Synthesis Provincial Reports for Plenary Council
March, 2009
- Preoccupations
- Jewish Christian relations, dialogue is of the essence of our charism, foster interfaith dialogue
- Our charism is needed more than ever today
- Challenge and necessity of living the charism in Israel because of political situation, where do we stand in the Israeli Palestinian conflict (Do we have a voice?), we must dare to love the Jewish people
- Sion should have a voice internationally and be heard in moments of crisis
- Contact with younger persons – vocation work
- Official church’s seeming retrogressive movement in relation to Vat II, and its effect on Jewish Christian and interfaith relations
- Living commitment to biblical justice, peace building, reconciliation
- Human mobility screams for our attention; human trafficking especially women (UNANIMA)
- Understand the development of prejudice towards certain groups in society,
- Visibility of the congregation in Jerusalem is diminishing
- Environmental situation seen as an assault on nature
- Continual renewal of the charism based on our constitutions
- Our articulation of the charism needs to be continually updated, concretized where we are, living the charism in whatever we do
- Finding ways to articulate the charism more simply for parishes, young people – some find it too “intellectual”, use modern communication media
- Finding ways to ensure a future for the Biblical Programs in Jerusalem
- On-going formation of all sisters in the charism, especially younger members
- Specialized formation of more younger members, associates/friends in scripture, Jewish studies, JC relations; continue certain key ministries or open others
- Forming lay people who will be “multipliers”, e.g. teachers in our schools, catechists
- New spiritualization theology emerging and effect on understanding Jesus in his Jewish milieu, new Christology needed in touch with understandings of scripture, JC relations, Jewish self understanding
- More local involvement with parishes, pastors, Jewish groups
- Cultivating a mutuality with friends/associates
- Development of basic materials on the charism in: scripture, catechetics, films, internet sites
- Create a team (sisters, brothers) to build formation programs for groups and different levels
- New ministries
- Contact with younger persons, students – vocation work – how to present the charism, making it attractive to the young, making ourselves known, using internet (general and provincial sites kept updated), apostolic/contemplative/brothers as a group participate in local and international gatherings for the young, offer retreats to those seeking
- JC team
- Public corporate witness of charism in modern communication media, all of us need to be well formed and informed to respond in public or private
- Formation to the charism of associates/friends, lay people in our schools, etc.
- International novitiate
- Sunday lectionary commentaries
- Interfaith ministries
- Ministries: challenge? Change or adjust?
- Give priority to ministries that express our charism: biblical formation, dialogue (JC and inter-religious), Jewish studies, ecumenism, Hebrew language, work of justice from perspective of charism
- Importance of Biblical programs in Jerusalem
- Need for skills to work in peacemaking, reconciliation
- Formation of younger members and associates/friends in the charism
- This must be an on-going concern: all provinces have made this a priority, some still looking for ways to do more
- Importance of study time in Israel
- Importance of knowing second language
- Collaboration
- Work more with brothers, associates in our Jerusalem houses
- International exchanges
- Discovering other groups working in similar areas, collaborate with them, creating networks
- Improve collaborative, communication skills among us
- UNANIMA: how can we collaborate more with other congregations/groups involved in this type of work
- Links with contemplative sisters
- Use all occasions of sharing among us
- Retreats: individual, groups, directed by a contemplative for the apostolic sisters or vice versa
- Vocation work together
- Theodore suggested the possibility of apostolic sisters having time to be renewed with contemplatives or a contemplative needing a time more apostolic…
- Sharing themes of reflection, scripture sharing
- Affirmation of meetings like ConnecSion
- In Jerusalemthere are closer ties and apostolic commitments between brothers and sisters, apostolic and contemplative
- Brazil: while respecting principles of contemplative life, that they become integral part of province, participate in meetings
- Provinces that do not have contemplatives value the links that are created at international meetings or when sisters are in Jerusalem
- Renewal of community life
- Challenges: accountability, decision-making, sharing of life
- Question of isolation of sisters not in community groupings
- Study of community life at Sion: how is it linked to and expressive of the charism?
- Community life as priority, importance of taking seriously formulating the Project of life
- All provinces feel they have too few communities able to receive younger members or those searching
- Deep sharings around the Word, some by correspondence, studying/sharing the Word has united the province, personally and communally nourishing, opened horizons, united them with other ecclesial groups
- Communities formed by common apostolic involvements; possibility of forming communities with sisters, lay members, volunteers
- Our communities should be “open” according to their individual realities, sometimes associates/friends/volunteers living in, or who share moments like Entry into Sunday/retreats/feast days/bible study.
- Kinds of communities: sisters living in community groups, sisters living individually meeting regularly as community, sisters living singly long distances from others. This presents challenges for receiving new members.
- Openness and respect for cultural differences among us and in our world
Strengthening local groupings: There is not yet enough experience in the provinces on this point. The topic will be dealt with in the discussion on reconfiguration.
- Regrouping
- Med > Europe, UkIre, Romania, Med
- Europe > Europe, UkIre, Romania, Med
- UKIre > No consensus, need more clarity, not necessarily geographical reconfig: int’l gatherings
- CA > Brazil (Difficulty of language and cultural differences, awareness that we must do something
- AustPhil > no consensus – 2 groups out of 3 suggested not joining with another province
- Brazil> interchange between provinces to strengthen personnel, break down barriers; General Team of 6, one for each of: general, formation, charism, education, popular catechesis, elderly; similar team for each zone according to local priorities, one person being regional leader.
- CanUS no consensus – struggle to imagine reconfiguration because of distances, costs, language, culture. How can reconfiguration avoid 3 levels of government and the difficulty of finding leaders? Other alternatives: reconfiguration according to themes: formation, finances, schools…
- Suggestion: Election of Superior General and 3 representatives from 3 zones of congregation; GLT spend half time in their zones and half time in Rome
- How to take into consideration the minority groups within the congregation and give expression to the richness that is inherent in these groups
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem is at the heart of our identity, a sign of God’s faithful love for his people and for humanity: we must continue to drink from her wisdom and her spirituality, unique place of formation for us and others in Scripture and Judaism; possibility of becoming involved in works of peace-making and reconciliation
- We must make an effort to remain always in Jerusalem
- The more difficult the situation the more important for Sion to be there,
- Possibility of associates/friends spending periods of time as volunteers while doing some formation to charism
- Have one stage of formation in Jerusalem for younger members
- Possibility of some members of GLT living in Jerusalem, or alternating their presence between Rome and Jerusalem
- Jerusalem should be linked directly to GLT – (1 province); Jerusalem should remain linked to a zone– (2 provinces) , but institutions remain under GLT
- Develop volunteer programs for young people as “being sent”, include formation aspect as part of their experience
- In Jerusalem, try to put younger sisters and students in touch with broader realities and movements that exist in Israel: Hebrew speaking parish, Neve Shalom, inter-religious dialogue activities
- An on-going commitment of every province to have one sister serve in Jerusalem, could be part time ministry and part time study
- Associates/Friends
- Their presence/participation on provincial and community levels give us fresh way of looking at ourselves and our future
- We have grown from our relationships and collaboration with them, we have lost our fear, we are growing in praying/studying/ministries/relaxing together
- Concern for on-going formation of associates/friends
- One province has experience of associates/friends on provincial leadership
- Associates/friends should be included in the concept of strengthening local leadership
- Clear objectives for associates/friends when they participate in provincial meetings
- Other forms of belonging to the family of Sion: teachers in our schools, former pupils, friends, families, Christian mothers, former sisters of Sion
- Not sure how associates/friends can be part of reconfiguration process
- Other suggestions
- More frequent Plenary councils (1 province)
- More international meetings (2 provinces)
- Concern for the elderly: could lay person be coordinator of community?
- International teams become vital in life of congregation: IFT, Associates, JC, Formation
- Plenary composed of GLT and zone reps – initially reps from current provinces