Oxford Township BOE Meeting March 9, 2017

Oxford Township Board of Education

Work Session Minutes

March 9, 2017 – 7:00 PM


VICE PRESIDENT:Suzanne Taranto

MEMBERS:Carrieann Arnold (arrived 7:36 PM)

Linda Koufodontes

Anthony Lewis-Lahey

Jonathan Bee

Georgette Miller




Mr. Norton called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, and read the Sunshine Notice below:

Notice of time, date, location and agenda of this meeting, to the extent then known was provided at least forty eight (48) hours prior to the commencement of this meeting in the following manner pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 231 of the law of 1975 "the Open Public Meetings Act:"

  • Emailing to the Express Times and the Star Gazette
  • Posting on the District Website and the Main Bulletin Board in the District Office
  • Filing with the Oxford Township Clerk

Mr. Norton led all assembled in the pledge of allegiance.

Ms. DeRiso called roll.

Mrs. Miller then read:


Students are:

  • Inspired to believe and achieve
  • Challenged in a caring and character building environment
  • Enabled to make positive contributions to their community


Ms. Katie Bodmer reported that the council is selling Earth Day t-shirts to raise funds, they attended a leadership conference, there is a talent show scheduled in May, and the council will once again be sponsoring positive note day in May.


a)Legislative– Mr. Lewis Laheyreported that state aid is expected to remain flat again this year.

b)NJSBA Warren County – Mrs. Koufodontes reported there was a strategic planning meeting on March 2nd. There was nothing new covered on the topic.

c)Town Council– Mr. Magnuson stated Mr. Norton will attend the next meeting.

d)PTA– Mr. Magnuson stated there were tricky tray updates at the meeting and the Reflections awards were chosen.

e)Warren Hills Regional High School– No report

f)Oxford Youth Association– Mrs. Miller reported there are 3 softball teams this year and the OYA is getting ready for their hoops fundraiser.


a)Chief School Administrator – Robert Magnuson reported on the following topics:

1)WHRHS Send/Receive Update

2)CSA Action Plan Update

b)Director of Special Services – No report

c)Business Administrator – Nancy DeRiso discussed the following:

1)Next Board Meeting – Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 7:00 PM (budget submission approval)


  1. Response to grievance letter on 2/28/2017
  2. Updated grievance letter dated March 2, 2017

3)ASBO International Leadership Conference – Post Travel Report

PUBLIC COMMENT – Policy No. 1120 “Board of Education Meetings”

a)Residents are invited to respectfully share their concerns, comments and suggestions regarding items on this agenda.NONE

1)BUDGET & FINANCEGerald Norton, Chairperson

a)Discussion items:

1)Ms. DeRisoreported on the upcoming due dates in the budget process.

b)Action items:

1)Approve the submission of an application for a NJ Child Assault Prevention grant for the 2017-2018 school year that will require a district contribution of $449.40 for grades Pre-K through 7th. The NJ CAP program will fund the remaining cost of $1,048.60.

Ayes: 6Nays: 0 Abstain: 0 Absent: 1


a)Discussion items:

1)Ms. DeRiso reported that the Difference Card company provided some options to alleviate the issues mentioned in the teacher grievance. These will be discussed in Executive Session.


a)Discussion Items

1)Ms. DeRiso reported that the architect plans to review the building assessment toward the end of March.

b)Action items:

Motion by Mrs. Koufodontes, seconded by Mrs. Miller, to approve the following resolution(s):

1)Approve the attached requests for Use of School Facilities pursuant to Policy #1330.


a)Discussion Items

1)Mr. Magnuson discussed many Oxford students going into high school being placed in Spanish II because they are better prepared than those students from other districts.

b)Action items:

Rescind the action item for approving field trips.

Unanimous voice vote aye.


a)Discussion Items


b)Action items:

Motion by Mrs. Koufodontes, seconded by Mr. Lewis-Lahey, to approve the following resolution(s):

1)Approve hiring FernandaProano as a paraprofessional at the rate of $13.00 per hour for approximately 27 hours per week for the remainder of the 2016/2017 school year pending criminal background check.

Ayes: 4Nays: 2Abstain: 0Absent: 1


a)Discussion Items

1)Mrs. DeRiso reported that vending machines installed outside the gym and in the cafeteria for selling water.

2)Mrs. Taranto asked about the high school getting a water bottle filler from Shoprite and why our district could not also get one. Mr. Magnuson responded that he believed the station cost $3,600 and Shoprite contributed only $750 of that amount. The rest was paid for by the school.

Mrs. Arnold joined the meeting at 7:36 PM.


a)Discussion Items - None

b) Action Items - None


Mr. Magnuson reported that all special education policies are up to date and the board will approve a statement of assurance on March 23rd stating same.

Mrs. Koufodontes asked if withholding the 8th grade field trip from some students would be discussed in Executive session and Mr. Magnuson responded yes.

Mr. Norton reminded the board to complete Mr. Magnuson’s evaluation and asked Mr. Magnuson for a mid-year summary on the status of his goals.


Mr. Magnuson reported that Lauren DiRenzo will be invited in to observe some classes this semester. He also reported that Ms. DeWitt took some third grade students to a FAB Physics Program and they received certificates of excellence based on their participation.

Ms. DeRiso polled board members who needed to complete governance training and all chose to do so online for this year.

PUBLIC COMMENT – Policy No. 1120 “Board of Education Meetings”Residents are invited to respectfully share their concerns, comments and suggestions.

Mrs. DeMarco asked how the board planned to save $100,000 on healthcare expenses in next year’s budget. Mrs. DeRiso responded that the savings is anticipated compared to the current budget, which is higher than actual current spending. It is expected that results for health claims will be similar next year and the board agreed to budget the savings.

Mrs. DeMarco also suggested that the board consider turning on all employees’ Difference Cards at the beginning of the year, and then bill them for the $100 deductible if the card is used. Ms. DeRiso responded that all options to address the perceived challenges presented by the Difference Card will be discussed in Executive Session as part of a Negotiations discussion.


Motion by Mrs. Taranto, second by Mrs. Koufodontes to enter into Executive Session at 7:45 P.M.

Resolved by the Board of Education of Oxford Township as per Chapter 231, P.L. 1975:

That it is hereby determined that it is necessary to meet in Executive Session at this meeting to discuss: a student issue and a personnel matter. The matters discussed will be made public if and when confidentiality is no longer required and action pursuant to said discussion shall take place only at a public meeting.

The board returned to public session at 8:40 PM.

Motion by Mrs. Taranto, second by Mr. Bee, to deny Ms. Dachisen’s request to be paid for unused vacation and sick days.

Ayes: 5Nays: 2Abstain: 0Absent: 0


Motion by Mrs. Koufodontes, seconded by Mr. Bee, to adjourn the meeting of the Oxford Township Board of Education at approximately8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted:


Nancy A. DeRiso, CPA