1. Personal Details
Family name (exactly as written in passport)
First name(s) (exactly as written in passport)
Title Mr / Ms / Mrs / Miss/ Other
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
You must be 18 or older at the start of the summer school. / Gender
Male / Female
Country of birth / Nationality
Country of permanent residence
2. Contact Info
Correspondence address
(if applying via agent please put agency stamp / address here) / Home address
(if different from correspondence address)
Email (must be completed)
Personal tel(home) / Personal tel (mobile)
3. English Language Requirements
Minimum English language requirement is IELTS 6.5 (with minimum 6.5 in reading and writing) or equivalent qualification*.
* Please contact us for details of acceptable equivalent qualifications, noting native English language speakers enrolled at US / Canadian / English language medium universities need only submit university transcript.
If you have a formalEnglish language qualification (TOEFL, IELTS, etc) please give details (date of test and all scores) here:

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4. Funding Information
Plymouth University Humanities International Summer School fees for 2015 are £2,200.00 GBP* (Direct application) or £2,000 (if applying through our partner institutions*). This includes all academic content and accommodation, and most meals and activities.
* Scholarships, if awarded, would reduce this fee – details of scholarships, and list of partner institutions eligible for discounted fee, at and view HISS link.
Who will pay your summer school fees?
You or your
family / Government
body / Employer / Other
5. Humanities International Summer School class / subject area choices
(please select ONE from the following)
NOTE: It is your responsibility to check with your university that these credits will transfer in to your degree program
English literature & Creative Writing / History / English literature & History / History & Creative Writing
Theatre / Theatre & English Creative Writing / Theatre & History
6. Personal Statement
If you prefer to submit your personal statement on a separate page attached to
this application form please indicate here:
Please detail in essay form, circa 200 words, your motivations for applying to Plymouth University Humanities International Summer School, including your interest in the subject(s), any study and / or work experience relevant to the subject(s), plus other activities you have done and / or skills you possess relevant to the subject(s).
(Continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
7. Disability
Please tell us if you have a disability, medical condition or dyslexia (please tell us about any disability – even if you do not think it will affect you while you are at the University, so we can know how best to help you enjoy and benefit from your studies as much as possible):
8. Dietary Requirements
Please tell of us if you have any important dietary requirements (including allergies):
9. Emergency Contact Information (Next of Kin)
Name of the person to contact:
Relationship to you (example mother):
Full telephone number (home): / Full telephone number (mobile):

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10. Declaration and Signature of Applicant
  • I understand that I may be requested to submit further documentation in support of my application.
  • I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this application form is complete and correct, and that the submitted documents are genuine.
  • I confirm I will be minimum 18 years of age by the start date of this Summer School.
Applicant name: / Signature (or electronic signature; re-type full name):
11. How to Submit Your Application
Please email completed application form, personal statementand most recent university transcript to:


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