A New Uniform for YorkHigh School
York High is now nearly 3 years old and so it is over 4 years since we held our original uniform consultation and decided what the YHS uniform should be. In recent years we have received a great deal of feedback and comments from staff, parents and pupils about the existing uniform and we believe it is an appropriate time to review this given that many of the pupils and parents who contributed to the original uniform consultation have now completed their time at York High School.
We will not be making any changes until September 2011, but we would like to notify parents by the end of this term of any changes we intend to introduce in September 2011 in order to assist you in planning your uniform requirements for the coming school year knowing what the changes will be.
In addition, if any changes are made, we will ensure that there is no significant change to the overall cost of both the MainSchool and PE Uniform as we fully appreciate the difficult economic situation of many of our families and are not seeking to contribute to make this any harder.
To help governor’s decide on whether there should be a change to our school uniform from September 2011, please complete the questions below.
Are you a pupil, parent or member of staff?
Member of Staff
1) Do you think there should be some changes to the main school uniform?
2) Do you think there should be some changes to the PE Uniform?
Whether you have answered yes or no to questions 1 and 2, please answer the remaining questions below.
3) Thinking about the main school uniform:
a) Do you think there should be different colours for Years 7-9 and Years 10-11?
b) Would you want to keep the current fleeces as the main uniform?
c) If the fleece was being replaced would you prefer any of the following?
Please tick one only:
Sweatshirt and Polo Shirt
Jumper and Polo Shirt
Jumper and Cotton Shirt
Jumper, Shirt and Tie
Blazer, Shirt and Tie
d) Do you agree that blue and black should remain the main colours of the uniform?
4) Thinking about the PE Uniform what items do you think should be compulsory?
YHS Short Sleeve T-Shirt
Shorts (for boys and girls)
Skort (for girls as alternative to shorts)
Long Sleeved PE Shirt
Tracksuit Trousers/Joggers
Tracksuit Jacket
Football Socks
5) Any other comments you wish to make can be written below:
Please return this form to School Reception by 21 May 2010.