Filling in the application form
Please read this carefully before completing your application form.
We want you to be successful with your application and the application form is the key to this.
We want to know that you can do the job outlined in the Job Description and we need to be able to match your skills and abilities to those in the Person Specification.
Please complete electronically or write clearly in black ink, as the forms will be photocopied. Also make sure that the form is signed and dated.
Please note that forms received after the closing time and date will not be considered.
These notes have been produced to help ensure that everyone gets an equal opportunity to do well.
If you have any queries about completing the form please ring 020 8280 2244.
Part A: Personal Details
- We ask for your title, your first name, then surname or family name.
- The address where you are currently living, with postcode.
- Home and mobile telephone numbers and e-mail address, as we may need to contact you about interview times.
Parts B and C: Employment/Volunteering History
- You may list both paid and relevant unpaid work, however, you must indicate which was which.
- Your most recent employer should be listed in Part B and previous employment/volunteering in Part C.
- Full details of your employment should be given: the post/posts you held during that period of employment;the length of time that you were in that employment; the main tasks for which you were responsible and your reason for leaving.
- Please include details of any voluntary work or voluntary involvement that you feel is relevant to the post. Both appropriate paid work and voluntary work will be considered equally relevant experience for the post.
PartD: Education & Qualifications
- Start with the secondary school, or college you attended most recently.
- We do not need details of primary school education.
- We need details of the qualifications you gained, i.e. examinations passed, rather than entered.
- Tell us about other relevant training or qualifications that you have gained or attended, including short courses or in service training.
- You may be required to show us evidence of qualifications gained at the interview.
PartE: Why are you interested in the post?
- This is your opportunity to tell us why you want this particular job rather than any other. It links and complements with the next question and helps us to build a clearer picture. You may, therefore, like to add any additional information, e.g. interests, voluntary work, which are relevant to the post.
Part F: Relevant Skills & Experience
- This is a very important part of the application form.
- Look carefully at the person specification and relate your answer to each item listed in the specification.
- You need to demonstrate clearly from your previous experience that you have the essential requirements laid out in the person specification.
- For example: 'In my post with company A I had to deal with all customer complaints, this required sensitivity, a creative approach to problem solving and an ability to handle difficult situations. For example.....'
- It is not enough simply to write: 'I am sensitive, I can problem solve and handle difficult situations.'
- You should continue on not more than one additional sheet.
- Ensure that you write clearly or, if possible, type this section.
Part G: Referees
- You must give the name of two people who know you and your work well. At least one of these people should be your current or most recent employer, teacher or tutor.
- Please note that we will not discuss your application with your employer unless we take up references.
- Ealing CVS will not appoint until two satisfactory references have been obtained. Therefore in order to ensure that candidates do not have to wait too long for a decision, we may send out for references for all shortlisted candidates. If you do not wish us to contact your referees at this stage please indicate this on the form.
Part H: Additional Information and Declaration
- Please read this section carefully before you sign the declaration
The application form may be completed electronically and returned to