ArtMost MF (SMRTM) Flexlens trial set
K-code / 40.00D / 42.00D / 44.00DSize / 14.4 / 14.2 / 14.0
Power-code / +0.00D/-5.00D / +0.00D/-5.00D / +0.00D/-5.00D
ArtMost MF (SMRTM) Flexlens profile
* K-code range: 40.00, 42.00, 44.00D
* Power-code range:+10.00 ~ -20.00 (0.25 ~ 0.50 stepwise)
* Custom sizes available for every 0.4 mm (13.0 ~ 16.0 mm)
Lens description
A visual spanfor reading refers to the range of letters, formatted as in text that can be recognized reliably without moving the eyes. A locus of the visual span can be further defined as preferential for reading (PVSTM, preferential visual span) if the perceived codes within the locus being relatively clearer and more interpretable than the other loci.
The daywear ArtMost® MF (SMRTM) Flexlens is patented (patents: US#8,500,273 & US Pending#2013/0182215, China: #ZL 2009 8 0120493.X, Taiwan: #I 383190) and made in hydrogel or Silicon-hydrogel soft materials. The specific annular zones elicit planned flexure and form a front optical zone for center-distant (CD) vision with a para-axis near zonefor PVSTM multifocal for reading. The ArtMost®MF (SMRTM) Flexlens is the best choice for stress relieving in cases with heavy near work for young presbyopes.
A few studies show the most promising myopia control method currently available is Ortho-K. The treatment zone optics post Ortho-K is regarded as the reason to slow down eye growth. We came up with an effort-saving ArtMost®MF (SMRTM) Flexlens to simulate the Ortho-K treatment zone for indication of some drawbacks in Ortho-K. The SMRTM soft lens may elicit same optics of Ortho-K treatment zone and expecting a slower myopia progression.Since the SMRTM soft design has larger central distant zone but lower in progression rate to peripheral potion, it can be applied to serve merely for possible myopia control purpose.
The ArtMost® MF (SMRTM) Flexlens is thin & comfortable as a regular soft lens. The designs are also useful in post refractive surgery fitting that are thought difficult for conventional soft lenses.
Lens parameters determination
The KM readings, cornea size and trial lens is helpful in determination of lens parameters. The K-code is usually 0.5~2.5 D flatter than the average K. The lens size is usually 2~2.8mm larger than HVID. The trial lenses can be evaluated for the lens centration, movement and optical zone by topography. There should be good centration, a 0.5mm scanty movement on blinking and a 4-5mm PVSTM multi-focal central optical zone with a 7-8mm total optical zone with the steep ridge. Flat fit K-code may elicit an incomplete steep ridge while bigger in PVSTM optical zone with excessive movement & poorer lens centration. Tight fit K-code may have fixed lens with smaller PVSTM optical zone and wider steep ridge.
Lens fitting procedure
- The K-code of an ArtMost®MF (SMRTM) Flexlens is determined by 0-2.5 D flatter than mean K for best centration, scanty 0.5mm movement and 4-5mm PVSTM multi-focal optical zone.
- The BOZR (Base Curve) is 8-12 diopters flatter than the K-code.
- Measured lens power is lower than the Power-code for the flexure of the lenses on eyes.
- The lens size should be 2-2.8mm bigger than HVID (horizontal visible iris diameter). Generally speaking, the size of a steeper cornea is usually smaller than that of a flatter cornea. The default size of ArtMost®MF(SMRTM) Flexlens is set 14.0 ~ 14.4mm according to the common corneal size for better centration.
Recommended lens cleaning
We recommend Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)lensdisinfection system as the most preferential choice for cleaning your ArtMost® MF (SMRTM) Flexlens each day prior to overnight storage.Please use the appropriate neutralizing tablet and soak the lenses for a minimum of 6 hours – if you use H2O2 cleaning system – before inserting again.
Soft lens multi-purpose solutions are also recommended for cleaning your ArtMost® MF (SMRTM) Flexlens. When you choose to use soft lens multi-purpose solutions, it is recommended to gently rub the entire lensback-and-forthagainst the palm of your hand with your index finger. After rubbing your ArtMost® MF (SMRTM) Flexlens, please rinse it well with a steady stream of the multi-purpose solutions.
Never rinse or store ArtMost® MF (SMRTM) Flexlenswith tap water.