[Stamped: Navy Department, Secretary's Office, Records Division: Received February 7, 1942]
Hall of
Arrowhead Chapter No. 110
Native Sons of the Golden West
San Bernardino, California
The Honorable Secretary of the Navy
White House
Washington DC
I am attaching copy of resolution adopted in regular session at the last meeting of Arrowhead Parlor No. 110 of the Native Sons of the Golden West,
Yours truly,
Robert Brazelton
Recording Secretary
Hall of
Arrowhead Chapter No. 110
Native Sons of the Golden West
San Bernardino, California
WHERAS, many of the Japanese residents of Hawaii, despite their citizenship and professed allegiance to the United States, Have amply demonstrated through their treacherous actions on December 7, 1941 that the presence in any combat area of Japanese, whether citizen or alien, constitutes a great and imminent menace to our security; and
WHERAS, Native Sons of the Golden West, alert to the danger created by the presence of many thousand s of Japanese in the combat area extending two hundred miles inland from the Pacific Coast of the United States, believe such Japanese to be enemies or potential enemies of our country and liable at any time to duplicate the fifth column activities of their compatriots in Hawaii;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Arrowhead Parlor No. 110 of the Native Sons of the Golden West hereby respectfully petitions the proper authorities of the United States government to remove all Japanese, both citizens and aliens, from the combat area extending two hundred miles inland from the Pacific Coast of the United States.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the President of the United States, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Chairman of the San Bernardino County Office of Civilian Defense.
February 10, 1942
My Dear Mr. Brazelton:
I have been directed by the Secretary of the Navy to acknowledge and thank you for your letter of February 3rd in which you enclosed a copy of the resolution recently passed by Arrowhead Parlor No. 110.
Since the passage of the resolution you must have been pleased to read that Federal authorities have clamped down to a great extent on Japanese enemy aliens in the west.
Please be assured however that further measures will be taken and that your petition has been submitted to the proper authorities.
Sincerely yours,
William Stucky
Ensign, USNR
Office of Public Relations