Ballycotton Shore Angling
1 .KNOCKADOON PIER: Spinning for pollack and mackerel. Float fishing for mullet and wrasse. Bottom fishing for dogfish and rockling.
2.KNOCKADOON HEAD: Spinning and float fishing for pollack, mackerel, wrasse and mullet. Bottom fishing for three bearded rockling. There is a track down to this mark.
3.OLD TOWER: Spinnirg and float fishing for pollack, mackerel and wrasse. Bottom fishing for conger, cod and coalfish. Sandy patches in this area.
4.BALLYMAKEAGH: Good spots on the east side of this mark for wrasse, dogfish, rockling and bass from May to November. Codling and coalfish in late autumn. Best baits, crab, Itigworm, mackerel and squid.
5.BALLYCRENANE EAST: Spinning and float fishing for wrasse and bass. Bottom fishing for dogfish and rockling. Codling and coalfish in autumn. Casting onto sandy patches.
6.BALLYCIRENANE: Surf and bottom fishing for bass and flounder, dabs and plaice. Codling in winter. During the surnmer months, thomback and painted ray taken here.
7.BALLYCRENANE WEST: Surf and bottom fishing for bass, flounder, dabs, ray and plaice. Codling and coalfish taken here.
8.BALLINWILLING: Fishing in front of car park. Bottom fishing for bass, flounder,
conger and coalfish, Best baits, crab, lugworm and mackerel.
9.BALLINWILLING REEF: Bottom fishing at end of rocks for dogfish, three bearded rockling, flounder and bass. Fishing onto sand. Low water to half tide.
10.BALLINWILLING WEST: Bottom fishing between stream and outflow from bog for bass, flounder, dabs and plaice. Codling and coalfish in autumn. Mouth of stream good for bass and flounder.
11.GARRYVOE: Bottom fishing in front of caravan park on west and east side of rocks for bass, dogfish, thornback rays and conger. In front of Hotel, bottom fishing for bass, dogfish, thornback ray and conger. Lugworm, crab and mackerel best baits. Specimen bass, flounder and dogfish recorded here.
12.ARDNAHINCH: Bottom fishing for painted ray, turbot, thornback ray, flounder, conger and codling. Irish Record Painted Ray recorded here.
13.BALLYMONA: Surf fishing for bass, flounder and codling. Two hours before and after high water, best where freshwater runs onto beach. Sea trout at high water.
14.SILVER STRAND: Fishing on the Ballycotton side for conger, flounder and bass using crab, lugworm and mackerel. Specimen flounder recorded here.
15.BALLYCOTTON: Conger fishing off main pier, night time best. Bottom fishing from breakwater for plaice, dabs, black sole and dogfish. Codling in winter time. Mullet inside breakwater. Best baits, lugworm, mackerel, squid and prawn and best after dark. Irish record plaice and black sole recorded here, also many specimens.
16.BALLYCOTTON: Float fishing and spinning for mackerel, pollack, wrasse and occasional bass.
17.BALLYCOTTON WEST: Float fishing and spinning for mackerel, pollack, wrasse and occasional bass. Easier access here via steps.
18.BALLYTRASNA: There is a narrow boreen down to this beach. Spinning and float fishing for bass and wrasse. Very deep water close in.
19.WEST OF BALLYTRASNA: Access difficult here. Spinning and float fishing produce pollack, mackerel, wrasse and bass.
20.BALLYANDREEN:Spinning and float fishing for pollack, mackerel and wrasse. Bottom fishing on right hand side onto sand for flounder, bass, codling and coalfish. Best bait, crab, lugworm and mackerel.
21.BALLYLANDERS: There is a road all the way down to this mark and you can fish a
A.BALLYCRENANE: Lugworm plentiful here and easy to dig. Sandeel can be collected here in season.
B.BALLINWILLING: Peeler and soft crab can be collected here on the rocks left of car park.
C.ARDNAHINCH: Lugworm can be dug along this stretch.
D.BALLYCOTTON: Crab can be collected along the shore below the old schoolhouse.