President Borra-Present / Vice-President Anderson-Present
Director Hansberry-Present / Vice-Director Kemi-Present / Director Pearson-Present / Vice-Director Xie-Present
Senator Bereiter-Present / Senator Chaffee-Present / Senator Choi-Absent unexcused / Speaker Dean-Present
Senator Garfield-Present / Senator Harp-Present / Senator Lindberg-Present / Senator McEvoy-Present
Senator Mooney-Present / Senator Stensland – Absent Excused / Senator T. Vang-Present / Senator Y. Vang-Present

Approval of the AgendaMcEvoy/Harp, French club needs to be changed to political science association, passed by voice

Approval of the Minutes (September 26th)-Work with Ann to find these

Approval of the Minutes (November 7th)- Tabled by voice

Approval of the Minutes (February 13th)-Harp/McEvoy Passed by voice

Old Business
Open Student Forum: Richard Wehmas-YAC representative. Looking to further develop campus community by reaching out to other organizations. Looking to reach out to us. Lindberg-wants larger performance on campus. YAC is going to NACA to enhance organization.
President: Went to Habitat and broke some stuff. Doing stuff with board of regents. Speaking at chancellor’s inauguration. Higher Learning Commission meeting Thursday at 8. Had dinner with Assistant vice chancellor of admissions candidate, cool lady. Go to presentations, it’s interesting. Alma mater committee-12 submissions. Wednesday finalists selected and then will be a voting process, March 9th during lunch hour.
Vice-President: Superior Days-swell time. Talked with ShielaHarsdorf separate from Superior Days, her explanation of budget vs funding was that University system got cut because they saved more programs. Has continued to get garden project rolling.
Directors-No reports
Vice-Directors-No Report / Speaker-Informal meeting with student tech committee. Not a rockband player…Broke a drumstick….ON ROCKBAND (I don’t know how else to say that)
Senators: McEvoy-3rd FYE meeting. Discussing what first year experience guidelines should be and what they want students to get out of it, having troubles because of language. Did sound board for Jack and the Beanstalk.
Y. Vang: Promote orchestra concert tomorrow.
Mooney: Unfair compaign. A lot of faculty members, but not a lot of students. Working with DAC committee and having the same type of thing but just students. Tuesday before springbreak.
Harp: Last Thursday his team won WorldQuest competition. Got donation for charity.
Lindberg/Garfield: Superior days- Putting money into business rather than people. Education being cut.
Sustainability conference- Welcoming climate for Sustainability. Start movement by starting small. Renewable resources on UWS can be from 15-50,000. There are many grants. 5-10 years of profit. Upgrading all lighting. Lots of great ideas! Try to table ideas.
Chancellor or Designee(s): none
Faculty Senate: None
Academic Staff Senate: None
New Business
1.SF 0212-05 Emergency Funding Request French ClubPolitical Science Association
  • McEvoy/Chaffee
  • 9-0-1
2.SF 0212-06 Emergency Funding Request Volleyball Club
  • McEvoy/Lindberg
  • Something that will be paid.
  • 10-0-0
3.SF 0212-07 Reallocation Request
  • Chaffee/McEvoy
  • Bryce speaking on this one. Two trips cancelled, couldn’t be rescheduled. Want them to spend the rest of the money. On campus activity? Probably highballed jersey dollar amount.
  • Where is extra money going?
  • Emily is in favor in finding cheap jerseys and then doing on campus activity.
  • Garfield: proposing $120 for jerseys rather than 200. Garfield/Chaffee
  • Amendment: 10-0-0
  • Passes 10-0-0
4.SF 0212-08 Reallocation Request
  • McEvoy/Garfield
  • 10-0-0
5.SF 0212-09 Reallocation Request
  • Dean/McEvoy
  • Were going on a trip, now on campus fun stuff.
  • Call to question-Speaker dean/Lindberg
  • 8-0-2
6.SGA Volunteer Work
  • Not possible for doing it on the date we wanted.
  • Dog Walk/Relay for life?
  • Give Cancer the Boot
  • Relay is different this year-only goes until 12 this year.
  • This week-everyone brainstorm a really fun name for our team.
  • At least 7 people can commit.
7.Goals/Paperwork/Pictures/Et cetera
  • Dean- Reassign committees. Will get out to you in e-mail format.

Announcements-VP Anderson is going to head committees.

Adjournment-McEvoy/Harp 9:28