This report is due 60 days after the completion of the event. To be accompanied by an income and expenditure report (actual verses budget), actual invoicesand an invoice to Enterprise North Canterbury for the agreed funding with a copy of the actual invoices for the event promotions and / or coordinator.
Please return report to: District Promotions Manager
Enterprise North Canterbury
P O Box 80,
Kaiapoi 7644
1. Organisation Details
Organisation Name:Event Name:
Street Address:
Postal Address:
Email Address:
2. Applicants Name
Contact Person 1 Applicant:Name:
3. Overview
Name of the event:
Date of the event:
What were the highlights of the day and what do you consider to have been the successes of the event?What do you consider to have been the benefits to the district on the day?
Were any problems encountered? If so, what were they and how did you overcome them?
What suggestions do you have for this event in the future? New ideas and/or different ways of running the event.
How many spectators/participants/attendees do you estimate attended the event and where did they come from?
What was the most effective promotion/marketing for your event? i.e. radio, poster, social mediaWhat other organisations were you successful in receiving sponsorship/grants from?
Organisation /Amount Requested
/Amount Received
If your event made a profit what are the profits to be used for?
If your event made a loss, how will this be covered and what will you do differently next time?
Can you please supply imagery and / or video of your event that can be used in future promotions of events in the Waimakariri by ENC that have copyright approval and where required model releases.
Income (GST Inclusive) / Expenditure (GST Inclusive)Gate Sales (1,700 @ $5.00) / 8,500 / Event Managers Fee / 5,000
Raffle Tickets (500 @ $2.00) / 1000
Stall Fees ( 10 @ $50.00) / 500 / Advertising – Print / 1,500
Advertising – Radio / 500
Advertising Revenue / 500
Bank Interest / 200 / Equipment Hire / 2,500
Venue Hire / 1,000
Sponsor A / 1000
Sponsor B / 500 / Performers fees / 2,000
Donations / 1,500 / Performers Accommodation &Meals / 350
M.C / 400
Cash contribution of organisation / 3,000
Printing / 1,750
Grant A / 1,500 / Insurance (Inc Public Liability) / 900
Grant B / 1,000 / Security / 1,500
Road Closure / 600
Waimakariri Events Funding Request / 1,000 / First Aid / 200
Postage, Phone, Stationery / 500
Volunteer Hours 120 @ $25 p.h. / 3,000 / Volunteer Hours 120 @ $25 p.h. / 3,000
TOTAL / $23 200 / TOTAL / $22,200
Profit / $1,000
Have you attached to your report: -
Income and expenditure report (actual verses budget),
Copies of actual invoices for which you were funded for the event – either promotions and / or coordinator.
Invoice to Enterprise North Canterbury for the amount we agreed to fund the event.
Copies of promotion that included the required Waimakariri Event Funding Logo’s i.e. Visit Waimakariri or Enterprise North Canterburyand Waimakariri District Council.
Please ensure the report is sent to: District Promotions Manager
Enterprise North Canterbury
P O Box 80
Kaiapoi, 7644
within 60 days of the event.
Waimakariri Events Funding – Final Report (updated January 2017)Pg 1 of 3