Metro Community College

FIST 1070 – Fire Protection Systems 3 Credit Hours

Monday/Tuesday 700-1000 pm

Text: Fire Detection and Suppression Systems, Third Edition

Author: IFSTA

Instructor: Charlie Neumann

Contact info: (402) 297-2752 cell

Course Description: Fire Detection and Suppression Systems is an introduction to fire protection systems, detection systems, and extinguishing agents in private and public systems. Components that comprise each system will be discussed as well as the general application principles.

Prerequisites: Admission in to the Fire Science Program

Course Objectives: Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student will be able to identify and recognize the components of fire suppression and detection systems. The student will be able to differentiate systems types, activations, and suppression methods. The student will also lean common terminology used in the construction, maintenance, and good working order of the systems

Grade Scale: 89.5-100 A

79.5-89.4  B

69.5-79.4  C

59.5-69.4  D

<59.5 F

Schedule of Assignments

·  Homework: Each chapter will be accompanied by an assignment. Homework with account for 20% of the students final grade.

·  Final Exam: A final exam will be given that shall account for 50% of the final grade and shall be a comprehensive examination of all materials covered during the term.

·  Attendance: Each student is expected to attend class every week. 30% of the final grade will be from attendance records. If a student is to miss class, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor prior to class to maintain good standing attendance.


Required Expectations

1.  Attendance

a.  If a Student must miss a class, the assignment/test that is missed must be completed prior to the next meeting of the class unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor or the student shall receive a zero (0) for the missed assignment/quiz.

2.  Classroom participation.

3.  Turn off all phones

4.  Laptops are allowed unless they become a significant disruption

Notice: This syllabus is written as an expectation of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this schedule that may result in enhanced or more effective learning for students. These modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will be done within the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College.


Metro's Academic Resource Centers, Math Centers, and Writing Centers can help you achieve educational success. The staff in these centers provide drop-in assistance with basic math, reading, writing and computer skills. We offer a friendly, supportive learning environment. Self-paced computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available.

Detailed information about these services are in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online. Links to these resources are located at


College policies, such as student rights and responsibilities, academic standards, plagiarism, and etc. are outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. This information can be accessed via the online catalog at

STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: If you cannot attend and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by calling Central Registration, 457-5231. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an instructor withdraw (IW) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is identified on the COURSE IDENTIFICATION or in the IMPORTANT DATES section of this syllabus handout.

STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT: The college has a standard code of conduct that involves consequences for specific academic and non-academic behavior that may result in a failing grade, probation, or suspension from the college. More complete information about the code of conduct is located in the Student Services portion of the online catalog (

ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a disability that may substantially limit your ability to participate in this class, please contact a Disability Support Services Counselor, located in the Student Services Office on each campus. Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. However, it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations. For further information, please contact the Student Services Office at your campus.

FIST1070 Outline

  1. Chapter 2 - Fire detection and signaling systems
  2. Basic System Components
  3. Types of signaling systems
  4. Manual Alarm-Initiating Devices
  5. Automatic Alarm-Initiating Devices
  6. Inspecting and Testing
  7. Chapter 3 - Introduction to Water Supply
  8. Characteristics of Water
  9. Advantages/Disadvantages
  10. Understanding Water Pressure
  11. Friction Loss
  12. Principles of Municipal Water Supply
  13. Private Water Supply
  14. Standpipes and Splrinklers
  15. Chapter 4 - Fire Pumps
  16. Common Fire Pump Types
  17. Pump Drivers
  18. Pump Controllers
  19. Pump Components
  20. Testing and Inspection
  21. Chapter 5 - Standpipes and Hose Systems
  22. Classification of Standpipe Systems
  23. Types of Standpipe Systems
  24. Fire Department Connections
  25. Water Supply Considerations
  26. Inspection and Testing
  27. Chapter 6 - Automatic Sprinkler Systems
  28. Components of Sprinkler Systems
  29. Piping
  30. Valves
  31. Fire Department Connections
  32. Types of Sprinkler Systems
  33. Inspecting and Testing
  34. Restoring Sprinkler Systems
  35. Sprinkler System Impairment Control
  36. Residential Systems
  37. Chapter 7 - Special Extinguishing Systems
  38. Wet Chemical Systems
  39. Dry Chemical Systems
  40. Gaseous Systems
  41. Foam Extinguishing Systems
  1. Chapter 1 - Fire Extinguishing Agents and Portable Extinguishers
  2. Identification and types
  3. Rating
  4. Types of Extinguishers
  5. Selection and Distribution of Extinguishers
  6. Placement of Extinguishers
  7. Portable Fire Extinguishers on Fire Apparatus
  8. Inspecting, Maintaining, and Recharging
  9. Hydrostatic Testing
  10. Using Portable Fire Extinguishers