Building 911
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Phone 516 344-4932
Fax 516 344-5954
managed by Brookhaven Science Associates
for the U.S. Department of Energy
date: March 12, 2002
to: A-C Experimental Safety Review Committee (ESRC)
from: Yousef Makdisi
subject: Minutes of the review of E913 and E927 (test)
Present: P. Cirnigliaro, A. Etkin, M. Gaffney, R. Karol, E. Lessard, Y. Makdisi,
R. Prigl, R. Savage, J. Scaduto, M. Van Essendelft
N. Kozlenco, B. Nefkens, J. Price, Bekzenev,
B. Nefkens described the two experiments E913 and E927 (test) that are slated to take beam in LESB II for one week each starting in mid April 2002.
The E913 experimental set up is similar to the last time they ran with the exception that CH2 and C solid targets will replace the liquid hydrogen target. The Class I Div II requirement in the Crystal Ball room is not in effect.
The Crystal Ball consists of sodium iodide crystals each viewed by one photo multiplier tube. It is situated inside a dry room. A smoke detector interlocks the tubes high voltage.
· The smoke detector interlock shall be tested prior to turning on the high voltages (Scaduto, April 12, 2002.
(Scaduto informs us that the interlocks (red outlets) were in place as part of the liquid hydrogen target system. This has been removed and thus the interlocks. We have decided that for this short run we will require shift coverage when the HV on the crystal ball is turned on. Also the shift crew will read and sign the emergency procedure that points to the power disconnect switch should the need arise. Added on April 9, 2002)
An Isobutane gas-filled Cerenkov counter (1 ft diameter and 3 ft long) will be situated downstream of the Crystal Ball. It will be filled with Isobutane at a pressure of a few centimeters and sealed.
· The counter vessel shall be tested for leaks prior to filling with isobutane (Scaduto, April 12, 2002).
The wire chambers will use the same gas mixture and mixing system as E931 i.e. 20/80 Isobutane/ Argon mixture with a trace amount of Methylal. The gas is premixed into four bottles, two of which are on line.
E927 will use the same beam line and install a plexiglass cerenkov counter downstream of the Crystal Ball. The phototube bases are home made.
· The printed circuit of the phototube bases shall be tested to withstand 2 x(operating voltage) +1000 Volts. (Nefkens, April 12, 2002)
· A walkthrough of the installed apparatus will take place at a convenient time prior to delivery of beam to the experimental area. (Makdisi, April 12, 2002)
T. Kirk
D. Lowenstein
P. Pile