Mass Movement Project
Description: Students will work individually, or in groups of four or less to create a model of one of five types of mass movement: avalanche, mud slide, land slide, slump, or creep. Information about the different types of mass movement, excluding avalanche, can be found on pgs. 204-207. If students chose to model an avalanche they will need to look up the information on their own.
Materials: Over the years I’ve had students make all types of models. The basic components needed are a hill and some type of mass movement: mud for mudslide, rocks for landslide, etc. A hill can be made simply with a piece of cardboard propped up. I’ve had students include houses, people, and cars. I’ve had models made of cake with chocolate syrup mud; houses made of graham crackers with M&M rocks for a landslide, and some serious wood shop models with paint and stain. Students are responsible to clean up their project. I will have some space to store projects in the room and I’ll do my best to keep others from touching them, but I can’t be responsible for lost materials. Please don’t leave anything valuable in the classroom. These are just a few suggestions for materials, please feel free to be creative and use whatever works for you. If you have any concerns that your materials may be inappropriate for class please get teacher approval before bringing it in.
Due date: Projects will be presented in class Wednesday, December 11, Friday, December 13th, and Wednesday, December 18th. Students chose their presentation date. All projects must be completed by December 18th. Student groups will have a small amount of time to collaborate in class, but the majority of the project should be completed as home work. All students will have time to set-up the day before their presentation.
Students expectations / Great work3 / Good work
2 / Fair Work
1 / Poor work or no work shown/observed
The student/student group created a model of one of the types of mass movement: avalanche, mud slide, land slide, creep, slump
The student/student group presented and explained their project to the class and were able to answer questions about their project
The student used their class project time properly and contributed to the outcome of the project. They helped in the creation, presentation, and clean up
Have directions/rubric signed by parent and return it with the project / 1
This project counts double in the grade book: 10 points=100
9 points=90%
below 70 is failing 8 points=80%
7 points=70%
Writing Assignment
Alternate assignment directions: If students do not wish to create a mass movement project, they can do a writing assignment about mass movement. In this assignment they will need to write a three paragraph narrative in first person describing one of the five types of mass movement. They should write the story as if they are caught in a mud slide, land slide, creep, slump, or avalanche. In their story they must accurately describe what caused the mass movement, what they see happening around them during the mass movement, and describe the damage caused by the mass movement (aftermath).
Due date: Wednesday, December 18th
Students expectations / Great work3 / Good work
2 / Fair Work
1 / Poor work or no work shown/observed
The student explains what caused the mass movement
The student describing what happens during the mass movement
The student explains the result/after math of the mass movement
The student writes a first person narrative that is at least three paragraphs long
Have directions/rubric signed by parent and return it with the project / 1
This project counts double in the grade book: 13- points=100
12 points=92%
below 70 is failing 11 points=84%
10 points=77%
9 points = 70%
I have read the directions and rubric for the mass movement project and I understand my/my child’s responsibility.
Parent Signature______
Student Signature______