Camp Hale Koa Departure
Leaving a place as good as or better than you found it is a principle that all mature people subscribe to.
In the case of Hale Koa it is very important for all groups to do this as it helps us keep the cost of camping here reasonable. We do not have a full-time caretaker so any clean up or repairs must be done by volunteer or hired workers when available. We appreciate all your efforts to keep the camp in working condition...we all benefit.
Make sure that this checklist is completed by a responsible party BEFORE you exit the camp – that way you can be sure that there won’t be a hassle with your cleaning deposit. (we would suggest making multiple copies so that you can hand them out to those responsible for cleaning various areas)
Sometimes none of our staff will be available to check you out. We will be there later to make sure that the camp was left clean. If we have to clean up after you, it will come out of your cleaning deposit. So…make sure to go down this list carefully so that there won’t be a hassle getting your deposit returned.
Clean Up Checklist:
___ Meeting Room: Chairs folded against the wall, tables stacked out of the way, fireplace cleaned out and place ashes in the covered can by BBQ behind the kitchen, wood replenished and the floor swept & mopped well. PA turned off, screen put up and lights out.
___ Kitchen: food & drink removed, fridge and freezer emptied & wiped out except camp water jugs labeled accordingly, all utensils, pots & pans cleaned then returned to their place, kitchen sinks cleaned, floor swept and mopped. All surfaces clean and free of stuff. Trash cans empty. Sinks clean and washed. Used dishtowels in bin. Light out.
___ Cabins:Make sure bunkhouses are swept clean, trash, dust, removed. Trash cans empty, brooms and dustpans return and bunks returned to their correct place. Make sure mattresses have been wiped down so there are no footprints or dirty spots on them. Turn the lights out.
___ Bathrooms & Showers: Bathrooms cleaned of all bottles and soap. Toilets and sinks scrubbed, sinks cleaned and trash picked up and emptied. Mosquito coils removed. TP replaced with full rolls or full rolls nearby. Showers clean and free from soap or containers. Drains free of debris. Areas swept and mopped and shower areas preferably bleached. Turn Lights off.
___ Grounds: everything is picked up including small bits of trash, balloons etc. Fire pit area cleaned, wood restacked and fire put out. Return hoses to where they were found and put the key back in the lock box when leaving.
___ Trash: all trash is bagged, loaded up and to be taken off grounds.
___ Other:Check exterior of cabins. Sometimes kids write graffiti on the walls, doors etc. that must be cleaned off or noted for repair (sorry, we have to charge the group for this if we need to repair damage). Things like Silly String, while fun needs to be cleaned up etc. Check for damage – broken screens, doors, steps etc.
Let us know right away if something has been broken or is not working. Contact the caretakers or Rick Bundschuh at or 808-639-6146