5. Merck Problem. (50 points total) Pretend that you are hired by Merck to do some research on the behavior of their stock price. The CEO wants you to develop a report investigating two rumors that she has been hearing about Merck stock: 1) The behavior of Merck stock is consistent with the efficient market theory and 2) Changes in Merck stock, just like any other stock, are impossible to predict. That is, Merck stock follows a random walk.
In this problem, you are going to prepare the report. I will help!
To begin, I went to Yahoo finance and copied a picture depicting the behavior of Merck’s stock for the week of (10/31/05 – 11/04/05). I also went to the WSJ online and copied and pasted an excerpt from “Merck and Qualcomm Gain, But ImClone, Guidant Decline”
“Merck was the best percentage gainer among the Dow industrials, rising $1.07, or 3.8%, to $29.48. The drug maker scored a court victory in its second Vioxx liability case; thousands of cases lie ahead.”
Answer the following questions:
a) (5 POINTS) To begin this “make believe” report (the CEO treasures completeness), explain exactly what determines stock prices. Write out our general formula of stock price determination, explaining exactly what each term means, and the intuition underlying the formula itself.
Now discuss some of the factors that could influence the terms of your expression above.
b) (5 POINTS) Now use your expression above to explain the movement in Merck stock on Thursday, November 3. Be specific as to the cause of the movement as well as well the movement itself, i.e., the duration.
c) (5 POINTS) Use the expression in a) above to explain the behavior of Merck stock on Tuesday, November 1, the day the FOMC raised their target for the federal funds rate. Again, be very specific as to the cause of this behavior, using your expression in a). Below is an excerpt fromthe official statement from the 11/1 meeting.
Release Date: November 1, 2005
For immediate release
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to raise its target for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points to 4 percent.
Write your answer for part c) here.
d) (10 POINTS) Are your results consistent with the efficient market theory? Begin your answer with explaining exactly what the efficient market theory is making sure you refer to the best investment advice assuming that markets are efficient. Apply your definition of the efficient market theory to your answers on both b) and c) above. Be very specific and be sure to use the term NEWS numerous times in your explanations.
We now move on to addressing whether or not changes in Merck stock are predictable. Begin with a little notation. Let MRKt be the current spot price of Merck at time t (right now; today) and let MRKet+1 be the spot price of Merck expected tomorrow.
Of course the information set available to you is Ωt and includes all information, relevant or not, that is available up until time t (right now!).
e) (10 POINTS) According to the efficient market theory (along with our class discussion), what is the best forecasting model that you can come up with to predict MRKt+1 (the price of Merck stock tomorrow)? Be very specific and justify the choice of your forecasting model (i.e., justify why your model is the best of all the possible choices, being sure to identify some of the other possible forecasting models! (hint – redundant variables everywhere!!)).
f) (15 POINTS TOTAL, 5 FOR EACH EQUATION WITH SOLID ACCOMPANYING DISCUSSION) We are now ready to test whether or not Merck (stock) follows a random walk. Using the forecasting model above, explain exactly how we would test whether or not Merck follows a random walk. Be sure to identify the expected empirical results using all the equations that we set up in class. There are a minimum of three equations to set up and discuss. Be sure to continuously refer to the efficient market theory and the random walk properties of Merck throughout your discussion.