SSS Advisory Board Minutes

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Present: Nathan Altmann, Elizabeth Gruber, Eyasu Ogbazghi, Jason Rosas Ramirez, Amy Schick, Sean Szydel, Andy Strowig, Bruce Ouderkirk,


·  Secretary’s Report: Bruce read Casey’s minutes from the last meeting, and they were approved.

·  Treasurer’s Report: Current balance is $406.82. We also have 6 tee shirts left that we will offer for sale.

Old Business:

·  Gen 100 Visits: Casey went to Ka Vang’s class on Monday, October 19th, to recruit new members for the Board.

·  Halloween Party: It was held on October 21 in the Chancellors Hall TV lounge. Stephanie, dressed as a gumball machine, won first place in the costume contest. Stephanie and Liz did a nice job decorating. The food was great, and the location was excellent. Next year, we will plan some activities, like Twister or board games. We will also try to remember to bring a movie!

·  BluSync: Thanks to those who have started using this system. If you haven’t logged on yet, please do. You can connect to it through the Activities, Involvement and Leadership web site. We would like to use BluSync for sign-up sheets instead of Doodle.

·  Ideas for Community Service: At our next meeting, Casey will get us information about the Linus Project. Jason will find out about volunteer opportunities at the Boys and Girls Club. Liz will find out about the Blugold Beginnings tour day in the spring. Eyasu will contact the Community Table and the YMCA for information.

New Business:

·  Burrachos Fundraiser: It will be held on Thursday, November 12th, 5:00-9:00 pm, at the Water Street location. Eyasu brought a flier he prepared. He will print 100 pocket-sized notices and 30 big posters. Eyasu will also make a Facebook event to invite our friends. Jason will see about getting our flier on the university screens. Amy will post it at the bank where she works. Amy also suggested that we hand out fliers by the walking bridge on the day of the event. At the next meeting, we will talk about whether we should also reserve a table at Davies to hand out posters.

·  Ideas for November Event: We would like to have a Thanksgiving potluck dinner. A possible location would be the Towers basement since it has cooking facilities. The Board would plan to buy the meat and possibly buy some potatoes and vegetables from a deli too. Last year, we had mostly desserts. We are having trouble finding a date. November 19th was proposed, but that might be the date of an HSA meeting. We’ll try to decide on a date at our next meeting.

Open Floor:

·  Sean stated that he volunteered for the Special Olympics bowling event on Oct. 17th, but he didn’t see any other SSS/AIM students that he knew.

·  Liz reminded everyone that this Saturday is the date of the SSS/AIM trip to Minneapolis to see the play A Thousand Clowns.

Upcoming SSS/AIM Events:

·  Study Abroad Workshops, Oct. 28/29, 1:00-1:50, Cent 1704 (28th)/Schneider 0210 (29th)

·  Degree Planning Workshops, Nov. 4/5, 1:00-1:50, Cent 1704 (4th)/Schneider 0210 (5th)

·  Careers in the Helping Professions, Th, Nov. 5, 11:00-12:00, Davies, Mohican Rm (310)