MARCH 2014

Practice Profile

The practice is made up of 5894 patients as follows:

  • 20.1 % are under 16
  • 67% are 17 to 64
  • 12.9% are 65 and over
  • 49.7% are male and 50.3% are female

Patient Participation Profile

108 patients completed the LPP survey as follows:

  • 1% are under 16
  • 62 % are 17 to 64
  • 24% are 65 and over
  • 13% no response

Practice profile: / Patient Participation Profile: / Ethnicity:
Not recorded / Ethnicity of LPP / Gender of all patients registered: / Gender of LPP
U 16 – 20.5%
17-24 – 8.8%
25-34 – 17.2%
35-44 – 16.4%
45-54 – 14.7%
55-64 – 9.5%
65-74 – 6.4%
75-85 - 4.8 %
Over 85 - 1.7% / U 16s – 1 %
17-24 - 5 %
25-34 - 20%
35-44 - 14%
45-54 - 16%
55-64 - 8 %
65-74 - 11 %
75-85 - 9%
Over 85 -3% / No information / British White group – 78%
White Irish – 1%
White other – 2%
Asian Indian – 2%
No response – 17% / 50.1% male
49.9% female / 25% male
61% female
No response 14%

Patient Participation

All patients are invited to join by advertising on our website, Facebook page, check in screen and notice board display in the waiting room. In addition information is contained within our practice booklet given to all new patients and it is also periodically advertised on repeat prescription forms. On-line registration is available on our website.

Areas of Priority

The priorities for the survey were discussed at a meeting on 18 November 2013. The area’s considered and agreed were opening hours, access including on-line facilities, telephone triage and online repeat prescribing.

The Survey

The survey was created by the practice and presented at the meeting on 20 January 2014 where it was agreed. The survey questions are at Annex A.

The Survey was then given by hand to all members of the meeting on 20 January 2014. The survey was also available on request from reception from the period 20- 24 January 2014 and was available to complete online and advertised on our Facebook page.

The Results

The results of the Survey can be found at Annex B. The results were discussed at the meeting on 17 February 2014 with an action plan agreed. These results were also shared with all members not present at the meeting by post and made available on our website and available from reception for patients coming into the Surgery. The raw results were also viewed by CQC on their inspection of the Practice on 3 February 2014.

Action Plan

The on-line appointment booking facility for appointments is a new alternative platform to allow round the clock access to making non-urgent appointments and potentially free up telephone lines and reduce the amount of calls made into the Practice. On line booking would be particular useful for shift workers and is a method more of our patients would like to use. As a new facility this needs to be promoted and advertised to our patients.

The online repeat prescribing facility, which is very popular with the patients that use the service needs a higher profile, again this will be promoted to our patients to increase uptake.

Both these on-line services will be promoted within the Surgery via posters and handout slips, on our website and Facebook page in order to maximize the potential of these two platforms to our patients. Uptake will be reviewed in June 2014.

Annex A

Summary – The Questions

Q1. How do you normally book your appointments to see a GP or nurse from our Surgery?

Q2. Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments from our surgery?

Q3. How satisfied are you with the hours that we are open?

Q4. When you last requested to make an appointment with the doctor, were you offered telephone triage by the receptionist i.e. the doctor will call you back?

Q5. If so, how long did you have to wait for the doctor to call you back?

Q6. How satisfied are you with the telephone triage service by the doctor?

Q7. Did you know that we have an online repeat prescribing service?

Q8. How satisfied are you with the online repeat prescribing service?

Q9. Would you recommend the surgery to family or friends?

Annex B

Summary – The Results

Top of Form

Number of Responses: 108

How do you normally book your appointments to see a GP or nurse from our Surgery?

In person 24%

By phone 86%

Other 0%

Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments from our surgery?

In person 25%

By phone 69%

Online 28%

No preference 9%

How satisfied are you with the hours that we are open?

Very satisfied 33%

Fairly satisfied 43%

Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 10%

Fairly dissatisfied 6%

Very dissatisfied 0%

Not sure when you are open 4%

No response 4%

When you last requested to make an appointment with the doctor, were you offered telephone triage by the receptionist i.e. the doctor will call you back?

Yes 66%

No 27%

No response 7%

If so, how long did you have to wait for the doctor to call you back?

0 - 15 mins 16%

15 - 30 mins 15%

30 - 45 mins 20%

45+ mins 12%

Did not call back 0%

No response 37%

How satisfied are you with the telephone triage service by the doctor?

Very satisfied 34%

Fairly satisfied 25%

Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 1%

Fairly dissatisfied 0%

Very dissatisfied 5%

No response 35%

Did you know that we have an online repeat prescribing service?

Yes 37%

No 45%

No response 18%

How satisfied are you with the online repeat prescribing service?

Very satisfied 19%

Fairly satisfied 7%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5%

Fairly dissatisfied 0%

Very dissatisfied 0%

Do not use this service 3%

No response 66%

Would you recommend the surgery to family or friends?

Yes 75%

No 4%

No response 21%

Bottom of Form