Panther Press

Volume 1: March, 2006

Life at SFC

By: Ms. Sents


s a current student at Snohomish Freshman Campus, life is full of excitement and challenges.

Attending an all 9th grade school gives the students the opportunity get to know each other since this is the 2009 graduating class of SnohomishHigh School. The draw back to an all 9th grade school is the over crowding of students. There are over 750 students who attend SFC.

The course offing at Snohomish Freshman Campus is very wide. Of course there are the basic course such as English, Science, Math, and etc… When it comes to electives, students are able to choice from many different types of courses.

Students are able to explore their interest while attending SFC, through participating in sports and clubs. Yearbook is one of the clubs that allows students to learn how to take pictures, write copy and learn about layouts. By being in Yearbook students are able to create lasting memories for their classmates.

The SFC is a wonder but crazy school. Students have an opportunity to get use to the idea of being in high school. Learn the skills and expectation that teachers have on high school students.

Spring Sports

By: Ms. Sents


he weather is changing. The sun is shining the spring fever is in the air. It is time for everyone to get outside and enjoy the spring sports that SFC has to offer.

The students at SFC have the opportunity to play on a variety of teams such as: Track and Field, Baseball/Softball, Soccer, Tennis, and much more.

Teams are working hard for upcoming meets and games to show that the Panthers are the best.

Come out and enjoy the weather by watching the spring sports!

Upcoming Events
March 17 – 25 OklahomaSchool Play
March 22 Track Meet
March 24 Half-Day
March 25 Jazz Concert
March 30 Band Concert
April 3 -7 Spring Break