The “Journal” is on vacation, but the “Amigos” continue to meet every week.

We continue to report their activities via the hallway bulletin board, the hospitality room table,

and on our official website, thanks to Joanne Piambino ( for Lou Anzalone).


The week's miscreants:

John Ward, John Bousum, Chris Frost, Joey Clark, Carol Vreim, Jim Lammey,
Joey Clark, Chris Frost, Tilly and Dick Hujsak, Chet Henricksen, Kirk Berger,
Linda Dierksheide, Jim McIlvaine, and Don Mullings


Grounds equipment Storage Room:

. Jim L returned this week after a long bout with a leg Hematoma and blood problems. Jim has begun his Amigo rehab by starting a project to add some 18 ft long shelving to one wall for large parts storage. A project that may take awhile.


Wheel Chairs: Don found a local source in Coatesville that had replacement leg/foot supports in stock for our newest chair. Jim M helped drill out a few holes to make things fit. We checked, and are pretty sure the footpad could also replace the lost foot support on the older chair, which is missing one.

Dondesigned and made a special wooden case to hold both of our DeWalt rechargeable drills. He is lining the case to custom – fit both tools, and most accessory parts as well. (They were formerly just thrown loosely into a canvas bag; subject to damage.)

TillyandDickCleaned up our backup John Deere

tractor prior to offering it for sale (with the blessing of the original donor). Chet hauled the tractor out of storage for pictures. After a thorough search we did locate the twin grass catcher bags and connecting tubes that go with this fine machine.

(It will be for sale to members of our congregation before we place an Ad on Craig’s list…. No price has been established as yet).

Kirk Continued his usual tasks of power blowing off driveway and sidewalk areas, and pruning off tree branches that droop into our car rooftops and balding heads.

Linda, Carol, and Jim M pulled and hauled away weeds from all the flower beds (Joey pointed out some)… a continuous job during August-September, and usually involving plenty of sweat at this time of year..

John W hung various pictures in the new youth director’s office.

John B fixed a wall spot in the Ladies rest room downstairs. His project is to paint that room before the fall preschool term begins.