Notes about folks:
Carol Schnipke has undergone several procedures recently in an attempt for medical personnel to reach a diagnosis for health issues she’s been having
Phil Troyer is a patient at St. Rita’s Medical Center
Our Sympathy to:
Larry and Aue Archer and familyfollowing the death of Larry’s cousin Dan Crouch
Dave and Sandi Racer and familyfollowing the death of Dave’s brother Mike Racer in South Carolina (burial was in West Virginia)
Family and friends of Jerry Gordon
Lauren Fuller and Jeff Gilgenbach were married by Pastor Lynda at Trinity Church on August 31, 2013. Parents of the bride are Shawn and Kerry Fuller.
Trinity Preschool Administrator/Teacher Amy Schlumbohm and her husband Ryan are proud to announce the September 18, 2013 birth of their daughter.
Pastor Lynda baptized Caleb John Meyer, son of Rachel and Jeremy Meyer on August 25, 2013. Caleb’s parents and grandparents Deb and Roger Peterson celebrated his birth and baptism by treating our church family to lunch in the fellowship hall after the baptism.
Prayers for Family and Friends:
- Nash Joseph Miller, newborn great-grandson of Alice Alexander
- Phillip Stedman, nephew of Mark Basinger
- Nyle Stateler, father of Sue Manges and Pat Lehman
- Peg Hull, wife of former Trinity reverend Bill Hull
- Edie, granddaughter of Tom and Karen Zimmerman
- Mary Alice Schomaeker, mother of Lisa Westrick and Lynn Hyman
- Beanie Rankin, friend of Bev Carr and Sandi Racer
- Bruce Luther, brother of Kaye Doud
- Rev. Bill Croy, son of Mary Croy
- Bob Lally, father of Suzie Ketner
- Eloise Bunn, aunt of Marita Deatrick
- Darlene Archer, sister-in-law of Larry Archer
- Oscar Vogt, son of Virginia Vogt
- Dick Cline, friend of Kaye Doud
- Bob Maxon, friend of Archers
- Angel, friend of Tovia Musser
- Jim Ricker, husband of Kay Ricker
- Paula McHenry, friend of Zimmermans
- Orvel Schroeder, husband of Joyce Schroeder
- Gary and Beth, friends of Deskins
- Bob Vogt, son of Virginia Vogt
- Caitlin PenaJoanne Kelly
- Denny CalvelageChris Stechschulte
- Sue SchlumbohmJanelda Halker
- The 5 Kuhlman families affected by the fire that totally destroyed Kuhlman Body Shop
- Those across the country who have been affected by recent storms and flooding
- Everyone affected by hay fever, Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), and cataracts
If this list includes the name of someone whose situation has improved and they should be removed or if someone’s name should be added, please call the church office or drop a note in the offering plate.
Ashley Heckman recently placed 1st in the Talent portion during the West Central Scholarship program. Many of you know she has a beautiful voice, she has shared her singing talent during worship.
1 John 6, says: “Whoever says, “I abide in him (Jesus),” ought to walk just as he walked.” This is why we are taking almost a year to talk about and practice the Spiritual Disciplines.
Don’t let the word “discipline” throw you this isn’t something you do because you are being punished, quite the contrary. Discipline according to Webster’s Dictionary means: field of study; training that corrects, molds, or perfects; punishment; control gained by obedience or training. Spiritual Discipline is training that corrects, molds, and/or perfects us with the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk and live as Christ did. It is my prayer that you are taking these Spiritual Disciplines (communion, prayer, reading, worship, fasting, self-exam and confession, and hospitality along with your spiritual gifts) and using them in your everyday living to grow in Christ and be his witnesses.
Pastor Lynda
Prayer Pointers
- What if … each person at Trinity would practice Radical Hospitality to EVERYONE they meet.
<NOTE: More about Radical Hospitality can be found
in the August 14, 2013 issue of “The T”
- What if … each person at Trinity would celebrate who they are in Jesus and in doing so, celebrate each other as children of God.
Saturday, September 21
Spaghetti Dinner &
Trinity Church is planning an evening of fun. Please consider this your personal invitation…
A spaghetti dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7:00pm. Immediately after the meal Ben Eldridge will provide music from the 50’s and 60’s for all to dance to and enjoy until 9:00pm. Tickets will be available at the door. Proceeds will fund Ottawa Trinity Church’s new sound and audio system.
- Kyle Ducey, grandson of Betty Brown
- Mitch Furry, brother of Michele Kohli
- Wes Martz, nephew of Lou and Ed Suter
- Thomas Magoto, husband of Gretchen Magoto
- Johnathan Scott, nephew of Cheryl Cope
- Elizabeth Stackhouse, granddaughter of
Jeanie Plummer
- Andrew Standeford, grandson of Lowell and Marge Standeford
- Nathan Strohm, grandson of Anne McCracken [home from his 5th tour to Afghanistan]
- Aaron Suter, son of Lou and Ed Suter
- James Ting, nephew of Lou and Ed Suter
- Renee Ting, niece of Lou and Ed Suter
- Zach Utz, nephew of Pat Decker
- Summerlyn Wells, granddaughter of Bill and Margaret Wells
- Dustin Yoder, grandson of Dave Yoder
The October 3rd UMW will feature a program on The Roma of Europe which was a Cooperative Mission u study this year. This will help Trinity UMW fulfill one of the requirements for Mission Today. Join us in the lounge at 7:00pm for this informative meeting. We will also be putting the final touches on plans to host the Northwest Plains UMW for their Annual Day on October 19.
Address Changes:
Mary Reed
10170 Road 5H
Ottawa, OH 458758-9715
Bea Potter – has a new address because of annexation
5075 E Main St.
Ottawa, OH 45875
Catherine Jean “Jeanie” Plummermoved to Primrose Retirement Community Assisted Living. Her address is:
8589 Township Road 237 Apt 228
Findlay, OH 45840
Celebrating Children’s Sabbath
Children’s Sabbath will be celebrated at Trinity during Sunday morning worship at 10:30 on October 20. This year the event deals with ending violence and poverty among children. Plan to join us on the 20th to see how you can help keep children save and healthy in our community, state, nation and world.
Catching up on Contributions
Due to summer vacations, weekends away, family outings and other summer/early fall activities, attendance at worship falls off. So does giving financially. The summer slump causes some difficulty for the church in paying its bills.
We hate to fall behind but we have done that to some degree this year. We are asking for help at this time. Could you possibly help us out by contributing more to the church during the next few weeks as we enter into this busy autumn season?
Thank you! Your Finance Committee
Got Cheese!
Fall is in the air and that means, fall schedules, school, football and TRINITY UMW CHEESE SALE!
The ladies of Trinity start selling the delicious world famous Pearl Valley cheese beginning Sunday, September 22 thru Sunday, October 6. A 12-ounce package will sell for $4.75. Varieties available will be American Slices, Mild Swiss, Colby, Marble, Pepper Jack, Horseradish, Mozzarella, Lacey low fat, Havarti, and Sharp Colored cheddar. Samples of five varieties will be available on September 22 for you to enjoy after worship. You may order on Sundays in the fellowship hall or contact any UMW member to get an order form. Ask your friends and take orders. Each package is vacuum wrapped and ready to be enjoyed or frozen for you holiday gatherings.
All funds raised by this project will be used to support UMW missions for Women Children and Youth. One of our local missions is Summer Reads. Trinity UMW also supports Friendly Center in Toledo and Wesley Education Center in Cincinnati and Wesley Center for Children in Dayton as well as missions across the US and around the world through our pledge to Mission.
Cheese will be available for pickup on Wednesday, October 16 from 4:00-5:00pm in the fellowship hall or after church on Sunday, October 20.
Trinity Hosts
NWP District UM Women
On Saturday, October 19 Trinity United Methodist Church will host the 2013 Northwest Plains UM Women Annual Day. Ladies of Trinity will serve a light continental breakfast as participants arrive and lunch at noon. This is a great opportunity to serve the ladies of the district as well as attend the meeting. The afternoon program will be given by mother and daughter team, Debbie and Donna Engelhardt who were able to go on a mission trip to Haiti this past February. They will share their experiences.
Dear Trinity Friends,
We want to thank everyone for their kind words of encourage-ment and prayers of concern following the sudden and unexpected death of Dave’s brother Mike Racer in South Carolina.
The uncertainty of timing for the memorial service and necessary travel to West Virginia resulted in Trinity’s church office being closed the morning of September 9. Thank you for your understanding during the time of this family emergency situation.
It is wonderful to know that we have the support of so many friends who we value greatly!
Dave and Sandi Racer
Online shopping
can benefit Trinity
This is a heads up notice…An opportunity to join the UMCmarket which is an online shopping community designed for members of The United Methodist Church has been approved by Trinity’s Finance Committee. As of right now we are not signed up for this program but hope to be by October 1, 2013. If you do online shopping at participating stores, with each purchase, a percentage of the sale can go to the church the shopper chooses. Membership is free. Some of the top stores who participate in this program and the percent they donate towards the church are: Amazon. com 4.5%, Macy’s 2%, Best Buy 4.5%, Petco 6%, Sears 3%, Barnes & Noble 4.5%, 123 Inkjet 21%, and 4%. Look for more information to come on how you can use this program to benefit the church.
Information can be emailed to Sandi Racer at
Please include the name and daytime phone number of a contact person.
Newsletter Deadline Publishing dates
TUESDAY, October 8 October 16
TUESDAY, November 12 November 20
Plan ahead…turn items in early!!
Trinity Preschool
starts new year
The new school year is off with a shout and lots of smiles (very few tears). It is a joy to have our new teacher, Ashley Baumgartner, with us. She is so enthusiastic; she’s learning from us “oldies” and we’re learning from her. She has brought us new and fresh ideas, which we are incorporating. Amy Schlumbohm, our administrator/teacher is on maternity leave (see “Births”, page 2) and Nancy McBride has stepped in as teacher in her room. Nancy has an aide who is new to our program this year, Angela Brinkman, because that class has 17 students in it. (And by the way, you can teach old dog new tricks! Thanks, Nancy; gotch ya!) Diane Fruchey and husband Joe have moved to Glandorf and she continues as a teacher here at Trinity this year. As always, the children bring the sunshine in every day no matter what the weatherman says! Our enrollment this year has been really topsy-turvy; we are now at 40 students, all in the A.M.
We got a good start these first few weeks and the children are excited. We’re going to the Pumpkin Patch in Pandora on September 23.Then you are invited to come to Preschool’s Fall Festival on October 23. You’ll see the children’s first public appearance this year when you hear their songs and finger plays. The program begins at 11:15am.
The Scholastic Book Fair will run in Trinity’s fellowship hall from October 21 through October 25. It will be open on Sunday, October 20, after worship service for anyone in the congregation who would like to do some early Christmas shopping.
The Preschool has again become a Step Up Star program with the State of Ohio.
Christmas is Coming
Have You Started Your Shopping?
How about some new books for those grandchildren, children, godchildren, nephews and nieces? Trinity Preschool will be holding its annual Book Fair in Trinity’s fellowship hall from Monday, October 21 through Friday October 25. The Book Fair will be open from 9:00am until 12:00pm each day that week. There will be a large selection of children’s books, inspirational and fiction, and even some adult books and cookbooks. Every sale helps add to Trinity Preschool’s library.
Wednesday Evening
Activities Resume
Sonlight Bible Study
Larry Archer is again leading the Bible study held each Wednesday evening. You are encouraged to join the group. Please be aware that on September 25 they will meet from 6:00-7:00pm but beginning October 2 they will be in the 5:00-6:00pm time slot.
Kids Club Coming to Town
For children age 4 thru grade 5, there is a great reason to look forward to Wednesdays. Kids Club is about to return! The first session is set to begin at 5:15pm on October 2. This ministry gives these children the opportunity to experience the excitement, fun and adventure of discovering Jesus in an informal setting.
They will come to Trinity Church one afternoon a week for music, Bible lessons, crafts and supper. In this time we pray they will learn lots about Jesus and how He is their friend. These Wednesday night activities will have a theme.
The staff developed includes Jean Hanna, Jo Deskins, Lisa Westrick, Tina Basinger, Lynn Hyman, Julie Sehlhorst, Deb Bingley and Nancy McBride.
Children may begin participating in Kids Club at any time. We anticipate children to return and hope to have more each week!
Jr. High Confirmation Class
Pastor Lynda will lead this group of 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders as they learn about United Methodist history, differences between religions, and guidelines to live by.
Some say Dinner – Some say Supper
Deb Peterson is coordinating the kitchen staff. Food will begin to be served at 6:00 until around 6:20pm. That will allow everyone to enjoy a tasty meal prepared by various Trinity cooks.
Choir plans for New Season
If you are interested in joining the Choir now is a good time to start. Choir practices in the room behind the sanctuary each Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00pm.
The Chancel Choir began its annual trek to the rehearsal room a few weeks ago in anticipation of another inspiring year of “making music” for worship and other special occasions. We’ve become proud of the time and effort the Choir has put into ministry over the years. For a bunch of volunteers, they are one dedicated and fun group. If you have questions contact Brent or Jo Deskins at 419-890-7073.
Thanks for sharing…
Tina Basinger, Keith Kahle, Red and Kaye Doud, Patti Doud for their parts in discovery and pumping of the water in the basement
NOTE: Volunteers are needed to remove items stored in the basement. Willing to help, call Kaye 908-415-7247
Those who have brought in garden veggies to share with Trinity friends and Ottawa Food Pantry
NOTE: Next distribution for OFP is September 24 for those who have more produce
Mike Hughes, Ed Ketner, Kay Ricker, Tina Basinger, Julie Sehlhorst, Bruce Stowe, Roger and Deb Peterson, Ron Fessler, Janet Agner, Alisa Hanneman, Jim and Nancy McBride, Vickie Warnecke, Becky and David Leader, Bill Roberts, Esther Schroeder, Nate and Lorrie Cole, Janice Gordon, Chloe Carr, Pastor Lynda, Bev Carr, and Dave and Sandi Racer volunteered during Trinity’s month for responsibilities with Ottawa Food Pantry
NOTE: Mark your calendar Trinity’s next month to assume duties is February 2014. There will be a job for you!
Rachel and Jeremy Meyer and Deb and Roger Peterson for generously preparing and serving a delicious meal to our Trinity church family following son and grandson Caleb Meyer’s baptism
Janet Agner for preparing a special letter for mailing
Bill Hanna and Mark Basinger for ‘manning’ the new audio/visual system for our worship services and recent weddings
Julie Sehlhorst and Kaye Doud stepping up to the plate following recent vandalism at Trinity Church
Jo Deskins and Tina Basinger for their work for worship services while Pastor Lynda was on vacation
Lori Cole and Pastor Lynda for moving many chairs in preparation for Trinity Preschool Open House
Becky Leaderand Janet Agner for volunteering in the church office
Nancy McBride, Becky Leader and Tina Basinger for representing Trinity during the Blood Mobile held in late August by the American Red Cross
Becky Leader, Nancy McBride, Dave Racer for folding bulletins
Bev Carr and Sandi Racer for their work in assisting with the Back to School Supply Give-Away
Pastor Lynda and Tina Basinger for representing Trinity by volunteering at the Garage Sale held in Toledo that benefited Friendly Center
Sandi Racer and Pastor Lynda for hosting the Pre-Charge Conference Briefing for Northwest Plains District Clergy and Secretaries
All participants in the Back to School service
We realize we may have omitted others who have given their time and talents to the glory of God. Please know that we thank you also even though your name(s) don’t appear in print.
Enjoy lunch together