There is a clearly defined dress code for all students at Glenmore High, which has been developed by the Parents and Citizens Association through consultation with parents and students. For safety and to help promote a positive school image and identity, students are required to wear full school uniform at all times. On enrolment, every student and parent will sign a commitment to adhere to our dress code.
Students are required to be clean and well groomed at all times and present a positive and proud image of Glenmore High.
School Colours / Black, White and Burnt Orange.Shirt / Polo shirt
- plain white with orange and black trim The shirt is identified with Glenmore High embroidered on the front of the shirt
- white, black and orange with the Glenmore High School DRAGON embroidered on the front of the shirt.
Long Trousers / PLAIN BLACK ONLY: shorts above the knee. Skirts, long formal dress trousers or tracksuit pants
Black Denim and skinny jeans are not acceptable.
Shorts MUST have inside leg length of minimum 12 cm.
Pullover /
- Glenmore High spray jacket (black and white)
- Pullover or jacket in plain black. (No motifs)
- Black leather shoes or joggers are acceptable.
- White socks must be visible.
Hat /
- Glenmore High bucket hat or black cap. Hats must be worn correctly at all times with brim over face.
- Beanies and Bandanas are NOT permitted.
Formal Uniform / Available at the School Apparel Shop
Accessories / Accessories worn by a student must comply with the important consideration of safety. Accessories are not to be obvious and draw undue attention to the wearer. Students are expected to present themselves in a well-groomed appearance, which is suited to an educational institution.
A student may wear:
- Wrist watch
- One flat ring
- Stud earrings / sleepers (worn only in ear lobes). Studs must not be larger than 3mm in diameter and sleepers no larger than 12mm in diameter.
- Facial Piercing must be a clear bar or plug
- Light neck chain worn under the shirt
- Hair clips / band ( to hold hair in place)
Hairstyle / Hair will be neat and not draw undue attention.
Excursions / Full school uniform, unless otherwise notified.
Sports / Individual sports may require particular clothing for game play, (eg. rugby league guernsey). Specific requirements need to be obtained from the Health and Physical Education Department. Shirts from Rockhampton Representative & Capricornia Sports etc. are not part of the School dress code.
House Colours / Gunyanni (tree) – yellow
Lucrapana (canoe) – red
Errabunga (fish) – green
Narrawa (spring water) – blue
Note: Polo Shirts in House colours can be worn for school sport events only.
Special Free Dress Days / These will occur each year, (eg. Jeans for Genes Day). These days will follow a set procedure of prior notification and commitment. Students must wear appropriate clothing to meet Sun Safety requirements. Students who do not participate are expected to be in dress code.
Uniform Committee / School uniform can be purchased from the Uniform Shop, which is operated by the P & C Office in the Administration block every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.30am to 10.00 am. A price list is available at the office.