Report for David Olson, CEO & Publisher

Prepared by Michelle Jameson, reviewed by ML Austin


1)There is a British flag on the KWIK course description pages on all active KWIK course description pages.

2)Nitrous Oxide, Local Anesthetic Review and Bad Breath have all ”disappeared” during either a timeout/re-login action or when I was deleting extraneous information when cleaning up copy.


1) CA Dental Practice Act

2 CEUs, 35 pages, 10 exam questions.

Course Issues

Old formatting. Old address—(VA address)

Some citations in course are not correct. For example, on page nine, DLN course (which the KWIK site course link redirects to) cites B&P codes 108, 125.9, 1116.5 and 1680 as stating that dental licensees must allow The Board to inspect premises when there is suspicion of violations, when in fact, most the above named sections do not discuss inspections.

There is a big blurb in the course about the attorney who wrote the course.

The table on page 16 needs column headers.

The course is a reiteration of The Act—not a difficult write.

B&P sections may or may not sunset 1/1/12. These statutes need to be “watched” in case they are repealed on 1/1/12.

In my opinion, this course needs some research and editing.

Website Issues

No tracking/publication tracking suffix numbers on KWIK site.

Old formatting.

DLN link looks like this:

Main Menu

How to Take This Course

Course Objectives


About the Editor

Begin Course—(Has the TOC and link to PDF download (under “Coursebook”)

Post Examination

The reason I include the look of the DLN site homepage,is because itis not consistent and there are particular problems with some DLN homepage links that I will discuss within each course evaluation.

2) Infection Control

2 CEUs, 40 pages, 10 exam questions.

Course Issues

Old format.TOC right after cover page.Old address in VA.Big blurb on author. On page 9, font randomly changes in the terminology section to TNR for just one paragraph. Thought we wrote a new Infection Control Course???

Website Issues

Old formatting.

No tracking/publication tracking suffix numbers on KWIK site.

DLN link looks like this:

Main Menu

Taking this Course (deviates from previous)

Objectives and Introduction (deviates from previous)

Begin Course—(Has the TOC )

Online Post Examination (deviates from previous)

Download Course (Deviates from previous) This links to new page PDF file (Deviates from previous)


6 CEUs, No tracking/publication tracking suffix numbers on KWIK site.

Link does not work!

2)Wound Healing

3 CEUs, 33 pages, 15 exam questions.

Course Issues

Old formatting. Old address in VA. Needs new course description. Needs editing for grammar, ect.

Good material though. Very technical.

Website Issues

Old formatting.

No tracking/publication tracking suffix numbers on KWIK site.

No DLN homepage! Just goes to PDF file. Not consistent!

3)Basic Ethics in Dentistry: What All Dentists Should Know

DLN site labels this course: Basic Information on Ethics in Dentistry

3 CEUs, 28 pages, 20 questions.

Course Issues

Very old formatting. Has time limit on test return. No address for written test submission. Needs editing and updating!

On page 3 includes a weird little testimonial by Mike Weisenfel, DDS on the course. Nothing else is on the page, so it’s out of place.

Website Issues

Very old formatting.

No tracking/publication tracking suffix numbers on KWIK site.

DLN link looks like this:

Main Menu

Taking this Course

Course Objectives (So, now, we are back to CA DPA, DLN homepage model)

Begin Course—(Has the TOC )

Online Post Examination

Download Course (Deviates from previous) This links to new page PDF file

In Conclusion……

There are formatting inconsistencies, errors with links, and the courses need to be updated. Also, there is some kind of bug in the KWIK site that “disappears” courses. Perhaps a course template could be built to allow for consistency.