill out the online club renewal form, which can be found on the Student Leadership website. The Club Affairs Officer will notify you once your paperwork has been reviewed and your club is renewed.
v To renew a club that has been inactive for more than one year, you will need to complete the same steps as you would to start a new club.
Club Expectations & Responsibilities
Clubs are extremely important to our campus. They provide students with opportunities to meet new people, pursue their interests, get engaged on-campus, and gain leadership skills. We want to help clubs thrive and achieve their goals, but in order to do that it is crucial for all clubs to comply with these expectations:
· Provide the SLC with up to date contact information for your club leadership, and be sure to regularly check your email for important updates and announcements.
· Participate in all mandatory club trainings and meetings throughout the year, including United Club Council (UCC), Club Kick-Off’s, etc.
· Provide up to date information about your club meeting schedule, contact information, and any photos or other information that can be posted on your club’s webpage on the Student Leadership website.
· Invite campus community members to your club activities and welcome and respect participation from all interested SCC students.
· Follow the procedures and guidelines in the Club Handbook. Your club is responsible for understanding relevant policies and requirements and for meeting all deadlines.
· Follow the guidelines for student behavior in SCC Policy 5030:Student Conduct and Discipline.
Students and Advisors are responsible for submitting Quarterly Reports two weeks prior to the last day of instruction!Student Leadership Center Contact Information:
Club Affairs Officer, Ed Dilimulati: Rm 9301 |
Program Support Supervisor, Micaela Smith: 206.546.6908 |
Article I Name
The official name of this club will be
Werewolves ClubArticle II Purpose
The purposes of this club include
The purposes of our club include letting people know more and like the Werewolves game. Talking to each other face to face is the best way to know people and make friends, our club can provide a great environment for students to communicate and have fun. Besides, through Werewolves game, students can better distinguish truth and lies, evil and justice.Explain how this club aligns with the CAS learning outcomes.
Werewolves club aligns with the Cognitive Complexity the most. Since Werewolves is a reasonable game, villagers have to figure out who were the wolves in the night, people with super power need to find the wolves without showing his identity, and wolves need to hide their identity and wronged someone else. Nobody knows what will happen and what will others say. Werewolves game was created for enhanced people’s critical thinking and effective reasoning.Moreover, Psychology major students would love this game so much! It’s easier for them to play this game because they can use the Psychology knowledge learned from the class.
Article III Membership
Membership shall be open to all students ofShoreline Community College regardless of but not limited to: age, sex, race, creed, sexual orientation, or ability
Include any information here regarding organization membership, leave blank if desired.Article IV Club Leadership
1. The membership will select/elect at least three members to serve as club leaders (suggested positions: President, Vice President, Secretary/Webmaster, and Treasurer).
2. Club leaders will be selected/elected for one academic year. The term of office shall begin fall quarter and extend through the end of spring quarter.
3. Vacancies that occur during the year will be filled through the election/selection process by the club leaders. The newly elected club leader will serve in their position through the end of the academic year.
4. Membership will select an advisor annually.
Responsibilities of Club Leaders:
1. The club leaders will meet regularly to plan club activities.
2. The leaders are responsible for the organization of meetings; including advertising, preparing agendas, and keeping records of the meetings.
Explain club structure (positions and responsibilities)
President : plan and hold all the meeting, apply mini grant if needed.Vince president: help Presidnet plan and apply mini grant if needed.
Secretary: Send emails to club members and make notes for meetings.
Graph design officer: make posters and board.
Communication officer: promote Werewolves club and communicate with cooperating club and Student Government.
Article V Meetings
1. Meetings will be held regularly throughout the academic year.
2. When meetings and activities are held, all members will be notified of the location and date.
Meeting times, days, and location
Friday 12:30 pm -2pm location could be any room near PUB.Article VI Funding
1. According to the Associated Student Government (ASG) Bylaws section 503.2 on Club Maintenance, the ASG will provide funding as the baseline budget on an annual basis contingent upon when the club is created or renewed.
500: Student Groups
503: Maintenance
503.2. All [clubs] registered during Summer or Fall Quarter shall receive the full baseline budget ($500) determined in the Association budget for the fiscal year. [Clubs] registered during Winter Quarter shall receive two-thirds ($333) of the baseline budget amount, and [clubs] registered during Spring Quarter shall receive one-third ($167) of the baseline budget amount.
2. The club is able to petition for additional funds through the mini grant process and may also fundraise during the year as needed.
3. The members will decide how the budget is spent while complying with local, state, and federal regulations.
Provide goals for spending
Purchase Werewolves props, snacks and drinks for every meeting.Article VII Resources Required
List resources required to hold club meetings
Only need an unoccupied nice room.Article VIII Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution may be made by a majority vote (i.e. 2/3 of the membership)
Provide any additional information if applicableStudent Leadership Center
Club Name / Werewolves ClubClub Representative / Xiaohu Shanguan / Advisor / Linda Du
Phone / 206-913-3491 /
Phone / 2065336656
E-mail / /
Employee Type
Advisor Level /
Student Members
First Name / Last Name / E-mail (@go.shoreline.edu) / Student ID (last 4 digits)1 / Xiaohu / Shangguan / / 5925
2 / Yanting / Tang / / 3281
3 / Yufen / Chen / / 4665
4 / Ma / Qu / / 9651
5 / Yukun / Chen / / 6713
6 / Lingke / Zhong / / 5966
7 / Krittawat / Pattaramekanon / / 5622
8 / Yuan / Sun / / 3321
9 / Kuerban / Yizibula / / 3092
10 / Qi / Fang / / 5604
Revised September 2016
Club Advisor Information and Expectations
Shoreline Community College faculty, staff, and administrators are all eligible to serve as advisors for clubs. Advisors take responsibility for supporting club leaders to ensure that club activities run smoothly and that the club meets all requirements, deadlines, etc.
Advisor Levels: We have three different “levels” of club advisors. When an employee agrees to advise a club they will work with the student leaders to determine which level they want to be. This helps the advisor and students have clearer expectations of how involved the advisor will be. For more information about the specific levels, take a look at the “Levels of Club Advisor Responsibilities” table.
Advisor Stipends: Most club advisors will receive stipends for their work with clubs, but this varies depending on employee type.
v Faculty: Receive set stipends depending on their level. Level 1 advisors receive $300 per year, Level 2 advisors receive $575 per year, and Level 3 advisors receive $875 per year. These stipends are paid through three equal payments at the ends of Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters.
v Administrators: Administrative/Exempt employees are welcome to serve as club advisors if they want to but are not eligible for any stipends.
v Classified Staff: Classified staff members have two options for how to be compensated for their work with clubs. These advisors should always consult with their supervisors to choose the option that works best for them.
o The first option is to work with the club as part of normal work duties, during normal work hours, and to not receive additional compensation. This is most common when the club’s purpose is directly relevant to the staff member’s job description.
o The second option is to receive an hourly rate for all work done with the club outside of normal work hours. In order to receive the hourly rate, staff will need to complete a Personnel Action (PA) form with the SLC (before starting their work with the club, go to SLC for copy of form) and submit timesheets for hours worked. Please contact the SLC right away for more information if you are interested in this option.
Club Advisor Terms of Agreement
I hereby acknowledge that I am responsible for the students and the club that I am advising. I also accept the full responsibility to fulfill all requirements for the position that I am applying for. I understand that it is not the Student Leadership Center’s responsibility to complete and prepare any document within my duties for this club. Violation of the above may result in the withholding of my advisor stipend and/or in my removal as the club advisor.In addition, I have read and am aware of Policy 5222. By signing this agreement, I understand that I will comply with all of the above.
Name of Club that has requested the advisor services:
Werewolves ClubAdvisor’s Name =Linda Du
SCC E-mail address & Employee ID Number =
Office number & Phone Number/Extension =2065336656
Advisor Level =1
Club Representative’s Name =Xiaohu Shangguan
Club Representative’s Email =
Club Representative’s SID =965375925
Advisor’s Signature / DateXiaohan linda du 10-05-2017
Club Representative’s Signature / Date
Xiaohu shangguan 10-05-2017
Revised September 2016