Doing Empirical Research
In Visual Impairment
Dr. Dixie Mercer
1 – Topic Selection
Broad area or research interest
“The impact of visual impairments on the social development of children with visual impairments.”
Narrow or research topic
“The impact of a visual impairment on the development of emotional bonding between mothers and infants.”
2 – Review of the Literature
•Why do it?
–Has my topic already been done sufficiently?
–If not, what has already been done?
–What needs to be added to the body of knowledge currently available?
–Are there areas that need to be expanded?
–Are there areas (studies) that need to be replicated to determine their validity?
–Are there areas that need to be examined for their relevance? How could they practically be used as the basis for programming?
Types of Resources
•Scholarly books
•Peer reviewed journals
•Reputable information from the web
•A LIMITED number of newsletters, personal stories, etc.
How to do a Review?
1.Select key words or phrases from the topic.
“The impact of a visual impairment on the development of emotional bonding between mothers and infants.”
2. Make a list of other key words that apply to your topic.
Do the Search
•Log into MySFA, Click on MyCourses tab
• Under Academic resources click Ralph W. Steen Library.
•Use the selections on the left to follow subject guide to >Education>Human Services.
•Click General Services and select a resource (Acacemic Search Complete, Expanded Academic ASAP or Wilson Select Plus are recommended)
•Type in your key words, article names, etc.
Boolean Search Parameters
•Anything in “” is found verbatim.
Visually AND impaired AND social AND development
The development of social understanding in children with visual impairments. By: McAlpine, Linda M.; Moore, Chris L.. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness,
Jul/Aug95 Part 1 of 2, Vol. 89 Issue 4, p349, 10p, 1 chart; Abstract: Reports on the performance of 16 visually impaired children, aged 4-12, on tasks designed to
assess their understanding of false belief. Effect of degree of vision loss on the development of social understanding; False belief as a central aspect of social
understanding; Theory of mind; Other issues in the development of social understanding in visually impaired children.; (AN 9509294209)
When you find an important resource…
•Begin making a list.
•Check out the bibliography/references and see what other resources are listed there.
2A – Reading and Note Taking
•Read the articles thoroughly.
•Make notes on what they say.
•Highlight, copy or note any passages that you may want to quote directly.
•You know that you’re finished when:
–You’ve read everything that you can find, and/or
–Even with extensive, thorough research everything begins to say the same thing.
3 –Write Review
•First, outline the review with major points and citations that you intend to use.
•Write your first draft, and let it “cool.”
4 –Research Design
•State your hypothesis.
–Infants who have a visual impairment have a more difficult time bonding with their primary caregivers than do sighted infants.
–How much vision?
–How old?
–MIVI or VI only?
•Children who are:
–36 months or under
–20/200 or 20 degrees or worse
–Single disability
•What variables do you need to measure?
•Smiling to voice
•Reaching for caregiver
•Distress when removed from caregiver
–Easy vs. difficult
How will you measure these?
•Survey data
•Observation and inter rater reliability
•Counting specific behaviors
5 – Data Collection
6 – Data Analysis
•What results did you get back?
•What did they mean?
•What assumptions can you draw?
•What did you learn?
7 – Write the Paper
•Write the Introduction or Statement of the Problem
•Re-read and edit the Review.
•Write the Methodology section which includes
–Definition of Variables
•Present the data –
–Use tables or charts wherever appropriate
•Discuss what it means in terms of your original hypothesis.
•References or bibliography section
–EACH reference that’s used in the paper MUST be included in this section.
–Any other significant reference should also be included.