
Course: IB World Language Year: 2017-2018

Teacher: Danielle de Gregory / Teacher: Kathryn Kerekes / Teacher: Meghan Bot-Miller
IB SL and HL French Years 1 and 2 / IB SL Spanish Years 1 and 2 / IB HL Spanish Years 1 and 2
Phone: (612) 668-3400 / Phone: (612) 668-3400 / Phone: (612) 668-3400
/ Email: / Email:

Office hrs: 3:00-3:30 (except Wed) / Office hrs: 3:00-3:30 (except Wed) / Office hrs:3:00-3:30 (except Wed)

Course Description: Students will continue to develop and begin to refine proficiency in the Spanish or French language and deepen their understanding of Spanish and French-speaking cultures as they ...

Level SL / Level HL
●communicate in the target language in a variety of contexts and express ideas with clarity and fluency
●expand and refine their use of vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions
●practice a variety of written and oral forms appropriate for different situations
●make connections, comparisons and become involved in Spanish and French-speaking communities
●deepen awareness and understanding of a variety of aspects of the cultures of the Spanish and French-speaking world
●read authentic literature: novels, short stories, poems, autobiographies, legends, song lyrics
●discuss and write about topics pertinent to the Spanish and French-speaking world
●prepare for the SL IB exam to be taken Year 2 / ●communicate in the target language in a variety of contexts and express ideas with refinedclarity and fluency
●perfect their use of vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions
●practice a variety of in-depth written and oral forms appropriate for different situations
●make connections, comparisons and become involved in Spanish and French-speaking communities
●deepen awareness and understanding of a variety of aspects of the cultures of the Spanish and French-speaking world
●read authentic literature: novels, short stories, poems, autobiographies, legends, song lyrics
●discuss and writein-depth about topics pertinent to the Spanish and French-speaking world
●prepare for the HL IB exam to be taken Year 2

*Course Descriptions taken from the Washburn website

Required Materials:

●3-ring binder or folder for class materials

●Loose leaf paper or notebook

●Diary (Composition notebook)

●Optional: Spanish/French monolingual dictionary for reading and vocabulary support

Course Units and Summative Assessments: We will be studying the IB required and optional themes: Communication and Media, Global Issues, Social Relationships, Leisure, Cultural Diversity, Health, Science and Technology and Customs, Beliefs and Traditions. All summative assessments will be graded on the IB rubrics.


WHS GRADING SCALE / Grade Definitions
A- / 93-100%
90-92 / Exemplary work
B+ / 87-89 / Proficient/Thorough work
B / 83-86
B- / 80-82
C+ / 77-79 / Acceptable work
C / 73-76
C- / 70-72
D+ / 67-69 / Mediocre work
D / 63-66
D- / 60-62
F / 50-59 / Unacceptable work

Students are required to complete EVERY summative assignment given. If the student does not complete an assignment, they will receive an F on their transcripts.The student has 30 days to rectify this grade. If the student does not complete the missing work, the grade will remain an F. In short, the student will fail the entire quarter if he/she doesn’t complete every summative assignment.

Plagiarism:Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated by the World Language department. For a general definition of plagiarism please see the Washburn Student Handbook. Also note that the use of any online or electronic translation device to complete an assignment is plagiarism. This is not your work. If the teacher suspects plagiarism, you will be asked to justify your work. If you cannot justify your work within the parameters of the World Language Department’s expectations, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.

Grade Make-Up:

Formative assessments and participation (20%) (throughout the unit, used to see your understanding of the material at that point in time and to change instruction to make sure learning is happening)

-Quizzes, class participation,warm-ups, exit cards, diaries, homework

Summative assessments (80%) (at the end of the unit, the final product applying/showing all that you learned during the unit)

-Final assessments (all done according to IB testing conditions)

Missing & Late Work:

Excused absences/makeup work: A student with an excused absence on the day a task is assigned will have 1 week to complete any missed work.

Late work: It is important to keep up with the work in a timely manner. The deadline to complete missing work for credit is 1 week from the due date.

Extra Credit: No extra credit in any IB World Language class.

Re-Dos and Retakes (Re-learning): No test can be retaken.

Grading modifications may be made for students with IEP or 504 plans.

IB World Language


Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understood the policies of IB World Language. Students, please return the syllabus to me by: ______.

Parent Signature: ______


I give permission for my child to be photographed in class:

______yes ______no

I give permission for my child to watch a culturally-relevant rated R movie in class (usually doesn’t happen, but just in case):

______yes ______no

I give permission for my child to participate in a “walking field trip” within walking distance of the school:

______yes ______no

I am interested in the following opportunities for my child:

______Concordia Language Villages (language camp)

______Travel Abroad

______Hosting a foreign student during the summer


Please sign to indicate that you have read and agree to the policies of IB World Language and that you agree to use Washburn technology in an appropriate manner.

Student Signature: ______

Print student name: ______

Washburn High School 2017-2018