Summary of Conference Call #2
Wednesday 8 October 2008 13:00-14:30 (Geneva time)
- Dave Faulkner (BT)
- Yoh Somemura (Japan)
- Takeshi Origuchi (NTT)
- Sung-Chul Kang (Korea)
- Jean Manuel Canet (Orange/FT Group)
- Catalina McGregor (UK)
- Richard Price (BT)
- Sean Kidney (Australia)
- Hossam Allam (Cedare)
- Gary Fishman (Alcatel-Lucent)
- Arthur Levin (TSB)
- Martin Adolph (TSB)
- Aranzazu Fernandez Romero (TSB)
- Cristina Bueti (ITU)
- Kalliopi SPYRIDAKI (SAS Belgium)
- Mr Geir Leirvik (Juniper Networks United States)
- Daniel Kharitonov (Juniper Networks United States)
- Noriyuki NAKAYAMA, (NEC, Japan)
- Gilbert BUTY (Alcatel-Lucent CTO Office France)
- Tony Caravano, (SAS)
- Fredrik Jonsson (Ericsson, Sweden)
- Thomas (Tom) Okrasinski (Alcatel-Lucent,USA)
- Molly Webb (Climate Group)
- Joel Leclair, (Alcatel-Lucent, France)
- Hashitani Takafumi (Fujitsu, Japan)
- Jens Malmodin (Ericsson Sweden)
- Rowley, Jack (GSM organisation)
- Ryuichi KOBAYASHI (NTT, Japan)
- Lilia Perez-Chavolla (ICT, ITU Applications Coordinator BDT / POL / CYB)
Dave Faulkner chaired the conference call. The meeting adopted the following agenda:
1. Introductions and sound/data check-Dave Faulkner2. Yoh Somemura, WG-A Chairman's introduction 3. Status of D1 and Living List for D1 - Takeshi Origuchi 4. Review of status and next steps for existing contributions-Takeshi Origuchi 5. Presentation of new contributions and brief discussion-Contributors 6. Review of meeting and next steps 7. AoB
1. Introductions, sound quality and other connection(s) check
The meeting was audio recorded and the draft agenda was adopted.
2. Yoh Somemura, WG-A Chairman's introduction
Yoh Somemura commented on the WG1 work progress on Deliverable 1 (D1). A first draft report on D1 was developed from all contributions received.
3. Status of D1 and Living List for D1 - Takeshi Origuchi
Takeshi Origuchi explained that contributions to D1 are based on C-2 from BT and C-5 from Japan. Following he presented the draft report on D1 prepared by co-editors from France Telecom group, NEC, UK government, and BT. The document consist in 47 pages which include definitions and a general description involved with ICTs and climate change.
4. Review of status and next steps for existing contributions-Takeshi Origuchi
Takeshi Origuchi explained that regarding shortages and necessities of definitions related to ICTs and Climate Change, co-editors made great efforts and put necessary definitions into the report. However these definitions did not get agreements from participants of the July face-to-face meeting. So it was proposed that this report should be opened and announced in the web site of the focus group and we will collect opinions for making consensus. He also mentioned that section 1.5 in the page of 10 is described as “Pending” meaning “To be contributed”.
Jean Manuel said that contribution is needed in section 2.1.4. on GHG emissions, and he will be working on it. Richard Price and Catalina McGregor informed that there would be two more contributions from UK in the coming two weeks, refering to D1 (PASA2050) and Deliverable 3 (D3). Richard explained that Chris Tuppen made an update on his contribution(C2) related to section 2.1.4 and will be sent to WG1.
Geir Leirvik said that Definitions from Juniper from 24th Sept meeting are not yet included
Dave comented that work on the report should continue until two weeks before the face-to-face meeting in November.
Takeshi Origuchi suggested that once D1 is finished, all contributions for Deliverables 2, 3, and 4, should adopt terms defined in D1, and clarify when new definitions are required.
Molly said that she will work on the draft in the coming weeks.
Catalina said that the aim of the group was to capture the maximum potential definitions for D1.
Hossam Allam proposed to take in account the economical implications on definitions.
Mr Kang suggested references and sources should be added to all definitions. He also said that abbreviations should be clearly explained. Editors agreed to work on this.
Catalina and Jean Manuel asked about the ITU-T definitions database SANCHO, and the availability for members and non-members.
Gary Fishman said we should use use existing ITU definitions if we can.
Action: TSB to send information on the SANCHO database.
5. Presentation of new contributions and brief discussion-Contributors
Dave Faulkner presented two new contributions. The first treated the role of the FG in achieving “Sustainable Development”, and showed that the meaning of sustainable development was first defined in General Assembly of the UN in Resolution A/RES/42/187.
Hassan Allan commented that this is also mentioned in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and the FG could identify how to achieve environmental sustainability with ICTs.
Jean Manuel said he will work on this.
A discussion on how ICTs can help to reduce CO2 emission followed. A new study from Gartner may be published soon with different results than those used by the FG. Molly reminded the group that the scope and boundaries of studies are nowadays very different, and the FG should find an agreement on how to understand and monitor carbon ICTs emissions.
Dave stressed the need for a top down approach was needed as in this contribution. A link between the 450ppm, temperature rise, and total worldwide emission is required so that a steady state emission can be established for 2 degrees cap on temperature rise. So far Dave could find it. Shawn Kidney said he can find the relationships.
Further discussion can then be had on the future ICT contribution.
Dave Faulkner presented a second contribution on Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) Definitions for the FG. This was followed by a discussion on ‘energy supply’ definitions for D1, and what further group work is required. Dave commented that LCA definitions are required in D1. A placeholder is required in D1.
6. Review of meeting and next steps
Richard Price informed that he will present the contribution, sent in and distributed as 08-10-08 #5, for D3.
Yoh Somemura commented that work on D1 will continue following present discussions. A new version of the report for D1 should be presented again in two weeks.
Takeshi Origuchi comments on the need for clarification of liaison between D1 and D3, to facilitate editors work. Dave suggested that participants should send their opinion on this via mail.
7. AoB
Next teleconference: “22 October, Deliverable 2, Gap Analysis”