AP Euro chapter 28 1945-1965

Development of the Cold War:

1. Conflict grows between the USA and USSR

- Lublin/London Poles, Petro Groza, Bulgaria, Hungary all develop pro-soviet regimes

- Truman Doctrine: Money to help Communist threatened countries

- Marshall Plan: Even more money to countries struggling with poverty (anti-commi)

- George Kennan’s containment policy

- Iron Curtain Speech given by Churchill in ‘46

2. Problems in Germany

- Denazification and division into 4 sections had been agreed upon earlier

- In order to collect on reparations USSR takes eastern German factories

- German Communist Party established in E. Germany with Walter Ulbricht

- Frustrated with plight of E. Germans America try to assist with Berlin Airlift

- Mutual Deterrence (because having lots of weapons prevents conflict)

- NATO VS Warsaw Pact

3. Globalization of Cold War

- Chinese Civil War ends with Mao(communist) over Chiang Kai-Shek(democratic)

- Korean War (divided 38th parallel, Syngman Rhee vs Kim Ill Sung) Soviets go south McArthur goes past to recapture, China gets mad, goes back, 50K Americans die

- Vietnam part 1. France controlled but Ho Chi Minh resists(commi)with Vietminh France decides to divide it in half : (

- Soviets launch ICBM and Sputnik with Nikita Khrushchev AHHHH Berlin Wall in ‘61

- Cuban Missile Crisis almost goes boom (Bay of Pigs, Castro, Tommy Thompson)

4. Decolonization:

- Colonial soldiers knew self-determination should equal freedom for them

- Usually led by western educated Africans

- Most of Africa freed with fighting (Egypt under Wafd, Zaire, Tanzania, Ghana, S Africa (apartheid) Algeria, Morocco, Kenya, etc

- America helps establish Israel in Palestine in ’48 (many arabs not happy)

- Gamal Abdel Nasser has fight over Suez Canal and US helps? He fights for Pan Arabism

- PLO led by al-fatah group leader Yasir Arafat had terrorist attacks on Israeli groups

- Hindu-India divides with Muslim-Pakistan still a mess : (

- China goes communist but Chiang hides in Taiwan with 2 million followers. Mao and Great Leap Forward

5. Recovery and Renewal in Europe

- Stalin doing well in industry in 5 year plan but people still poor. Stalin dies ‘53

- Khrushchev starts De-Stalinization, tries to help food production, and Eastern satellites revolt

- Some Stalinists in Yugoslavia and Albania

- Nagy vs Kadar in Hungary (Stalinist wins)

- France: Charles de Gaulle creates a new 5th republic (4th went down with loses to Algeria and Vietnam) but has little success

- West Germany under Konrad Adenauer helps

- Britain turns to a welfare state

- Italy recovering under Marshall Plan

- EEC (European Economic Community) shows that some European work together

6. US Movements

- Joseph McCarthy and the Red Scare

- Civil Rights movement with MLK and ’64 Civil Rights Act

- Consumer Society and Mass Leisure

- Women working more

- Beatles and Rock ‘n Roll