Catholic Vacation Bible School
Barnyard Roundup is coming to Saint John Vianney on June 13-17th!
All youth entering grades Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate.
We have real animals, hayrides, live music, and exciting activities planned!
A daily snack will also be provided (breakfast & lunch are not included).
Cost per child: $15.00 (Maximum per family: $30.00)
*Registration discounts for volunteers (see back)
**Talk to Tamarae for Financial Assistance 235-5639
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Registration ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Registration and Money are due on June 1st.
Drop off at the Parish Center during office hours or at the table set up in church.
You can also mail to: St John Vianney Attn: Tamarae, 901 S Prairie Ave, Fairmont, MN 56031
Child’s Name: _____________________________________________________________
Child’s Age: _____________ Grade for 2016-17 School Year_______________________
Allergies (food, bee stings, etc): _______________________________________________
Parent’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ___________ Cell Phone ______________ Email _______________________
Amount Due: _____ Paid Cash _____ Paid Check ______
My daughter/son, _____________________________, has permission to participate in Vacation Bible School with Saint John Vianney Church. By my signature, I waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages whatsoever they may be, especially against St. John Vianney Church, its Staff, and other persons connected with this camp. I am aware that if my child becomes a behavior problem, I will be called and arrangements will be made for me to pick him/her up from VBS.
Signature _______________________________________________________________
Volunteer Options
____ Group Leader* ____ Group Helper**
____ Craft Leader* ____ Craft Helper**
____ Snack Leader* ____ Snack Helper**
____ Game Leader* ____ Game Helper**
____ Music Leader* ____ Music Helper**
____ Sign-in Table/Greeter ____ Childcare Attendant
____ Prep Materials from Home ____ Donate juice boxes
____ Donate snack items ____ Donate Bottled Water
____ Other __________________
Days you can help: ___ Monday ___ Tuesday ___ Wednesday ___ Thursday ___ Friday
I am volunteering and will need to use the daycare provided during this time: ___ Yes ___ No
____ # of kids
*Leaders need to be present all week and will receive registration for their children for FREE
**Helpers need to be present all week and will receive 50% off their registration
***All other volunteers who are present the entire week will receive 50% off of their registration. Discounts are available for others who help out during the week.
Job descriptions:
Leaders will be in charge of one of the groups of children or of one of the stations. Group leaders stay with the same kids all week, while station leaders lead the activity for each group at different times throughout the morning. Each leader will have materials given to them that they will prepare and teach to the participants.
Helpers will assist the leaders throughout the day but will not have anything to formerly prepare or lead for the day. Helpers will assist in keeping the kids engaged and to make sure everyone is behaving and staying with the group.
Sign-in Table/Greeter will sign in all of the kids each morning and contact any family that is missing. This job requires the least amount of time and could be combined with another job.
Childcare Attendant will take care of the volunteers’ children (ages 1-4 yrs.) throughout the day. We will use the Nursery or Preschool Room and activities will be provided.
Prep Materials from Home includes helping to cut and organize items for the daily activities. This job will be completed before VBS begins. This is a good way to help out if you are unable to help out during the time of VBS.
Donate Food Items – these items will be used for our daily snack. Homemade snacks can be used for the food items.