The Friday Folk Record Collection
Over the years Friday Folk have amassed a large quantity of music for dancing. This includes lots of records from the EFDSS, plus many from other artists. The early records are on vinyl, both 12 and 7 inch. Latterly we have acquired a number of CDs.
A recent project has been to transcribe all the material from vinyl on to recordable CDs (CDRs). This is for ease of handling and to avoid damage to the originals. Several records had become almost unplayable due to scratches and jumps. During transcription most major problems were sorted out, sometimes using rubber bands and weights on the playing arm. The recordings might benefit from further digital processing to remove background noise. There should be no issue with copyright, since we hold all the original recordings.
The following index is in four sections –
CD …Compact Disc. These are ordinary commercial CDs.
CDR …CD Recordable. These are copies of music from vinyl records. Each CD holds about one and a half LP's worth of music. The compilations are arranged in a fairly logical sequence of similar music on each disc.
EP …Extended Play. These are 7 inch vinyl records. This includes 45 rpm singles as well as 33 rpm EPs.
LP …Long Play. These are 12 inch vinyl records.
Enjoy the music.
Bob Barrett, 21-03-99
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
CD1The Eyes Have It
Peeping Tom
01Room in the Loftjig, 32*8
02Meeting of the Watersmarch, 32*9
03First of Mayhornpipe, 32*7
04French Polkapolka, 32*8
05Be Minor Babyreel, 32*8
06Steamboatjig, 32*9
07Mote and Beamxxx, xxx
08Beamish Marystomp, 32*8
09Tower Greenjig, morris
10Salty Dog Polkaspolka, 192*1
11Annie's Hornpipehornpipe, 32*6
12Highland Huntpolka, 32*6
13Duke of Graftonjig, 32*8
14Serpent Dancepolka, 48*6
15Cobblerjig, 32*9
16Lullaby Waltzeswaltz
CD2The Old Hat Dance Band
The Old Hat Dance Band
01Babes in the Woodpolka, 32*5
02Lemmie Brazil's / Leitrim Thrushhornpipe, 32*5
03Marche St Jean / Alexandrine Marchjig, 32*5
04Linehope Lope / William Durette's Cloghornpipe, 32*6
05Hayes Favouritehornpipe, 32*4
06Carraroe / Spirit of the Dancejig, 32*4
07Ville de Quebecwaltz, 48*
08Lucy Farr's / Centenary Marchmarch
09Marche du Vernerjig, 32*3
10Church Street / St Mary'spolka, 64*2
11Silver Wingspolka
12Flying Pieman / Ripple of the Teign / jig, 32*6
Gipping Jig
13Marche des Cabrettairesmarch
14Duke of Marlborough / Barren Rocks of polka, 32*6
CD3The Rhythm Method
Token Women
01Gypsy's Hornpipehornpipe, 32*8
02Tiennet / Les Poules Huppetbourre 3/8 time
03JJxxx, xxx
04Alimony Runxxx, xxx
05Schottische de Lande / Polka d'Avignonpolka, 32*7
06Harvey's / Finnishschottische, 32*8
07Somewhere the Sun is Shining / Rainbow song, xxx
08Nechells / Sac du Thejig, fast, 32*10
09Walter Bulwer'spolka, 32*6
Bob Barrett1
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
10London Schottische / Horizontojig, 48*4
11Once in a Whilesong, xxx
12Nutellahornpipe, xxx, Unclear phrasing. OK as 16*
schottische if you persevere.
13Lawnmower and the Hippoxxx, xxx
14Hauntwaltz, humorous, 32*4
CD4Cock and Bull BandAlmost none of these tracks are danceable
Cock and Bull Band
01L'Hesitantehornpipe (or schottische), 32*
02Villeneuvejig, xxx
03La Mal Mariee / St Martin's Isle / Bryharxxx, xxx
04Below the Beltsong, xxx
05Trip to Sainsburys / L'Androgyne / La xxx, xxx
Souris / La Penible
06Trip to the Lawndrypolka, xxx
07Branle du Pinguin / Pauvre Laboureurxxx, xxx
088:30 Trop Tot / Mrs Waghorn / HBSMbourre 3/8 time
09RSJ, Thexxx, xxx
10L'Accidentelle / Andronov-O / L'Olympiawaltz, xxx, Too slow for dancing
Woodpecker Band
01Blarney Pilgrim / Sweets of Mayjig, v slow, 48*4
02Corn Rigs / Morpeth Rant / Sailor's rant, 32*5
03Martin's march / French tune / Barrack Hillrant, 32*7
04Trees They Do Grow Highvocal, xxx
05Theme Tune / Joan's Jig / Leitrim Fancyjig, 32*6
06Battle of New Orleans / Bacca Pipes / hornpipe, 32*4, not a jig as claimed
07Out in the Ocean / Gander in the Pratie Hole jig, 32*7
/ Hag with the Money
08Sylvievocal, xxx
09Little Dogrant, 32*7
10Mason's Apron / Drowsy Maggierant, 32*6
CD6Take Two
John Patrick and Chris Dewhurst
01Cotton Eyed Joe / Pacific Slope Reelreel, 32*4, American Fiddle Reels
02Long John Silver / Bob's Box / Wendy's jig, 32*8
Silver Jig / Silver for Peggy
03Big Corral / Boil' em Cabbage Down / etcreel, 32*9, Contra Dance Reels
04Planxty Irwinxxx, xxx, Slow Air
05Carolina Cloggers / Clap o' Yo' Hands / Bill reel, 32*7, Singalong reels
Bailey / etc
06Art Wooten's Quadrille / Boultbee's Jig / jig, 32*6, French Canadian Jigs
Meigh's Quadrille
07Still on the Hillxxx, xxx, Fiddle tune
08Einstein's Reelreel, 32*4, For MC2 by M Elvins
Bob Barrett2
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
09Ranger's Hoedown / Foot and Fiddle / reel, 32*7, Contra Dance Reels
Caddam Woods
10Bully of the Townxxx, xxx, Fiddle tune
11Bee's Winghornpipe, 32*3
12Tobin's Favourite / Banks of Newfoundland jig, double, 48*5
/ etc
13Air for JPxxx, xxx, Slow air
14Give my Regards to Broadway / Hello Dolly /reel, 32*6
Thoroughly Modern Millie
15Up Jumped the Devil / Marmaduke's reel, 32*7, For Devil's Dream
16Margaret's Waltz / Farewell to Devonwaltz, 32*5
CD7Art Gecko
01Roman Candlejig, 32*7
02Don Tremaine'sreel, 32*
03O Let Me In This Ae Night / En Drohornpipe, too slow, xxx
04Rondexxx, xxx
05When I Parted / Gradgrind's Fancyjig
06Salt Fish and Dumplings / Stybarrow Craghornpipe
07La Polverita Fiera / Kelso Accordion and waltz
Fiddle Club
08Snowy Monday / My Darling Asleepjig
09Old John Peel / Tom Cave'srant
10Look He's Crying / Shottishe de Penhoetwaltz, slow
11Sauve par la Sonnerie / Kybald Streetjig
12Salamancaxxx, xxx
13Hairy Mary / Sweary Maryrant
14Tom, Dulcie, Chocolate and Bananasreel, weak intro
15Morning Star / Irish Hautboy / Slingsby's rant (weak intro - start 1:09)
Gas Mark Five
01Waterloo Dance / Knocknaburra Polkapolka, 48*4
02Cognac au Poivre / Anything for Johnjohornpipe (sort of), jazzy, 32*6
03Jump at the Sunjig, slow, 32*6
04Bromsberrow Health Reel / Pigtown Flinghornpipe (gentle), 32*6
05Star above the Garter / My Love is Gone andjig, 32*6
I Care Not
07Hasty Marriagepolka, 48*4
08Rent Rebatehornpipe (slow & sensual)
09Kippers in the Postjig, slip
10Dill Pickles Ragreel, ragtime, xxx
11Pheasant in the Coal Shed / Gipsy Hornpipehornpipe, 32*6
12Jacky Daley's / Last Chancereel, 32*6
Bob Barrett3
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
CD9Looking Good
Peeping Tom
01Hamilton Lamentxxx, xxx
02Dumbpost / Skylarkhornpipe, 32*6
03Healer / Whimsey Park / Big Hearted Manwaltz, 32*8
04Pipe on the Hob / Hag at the Churn / Silver xxx, xxx
05Eagle's Whistle / Ailbe Grace's / xxx, xxx
06James Riddell's Jig / Stanley Steamerjig, 48*6
07Con Cushion's Hornpipe / King Tut's hornpipe, 32*6
08Woman in a Black Dress / Captain jig, 32*9
Sincerity's Jig
09Old Clarence / Love for Everxxx, xxx
10Road to Lisdoonvarna / Queen's School jig, 32*8
Lass / Drummond Castle
11Stool of Repentancexxx, xxx
CD10Brass Roots
01Oyster Wife's Rant / Bonny Ladmarch
02Dory Boat / Mallardjig, 48*
03White Haresong, xxx
04Home Brew / Lads Like Beerhornpipe (8 steps intro), 16*7
05Alexandrajig, 48*
06Sportsman's Hornpipe / Champion's hornpipe
07Peacock Followed the Hen / Drops of jig, slip
08Church on Sundaysong, xxx
09Pride of Portravor / Wm Taylor's Tabletop polka
10Ball / More Power to Yejig
11Brigg Fairxxx, xxx
12Highland Mary / Bridge of Lodipolka
13Alexandra Park / Charming Fellowpolka
14Green Bushessong, xxx
15Duke of Riff's Reel / Dick Richards'reel
16Judith's Waltzwaltz, 16*
CD11A Batter Pudding for John Keats
Ashley Hutchings Dance Band
01Welcome to the Dance Kitchenspoken intro, xxx
02LIB / Hayeswood Reelreel
03Ken's Hornpipeshornpipe
04To Leap About to the Sound of Tittering spoken, xxx
05Dumfries and Galloway / Regattajig, slip
06Rock and Roll Waltzsong, xxx
07Fisherman's Priestxxx, xxx
Bob Barrett4
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
08All the Ills of Mankindspoken, xxx
09Twist Drivelike the Shadows, xxx
10Dancing to the Drummer's Beatsong, xxx
11Nellie's Hornpipe / Greenhouse Jighornpipe
12Cup o' Tea versus Batter Puddingspoken, xxx
13Spike and the Fieldmouse / Jake's Jigjig
14Since Love was Charmed Awayxxx, xxx
15Rapid Polkapolka, v fast
CD12Katie's Quartet
Katie's Quartet
01BB's / Gaspe Reelreel, 32*6
02Sally Sloane's Barn Dancejig, 32*4
03Rufus Guinchard's Country Waltzwaltz, 64*3
04Julia's Jigsjig, 32*7
05Shipdham Polkapolka, 32*4
06Rosalie the Prairie Flower / Scan's hornpipe, 32*5
07Ring the Banjo / The Dragonjig, 32*6
08On the Green / Ponytrot Polkapolka, 32*6
09Reel a Quatre / Chez Nousjig, 32*6
10Ada Philpott's Waltzeswaltz, 32*2 + 64*2
11Cameron Men / Billy Harrison's Polkapolka, 32*6
12Padraig O'Keefe's / John Clifford'spolka, 32*6
13Cabri Waltz / Wells Waltzwaltz, 32*4 + 64*2
14Magic Slipper / Little Diamondpolka, 32*6
15Duke of Cornwall's Reelhornpipe, xxx 32*4, no proper intro:
CD13Barn DanceWith dance instructions
The English Country Dance Band
01Three Around Threepolka
02Nottingham Swinghornpipe, slow, 32*6
03Haste to the Weddingjig
04Soldier's Joyrant
06Cumberland Square Eightjig
08Heel and Toe Polkapolka
09Sir Roger de Coverleyjig, slip
10Circle Waltzwaltz
11Dashing White Sergeantpolka
12Pride of Dinglemarch
13The Triumphpolka
14Circassian Circlemarch 6/8 time
CD14Free Spirit
Sound Company
01Scottish Reelsreel, 32*4
02North American Jigsjig, 32*8
Bob Barrett5
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
03Slow Air Strathspeysstrathspey, 32*4
04Pipe Jigsjig, 32*4
05Accordion Soloxxx, xxx
06Two Step, xxx 128 bars
07Irish Reelsreel, 32*8
08Scottish Jigsjig, 48*8
09Scottish Reelsreel, 32*4
10Fiddle Soloxxx, xxx
11Scottish Reelsreel, 40*4
12Medleystrathspey 64 + reel 64, 64
13Irish Singalong Jigsjig, 32*4
14North American Reelsreel, 32*8
Bob Barrett6
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
CDR Dances from Community Dances Manual 1 Copied from FF vinyl discs
& 2
BB108Various Artists
Dances from CDM1, Blue Mountain Band.
01Morpeth Rantrant, 32*7
02Patacake Polkareel, 16*8, v jolly
04Thady you Ganderhornpipe, 40*4, good tempo
05Steam Boathornpipe, 32*6, good tempo
06Three Meetjig, 32*6
07La Russereel, 64*4
08Cumberland Reeljig, 32*5
09Waltz Country Dancewaltz, 40*5
10Soldier's Joyrant, 32*7
11Cumberland Long Eightrant, 32*4
12Virginia Reelreel, 64*4
Dances from CDM2, Woodley Yeomen.
13Double Lead Throughrant, 32*6
14Circle Waltzwaltz, 32*7
15Norfolk Long Dancejig, 32*6
16Belfast Duckhornpipe, 16*7
17Yorkshire Square Eightreel, 32*4
18Hull's Victoryreel, 32*7
19Bonny Breast Knot (Sussex)polka, 32*7
20All the Way to Galwayreel, 32*7
21Winster Galopreel, 32*5
22Bonny Breast Knot (Devon)reel, 32*6
CDR Dances from Community Dances Manual 2, Copied from FF vinyl discs
3 & 4
BB109Various Artists
Dances from CDM2, Woodley Yeomen.
01Butterfly Hornpipehornpipe, 24*6
02Galopederant, 32*5
03Bonnets so Bluejig, 24*7
Dances from CDM3, David White and his
Band. From: EFDSS CDM 3
04Barbary Belljig, 32*7
05Durham Rangersrant, 16*5
06Drops of Brandyhornpipe, 32*6
07Riflemanrant, 32*6
08Three Meetjig, 32*6
09Dorset Ring Dancerant, 32*5
10Corn Rigsrant, 32*6
11Triumphreel, 24*6
Bob Barrett7
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
12Pins and Needlesjig, 32*7
13Tempest (Wiltshire)polka, 32*6
14Twelve Reelreel, 32*4
15Reelsreel, 32*8
Dances from CDM4, Four Leaf Clover. From:
16Arkansas Travellerreel, 48*7
17Lady Bogart's Reeljig, 32*9
18Timber Salvage Reelreel, 32*7
19Piper's Fancyjig, 48*7
20Lady Walpole's Reelreel, 32*7
CDR Dances from Community Dances Manual 4, Copied from FF vinyl discs
5 & 6
BB110Various Artists
Dances from CDM4, Four Leaf Clover. From:
01Road to Californiareel, 32*7
02Green Mountain Volunteerjig, 32*7
03Chorus Jigreel, 32*9
04Haymaker's Jigjig, 32*7
05Sackett's Harbourreel, 32*7
Dances from CDM5, Ranchers. From: EFDSS
06Three Sea Captainsjig, 36*6, unclear phrasing
07Reelsreel, 32*7, fast
08Tempest (Vermont)jig, 32*7
09Dorset Triumphreel, 32*6
10Jigsjig, 32*7
11Ploughboyreel, 32*6
12Stoke Golding Country Dancereel, 16*14
13Belgian Waltzwaltz, 48*5
14Boys of Oakhilljig, 32*7
15Ladies' Triumphreel, 32*7
16Dorset Four Hand Reelrant, 64*2+8
Dances from CDM6, Orange and Blue. From:
17Cheviot Rantrant, 32*6
18Fairfield Fancyjig, 32*7
19Johnny Fetch Your Wife Backreel, 40*5
20Sheep's Hilljig, 32*5
CDR Dances from Community Dances Manual 6 Copied from FF vinyl discs
& 7
BB111Various Artists
Bob Barrett8
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
Dances from CDM6, Orange and Blue. From:
01Margaret's Waltzwaltz, 32*6
02Opera Reelreel, 32*6
03Bridge of Athlonejig, 48*5
04Goathland Square Eightreel, 32*4 + 16
05Nottingham Swinghornpipe, 16*7
06Bucksaw Reelreel, 32*7
07Armstrong's Waltzwaltz, 32*4
08Devil's Dreamreel, 32*7
09Roxburgh Castlerant, 32*6
Dances from CDM7, Falconers. From:
10Walpole Cottagereel, 52*6
11Foula Reeljig, 32*4
12Queen Victoria Country Dancejig, 32*7
13East Meets Westreel, 32*7
14Up the Sides and Down the Middlejig, 32*4
15Haste to the Weddingjig, 32*6
16Third Figure Jigjig, 16+ 48*4 +16
17Homasassa Hornpipepolka, 32*7
18La Poule Quadrillejig, 48*4+8
19Quaker's Wifereel, 32*6
20Royal Albertjig, 40*6
21Judge's Jigpolka, 32*7
CDR English Dancing Master 1 & 2Copied from FF vinyl discs
BB112Orange and Blue
English Dancing Master 1, Orange and Blue.
01Gathering Peascods
02Hey Boys up go we
03My Lady Cullen, 16*11
05Mage on a Cree
06Adson's Saraband
07Old Mole
08Twenty-Ninth of May, 16*12
09Jenny Pluck Pears
10Parson's Farewell
11Upon a Summer's Day
English Dancing Master 2, Orange and Blue.
15Althea, 3 49
Bob Barrett9
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
16Friar and the Nun, 16*8, 3 95
17Fain I Would, 3 40
18Maid's Morris, 24*7, 4 101
19Confess, 3 61
20Argeers, 3 51
21Lilli Burlero, 24*7, 4 102
22Lull Me Beyond Thee, 3 79
23Maiden Lane, 3 64
24Merry Merry Milkmaids, 3 83
25Broom the Bonny Bonny Broom, 3 73
26Spring Garden, 3 87
27Phoenix, 3 85
28Jacob Hall's Jig, 32*7, 4 94
CDR English Dancing Master 3 & 4Copied from FF vinyl discs
BB113Ranchers / Orange and Blue
English Dancing Master 3, Ranchers. From:
01Sellenger's Round / Beginning of the World, 4 40
02My Lady Winwood's Maggot, 32*7, 4 80
03Boatman / Woodicock, 4 44
04Whirligig, 4 47
05Heartsease, 4 42
06Health, 4 66
07Orleans Baffled, 12*10, 4 78
08Mock Hobby Horsejig, 24*7, 4 89
09Picking up Sticks or Lavena, 4 50
10Mr Isaac's Maggot, 20*7, 4 84
11Hit and Miss / Daphne, 4 43
12Juice of Barley, 24*8, 4 100
13King of Poland, 20*9, 4 104
English Dancing Master 4, Orange and Blue.
14Epping Forest
15Slip, The
16Mulberry Garden, 16*8
17Apley House, 24*8
18Night Piece
19Maid in the Moon
20Geud Man of Ballengigh, 32*7
21Dissembling Love
22Country Farmer, 24*7
23Fourpence Halfpenny Farthing, 32*7
24Indian Queen, 32*7
25Dick's Maggot, 16*7
26Queen's Jig, 32*7
Bob Barrett10
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
CDR Apted Country Dances 1 / Country Dances, Copied from FF vinyl discs
New Series
BB114Jim Coleman & Denis Smith
Apted Country Dances 1, Jim Coleman &
Denis Smith. From: EFDSS LIB 1
01Dressed Ship, 32*7
02Parting Lovers, 48*7
04Lord How's Jigjig, 32*7
05Pleasures of the Town / Fair Maid of the Inn
06Trip to Highgate, 32*7
07Spaniard, 32*7
08Alderman's Hat, 32*7
09Shrewsbury Lasses
10First of April, 24*8
11Happy Captive / The Dusky Night
12Bishop / Miss Dolland's Delight, 32*8
Country dances, New Series, Jim Coleman &
Denis Smith. From: EFDSS LIB 3
13Way to Norwich, 24*8
14Hole in the Wall, 16*7
15No-body's Jigg, 32*7
16Bashful Swain, 32*7
17Sadler's Wells, 32*7
18Ormond House, 32*7
CDR Apted Country Dances 2 / Country Dances, Copied from FF vinyl discs
New Series
BB115Jim Coleman & Denis Smith
Apted Country Dances 2, Jim Coleman &
Denis Smith. From: EFDSS LIB 2
01Comical Fellow, 40*6
02Lasses of Portsmouth / Down with the
03School for Scandal, 32*6
05Barley Mow, 32*7
06Merry Meeting, 32*7
07Mutual Love, 32*6
08Once a Night / Ye Social Powers
09Trip to Dublin / The Contrefatte, 32*7
10Corporation / Fete Champetre
11Bath Carnival / Keppel's Delight, 32*7
12Free Mason / The Milesian, 64*6
Country dances, New Series, Jim Coleman &
Denis Smith. From: EFDSS LIB 3
13Draper's Maggotwaltz, 32*6
Bob Barrett11
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
14Kemp's Jigg
15Christchurch Bells in Oxon, 32*7
16Greensleeves and Yellow Lace
17Pretty Nun, 20*8
CDR The Electric Effect, Hoedown / The Hoghton Copied from FF vinyl discs.
BB116Various Artists
The Electric Effect, Hoedown. From: HDN , Good. V lively.
HDN 001
01Swinging Rags (Balance the Star, JFK etc)reel, jazzy, 32*7
02Forty-Eight Jigjig, 48*5
03Treble Scotchreel, brisk, 32*7
04Contraflowreel, contra, 32*6
05Jude's Jigjig, 32*6
06Grumbling and Cacklingreel, Irish, 32*6
07Parson and the Queenreel/jig, 32*6
08Tennessee Blues IIreel, fast, 32*7
09Page Threejig, 32*8
10Queen of Sheba, 32*3
11Hornpipe Mixhornpipe (quite fast), 32*6
12Staten Cat Rantrant, 32*6
An Evening with Hoghton Band, Hoghton
Band. From: Fellside FE 022
13Intro: This is Scotlandxxx, xxx
14Les Longwaysreel, 32*5
15Circle Waltzwaltz, 48*
16Chinese Breakdownreel, 64*4
17Fandangojig, 64*3
18Alabama Jubileereel, 32*4
19Fairfield Fancyjig, 32*5
CDR Callers Choice, The Ranchers / The Copied from FF vinyl discs
Hoghton Band
BB117Various Artists
Callers Choice, The Ranchers. From: EFDSS
01Reel of Ballymorejig, 32*6
02Jubilee Reelreel, 32*6
03The Militiajig, 32*3
04The Militia (encore)jig, 32*3
05Whiffler's Reelreel, 32*6
06Jailhouse Jigjig, 32*6
07Atlantic Hornpipepolka, 32*7
08Nibs Goes Westreel, 32*7
09Twelve Reelreel, 32*4
10Twelve Reel (encore)reel, 32*4
11Morden Reelreel, 32*7
Bob Barrett12
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
12Dixon Sixsomejig, 48*6
13Patrick Tobin's Reelreel, 32*6
An Evening with Hoghton Band, Hoghton
Band. From: Fellside FE 022
14Ranch Housereel, 48*4
15Pins and Needlesjig, 32*5
16Marianne's Waltzwaltz, 32*5
17Yorkshire Square Eightreel, 32*4
18Nonsuchset dance
19East Meets Westjig, 32*5
20Long Oddsreel, 32*4
21Reprise: This is Scotlandxxx, xxx
CDR Wherever You May Be / Cheviot Barn DanceCopied from FF vinyl discs.
BB118Various Artists
Wherever You May Be, Occasional Few. , Good. V lively.
From: TOF TOF 603
01Bricks & Mortar / Silver & Gold / Up Jumpedpolka, 32*
the Devil
02Hunt the Squirrel / Childgrove / Queen's Jig
03Lord of the Dancevocal, xxx
04Ye Banks and Braes / Westering Home / waltz
Coming Through the Rye
05Aunt Hessie's White Horseset dance
06Old Horned Sheep / Shandon Bells / Irish jig
07Beaumont Rag / American Husband / Lost reel, 32*
08Mona's Delight / Buttered Peas /hornpipe, 32*
09Wild Rovervocal, xxx
10Orange Blossom Special
11Scollay's Reel / King of the Fairies
12Golden Slippers / O Susanna / Chinese reel, 32*
Breakdown / Back Up and Push
Cheviot Barn Dance, Cheviot Ranters. From:
Topic 12TS245
13Dashing White Sergeantset dance
14Call of the Pipes
15Nottingham Swinghornpipe
16Military Two Stepmarch
17Swedish Masqueradeset dance
18Lucky Seven
CDR Squarecrows / Cheviot Barn DanceCopied from FF vinyl discs
BB119Various Artists
Bob Barrett13
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
Squarecrows, Squarecrows. From: Dingle's
DIN 330
01Irish Marchesmarch, 32*6
02Barn Dancejig, 32*6
03American Reelsreel, 32*5
04Hornpipeshornpipe, 16*10
05Trip to the Cottage, 32*5
06Double Lead Throughpolka, 32*6
07Newcastle to Portsmouthreel, 32*6
08Irish Jigsjig, 48*5
09Polkaspolka, 32*8
10Waltzeswaltz, 32*5
11Tom Pate (Tempete), 32*6
12Jigsjig, 32*6
13American Reelsreel, 32*6
Cheviot Barn Dance, Cheviot Ranters. From:
Topic 12TS245
14La Russereel, 64*4, Unsuitable. Tune changes in
15Keel Row
16Bridge of Athlonejig, 48*5
17Circle Waltzwaltz (unsuitable for Circle Waltz), 40*1 +
18Cheviot Rantrant
CDR Sounds Like Arden Folk / Various ArtistsCopied from FF vinyl discs
BB120Various Artists
Sounds Like Arden Folk, Arden Folk. From:
Photon PE 206
01Donegall / Sally Gardens / Peter Street / reel, 32*6
Timour the Tartar
02Morpeth Rantrant, 32*7
03Lady Walpole's Reelreel, 32*6
04Redwingwith singing call, xxx
05Circle Around / Rocking Horse / Bent Pinjig, 32*6
06Seneca Square Dancereel, 32*5
07Chloe / Bow Stretcher / Meriden Merrymanreel, 32*6
08Sweets of May / Captain White / Dingle's jig, 48*5
09Peacock Rag / Sweet Georgia Brown / Eyes reel, 32*8
of Blue / Beaumont Rag
10Cindy Louwith singing call, xxx
11Huckleberry Hornpipe, 32*4
12Oklahoma Waltz / Swing Me / Jenny Joneswaltz, 32*6
Occasional Few & Monkseaton, Occasional
Few. From: Burlington BURLEP001
13Morpeth Rant / Davy Davy Knick Knackrant
Bob Barrett14
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
14Dorset Four Hand Reelrant
15Lost Injun / Hen and Chickens / Big Corrall / reel, 32*8, American, v fast
Ragtime Annie
Again, Occasional Few. From: Cottage Cot
16Major Mackie / Whose Jigjig
17Beaumont Rag
18All the way to Galway / Huntsmen's Chorus rant
/ Captain Maguire
19Goodbye Girls / On the Road to Bostonreel, American
Let's Dance to Orange & Blue, Orange &
Blue. From: EFDSS ED 118
20Spanking Jackreel, 32*6
21Norfolk Long Dance, 32*6
22Foula Reeljig, 32*4
23College Hornpiperant, 32*7, too fast for step-hop
CDR Flowers and Frolics, Eddie Upton / Various Copied from FF vinyl discs.
BB121Various Artists
Flowers and Frolics, Eddie Upton. From: , Rather leaden music.
01Oats Beans and Peasjig, 48*
02Bobby Shaftopolka, 32*
03Bonny Lassjig, 32*
04La Schottischepolka, 32*
05The Man in the Moonwaltz, 32*
06Navvy on the Linehornpipe, slow, 32*
07Foul Weather Callhornpipe, 32*
08Jack's Alivejig, 32*
09The Merry Girlpolka, 32*
10Whiskey Hornpipehornpipe, slow, 32*
11Ben Hur Marchmarch, 32*
Let's Dance to Chiltern Ramblers, Chiltern
Ramblers. From: EFDSS ED 120
12Corn Rigsrant, 32*6
13King / Cat in the Corner / To the Ladiesjig, 32*5
14Barbary Belljig, 32*5
15Tempest (Wiltshire)reel, 32*6
Woolybacks, Woollybacks. From: EFDSS
ED 106
16Ploughboy / Huntsmen's Chorusreel, 32*6
17Three Sea Captainsjig, 36*6
18Reels (for Sicilian Circle)
Rants and Waltzes, Ranchers. From: EFDSS
ED 119
Bob Barrett15
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
19Morpeth Rant / Hesleyside Riderant, 32*6
20Roxburgh Castle / Old Grey Catrant, 32*5
Cecil Sharp House, Colin Hume. From:
21Save the Househornpipe, with swing, 32*4, lively
CDR The Next Dance Is … Vol1 1 & 2, Kenton Copied from FF vinyl discs
BB122Kenton Ramblers
The Next Dance Is ..., Kenton Ramblers.
From: Photon PE 205
01Dancing Dutch
02Little Hunsden
05Nampwich Fair
06Shy Mer-chant
07Holborn March
08Mr Ganiford's Maggot
09Valentine's Day
10Jersey (for Sam)
12Merry Conceit
13Another Nancy's Fancy
14Halsway Sicilian
The Next Dance Is ... Vol 2, Kenton
Ramblers. From: Photon PE 207
15Kennedy's Rant
16Jack's Health
17Buzzards Bay
19Slof Galliard
20Round Pond
21Errol on the Green
22Sun Assembly
23Dick's Maggot / Double the Cape
24Bartlett House
25Mr Shaw's Apologies
26Scotch Measure
CDR The Next Dance Is ... Vol 2 / Kenton Copied from FF vinyl discs
Ramblers Play Pat Shaw
BB123Kenton Ramblers
The Next Dance Is ... Vol 2, Kenton
Ramblers. From: Photon PE 207
02Woolly and Georgey
Bob Barrett16
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
03Pine Cones
04Trip to the Jubilee
Kenton Ramblers Play Pat Shaw, Kenton
Ramblers. From: Photon PE 204
05Rose of Tankerton
06Phoenix Rejuvenated
07Pride of Newcastle
08Sybil's Au Revoir
09Clarence House / Whit Monday
10Real Princess
11Freda's Fancy
12Heswall and West Kirby Jubilee
13John Tallis's Canon
14Trip to Orpington
15Morecambe Bay
16Miss Anderson's Allemand
17Four Winds
18Canadian Triumph
Shaw to Shaw, Ranchers. From: Ranchers
19American Husbandreel
20Long Live Londonreel, set dance
21Waters Of Holland
22Long Pond
23Real Princess
24Levi Jackson's Rag
CDR Wild Thyme Plays Fallibroome / Beau's Copied from FF vinyl discs
BB124Wild Thyme
Wild Thyme Plays Fallibroome, Wild Thyme.
From: Saydisc SDL 339
01Merry Companion, 32*9
02Zephyrs and Flora, 32*8
03Monk's March with the Wanders, 56*6
04Topaz, 24*8
05Bouzer Castle, 32*5
06Shropshire Lass, 32*3
07Easter Thursday, 32*6
08Happy Pair or Royal Wedding, 64*3
09Miss Sayers' Allemand, 32*3
10Huntington's Maggot, 64*6
11Cream Pot, 64*3
12Drapers Gardenswaltz, 32*8
13In the Fields of Frost and Snow, 24*8
14Woodlark, 32*6
Bob Barrett17
Friday Folk Discs21-03-99
Beau's Retreat, Wild Thyme. From: WT WT
15Lord Anson Forever, 40*3
16Beau's Retreat, 32*3
17Miser's Jewel, 48*3
18Balloon, 32*6
19Top and Bottom, 40*6
20Westmorland, 32*6
CDR Haphazard, Falconers / Beau's Retreat, CC, Copied from FF vinyl discs
Wild Thyme
BB125Various Artists
Haphazard, Falconers. From: Cotswold CML
01Installationreel, 64*3
02Fair and Softlywaltz, slow, 24*7
03Scotch Jemmyreel, slow, 48*3
04Belgia Retriev'dwaltz, slow, 32*5
05Fairy Princejig, 24*3
06Sylvia's Serenadereel, 24*3
07Scotch Billyreel, 32*6
08Haphazardreel, 16*10
09Maid's Last Wishjig, slow, 32*5
10Despairing Loverreel, 36*5
11Black Boy Alleyjig, 32*5
12Irish Lamentationwaltz, 48*5
13Portabellareel, 32*5
Beau's Retreat, Wild Thyme. From: WT WT