Minutes of Bishop Monkton Parish Open Meeting

held on Monday 21st March at 7.30 pm in Bishop Monkton Chapel Schoolroom

Present: Councillors Beecroft, Barker, Bowes, Fowler, Oates and Procter, County Councillor Michael Harrison, District Councillor Ian Galloway, the clerk, Margaret Lodge, 9 Parishioners and Mrs Jane Mosley.

Apologies: there were no apologies.

Welcome: The Chairman, Councillor Beecroft opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.

Minutes: The Minutes of the last meeting previously circulated, were confirmed as a true record, this was proposed by Councillor Barker and seconded by Councillor Procter.

Matters Arising:

Village Shop: Planning Permission has been granted for the erection of one holiday cottage on the village shop site, retaining the original part which was once the Blacksmith’s shop.

Kebbell Homes: Councillor Beecroft reported that Kebbell Homes hope to start work later this year or early next year. Concern was expressed about the two big metal containers that had been on the site for sometime, it was asked if these could be removed as they were infested with Rats. The Chairman of the Village Hall and Playing Fields Committee, Mr Gerald Shervington, promised to contact Kebbell Homes regarding this.

Horse Droppings: This is still causing concern; there are piles on the village footways. Mr Bob Upton said horses were being ridden on the footway to the Village Hall, which is most unacceptable. Councillor Fowler promised to approach local horse riders regarding these matters. It was also thought a good idea if this be mentioned in the next Newsletter and on the village web site.

Pot Holes: Still lots of pot holes in and around the village to be repaired. It was noted that potholes on the low road to Ripon have been marked for attention and it is hoped that they will be filled in soon.

Grass Cutting: Farm and Land Services are once again to cut the grass in and around the village. NY Highways will continue to fund to maintain minimum visibility requirements.

Flood Alleviation Scheme: Councillor Barker thanked Mr Roger Baker for arranging the annual ‘beck cleanup’. He added that the spillway had been put to test during the Christmas period and had helped in preventing any flooding to houses.

Councillor Harrison is to contact NY highways re the promised installation of a two way flap. It is hoped that this will stop water standing on the footway.

The rebuild of the MechanicBridge is nearly completed, and Councillor Barker confirmed that the new bridge is exactly the same width and height as the old one. Councillor Beecroft was disappointed that engineering bricks had been used.

Village Hall and Playing Fields: Mr Gerald Shervington reportedthat all was going well and that they had had another successful year. He was saddened at the folding of the Bishop Monkton Football Club, but was delighted to report that the pitch was being used by nearby Junior Clubs. It is hoped to arrange another QE 11 fun day. Dates to be decided. He added that the Village Pantomime was very successful.

A new booking clerk is needed; Lesley Shervington has kindly volunteered to do this until someone else is found.

Village Defibrillator: Councillor Beecroft reported that the village had been awarded a £900 grant, from Harrogate Borough Council, towards the cost of a defibrillator, the full cost being £1800. The Village Hall and Playing Fields Committee had promised to pay £450. It was agreed by the meeting that the Parish Council contribute £450 from the annual precept. The defibrillator will be placed outside the Village Hall accessible for all groups who use the hall and playing fields. Training will be given, to representatives of various groups, on how to use the defibrillator.

Kebbell Homes: Councillor Beecroft told the meeting that before the commencement of building work new drains had to be laid as the present ones were inadequate. Kebbell Homes had promised to fund a Traffic Calming Scheme at the Hungate/Moor Road Junction. The Parish Council will be consulted but a scheme would not be drawn up until building work started on the site.

Due to this development, Councillor Beecroft reported that an additional source of funding, Commuted Sums, would be available from Harrogate Borough Council.

Mr Richard Harper hoped that other village activities would benefit from some of this money as well as the Village Hall and Playing Fields.

Donations from Precept to Bishop Monkton Burial Ground Committee: Following a request from the Burial Ground Committee it was proposed by Councillor Procter and seconded by Councillor Bowes and agreed by the meeting to give a donation of £475 to help with the cost of maintaining the Burial Ground. Councillor Barker explained to the meeting that volunteers maintain the area behind the ParishChurch (new area). Mr Alan Chisem cuts the ‘old area’ and Councillor Beecroft cuts the area not used. Thanks were expressed to all who help keep the area in good condition.

Bishop Monkton War Memorial: The meeting agreed that a donation of £30 be made to Mr and Mrs Ralphs for planting up and maintaining the War Memorial. Grateful thanks be extended t them for doing this.

Village Hall Flowerbeds: It was agreed by the meeting that a donation of £30 be made to the four volunteers who plant up and maintain the flowerbeds. The volunteers were kindly thanked for doing this.

The Volunteers are:

  • Boroughbridge Road – Mrs Townsend
  • Moor Road – Mrs Pauline Houseman
  • Knaresborough Road – Mrs Jean Banks
  • Knaresborough Road (Ripon side) – Mr and Mrs Ryan

Dog Mess Posters kindly done by pupils of BishopMonktonSchool were on display. It isintended to have these laminated and displayed in and around the village.

As there was no other business Councillor Beecroft (who has served for 33 years), told the meeting that this would be his last ‘Open Parish Meeting’ as he was not putting up for re election in May.

Three other well respected councillors were not putting up for re election, Councillor Bowes (who has served 30 years), Councillor Barker (who has served 33years) and Councillor Procter (who has served for 12 years). The Clerk to the Council, Margaret Lodge was also retiring after 42 years service.

He warmly thanked the Parish Councillors for their support,hard work and dedicated service over the years. Grateful thanks were expressed to County Councillor Michael Harrison and District Councillor Ian Galloway.

Councillor Beecroft thanked Margaret for her dedicated service and said she had done a wonderful job and would be sorely missed.

Mrs Jane Mosley has been appointed Clerk to the Council (Margaret Lodge’s daughter)

Councillor Barker gave a glowing tribute to Councillor Mervyn Beecroft who has served 33 years on the Parish Council, 26 of them as Chairman. He said that Mervyn was at the forefront of getting things done, he has never been one to promote himself or require praise for what he has done, he’s just got on with it and did it for the benefit of the community.

The meeting ended at 9.05 on a rather sombre note