31/1/2017 Black-tailed Godwit 2 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
31/1/2017 Black-throated Diver 5 Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Mark Warren
31/1/2017 Mediterranean Gull 1 (adult), Iceland Gull 1 (adult) Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Mark Warren
31/1/2017 Red-throated Diver 2, Eider 208, scoter sp. 100, Goldeneye 7 off Burghead David & Carol Shaw
31/1/2017 Slavonian Grebe 2, Red-breasted Merganser 7 Burghead Bay (from Findhorn dunes) David & Carol Shaw
31/1/2017 Knot c.2800 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Knot off Findhorn village, 31 January 2017 (Richard Somers Cocks)
31/1/2017(10:30) Waxwing 46 Elgin (west end) David Main
Waxwings in Elgin, 31 January 2017 (David Main)
30/1/2017 (16:30) Waxwing 15 Burgie Mains turn off from A96 (NJ0860) Gelda MacGregor
30/1/2017 Scaup 3 Loch Spynie Mike Collins
30/1/2017 Grey Plover 5, Ringed Plover 13, Dunlin 250+, Bar-tailed Godwit 19, Brent Goose 24, Shelduck 31 Carse of Delnies John Scrimgeour
30/1/2017 (late afternoon) Green-winged Teal 1 Loch Flemington per Birdguides
30/1/2017 European White-fronted Goose 1, Pink-footed Goose 520 Lossiemouth (near RAF station) Roy Dennis
30/1/2017 Song Thrush 1, Redwing 3, Goldfinch 34, Siskin 4 Elgin (The Wards NJ2162) David Main
Redwing and Song Thrush, Elgin 30 January 2017 (David Main)
30/1/2017 Goosander 1 Elgin (River Lossie at Mansion House) David Main
Goosander, Elgin 30 January 2017 (David Main)
30/1/2017 Sanderling 5, Purple Sandpiper 3, Ringed Plover 12, Red-throated Diver 5, Eider 31, Long-tailed Duck 9, Red-breasted Merganser 2 Lossiemouth west beach Mike Crutch
Sanderling and Purple Sandpiper, Lossiemouth west beach 30 January 2017 (Mike Crutch)
29/1/2017 Brent Goose 57 Nairn links John Scrimgeour
29/1/2017 Little Egret 1 between Culbin Forest and Nairn Bar John Scrimgeour
29/1/2017 Bar-tailed Godwit 22 Nairn Bar John Scrimgeour
29/1/2017 Sanderling 56 Nairn east beach John Scrimgeour
29/1/2017 Rough-legged Buzzard 1 (at NH953361), Golden Eagle 1 (juvenile), Raven 1 in/over woodland area east of B9007 between Dunearn Lodge and Lochindorb turn-off James Gordon
29/1/2017 Knot c.2300 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks, Gordon McMullins
29/1/2017 Brent Goose c.70 Nairn links David & Carol Shaw
29/1/2017 Curlew 120+ Loch Spynie Lisa Stewart
29/1/2017 Waxwing 7 Elgin (Lesmurdie Road) Lisa Stewart
29/1/2017 Stonechat 2 (a pair), Knot 100+ Findhorn beach Lisa Stewart
29/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (3rd winter), Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 (adult) Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
29/1/2017 Brambling 1, Fieldfare 143, Redwing 4 Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
29/1/2017 Whooper Swan 3 near Duffus Jim Simpson
29/1/2017 Great Northern Diver 1, Red-throated Diver 2, Black Guillemot 4 off Portknockie Lenny Simpson
29/1/2017 Brambling 2 (Cruats Farm), Stonechat 1 (opposite Bow Fiddle) Portknockie Lenny Simpson
29/1/2017 Barnacle Goose 27(flew south-west) Portknockie Lenny Simpson
28/1/2017 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Findhorn Bay (south end) David Law
28/1/2017 Purple Sandpiper 8, Ringed Plover 6, Sanderling 5, Stonechat 1, Black Guillemot 1 Hopeman David Law
28/1/2017 Mandarin Duck 2 (a pair), Brambling 22 Elgin (River Lossie behind Elgin Academy) Lisa Stewart
28/1/2017 Waxwing 13, Blackcap 1 (male) Elgin (west end) David Main
Waxwings, Elgin 28 January 2017 (David Main)
28/1/2017 Blackcap 1 (male) Lossiemouth Margaret Sharpe
28/1/2017 Twite 12 Findhorn (beach near marina) Mike Crutch
27/1/2017 Red Kite 1 Maviston (near Brodie NH9458) Roy Dennis
27/1/2017 Brent Goose 66 Nairn links Roy Dennis
27/1/2017 Purple Sandpiper 33, Sanderling 3 Covesea Margaret Sharpe
Purple Sandpipers, Covesea 27 January 2017 (Margaret Sharpe)
27/1/2017 Goldfinch 36 in a Losseimouth garden Margaret Sharpe
27/1/2017 Waxwing 15 Elgin (west end) David Main
Waxwings, Elgin 27 January 2017 (David Main)
27/1/2017 Waxwing 25 Regaule (NJ0249) Karen Astill
27/1/2017 Brent Goose 57 Nairn Jack Harrison
Brent Geese, Nairn 27 January 2017 (Jack Harrison)
27/1/2017 Merlin 1 (Mosset Burn), Redshank 688, Oystercatcher 741, Greylag Goose 177, Teal 169 (55 in old Findhorn channel, 114 in Mosset Burn) Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
27/1/2017 Red-throated Diver 3 on sea off Lossiemouth harbour Bob Proctor
27/1/2017 (08:35-09:35) Great Northern Diver 2, Red-throated Diver 2, Long-tailed Duck 63, Common Scoter 22, Guillemot 13, Razorbill 19, Black Guillemot 1, Gannet 17, Fulmar 6, Kittiwake 6 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
27/1/2017 (morning) Waxwing 17 Kintessack (NJ004604) Geoff & Debbie Smith
27/1/2017 (08:40) White-tailed Eagle 1 flying west over Urchany and Cawdor James Homer
26/1/2017 (19:00) Barn Owl 1 Kinloss golf course Chris Thomas
26/1/2017 Golden Plover 40, Bar-tailed Godwit 28 Findhorn Bay Ian Suttie
26/1/2017 Pink-footed & Greylag Goose 770+ (mixed flock) Muirton Henry Farquhar
26/1/2017 Snow Bunting 30+ Nairn Bar John Scrimgeour
26/1/2017 Sanderling 69, Long-tailed Duck 23 Nairn east beach John Scrimgeour
26/1/2017 Brent Goose 52 Nairn west beach John Scrimgeour
26/1/2017 Dunlin 120, Shelduck 14, Brent Goose 28, Redshank 60+ Carse of Delnies John Scrimgeour
26/1/2017 Brambling 1 (male), Blackcap 1 (male), Goldfinch 12, Chaffinch 50+ Tradespark (Nairn) John Scrimgeour
26/1/2017 Brent Goose 53 Nairn Links cricket pitch David & Carol Shaw
26/1/2017 Purple Sandpiper 7, Sanderling 9, Turnstone 12 Hopeman Alan MacAskill
26/1/2017 Common Scoter 200+, Eider 150+ off Burghead Alan MacAskill
26/1/2017 Black-tailed Godwit 2 Burgheadwest beach Alan MacAskill
26/1/2017 Redshank c.1500, Dunlin c.1500, Knot c.400 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Alan MacAskill
26/1/2017 Brent Goose 48+ (40+ on Links, 8 on shore) Nairn Alan MacAskill
26/1/2017 Waxwing3 Nairn (Chattan Gardens) Seamus McArdle
Waxwings in Nairn, 26 January 2017 (Seamus McArdle)
26/1/2017 (dawn) Pink-footed Goose 13,800, Greylag Goose 144 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
25/1/2017 Iceland Gull 3 (adult & 3rd winter at low tide roost, juvenile flew through), Glaucous Gull 1 (2nd winter) Spey estuary Mark Warren
25/1/2017 Velvet Scoter 18, Scaup 1 (1st winter male) Spey Bay (off Kingston) Mark Warren
25/1/2017 Brent Goose 47 Nairn links (NH882569) James Gordon
25/1/2017 Red-throated Diver 3, Eider 88+, Long-tailed Duck 11+, Common Scoter 12, Gannet 3 (juveniles), Golden Plover 4 (flew east) off Burghead MikeCrutch
24/1/2017 Woodcock 1, Snipe 2, Little Grebe 8, Goosander 5, Goldfinch 13 Findhorn Bay (mouth of River Findhorn) Roy Dennis
24/1/2017 Redwing c.60 Kinloss barracks Allan Lawrence
24/1/2017 Sanderling 15, Ringed Plover 6, Stonechat 5-6 Hopeman Jack Harrison
Sanderling, Ringed Plovers and Stonechat, Hopeman 24 January 2017 (Jack Harrison)
24/1/2017 Waxwing c.6 Glenburgie turn off A96 (NJ0860) Ian Bailey
23/1/2017 Whooper Swan 3 Duffus (NJ173679) Bob Johnson
23/1/2017 Mistle Thrush 1 singing Rosarie Forest (Mulben) Melvin Morrison
23/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (2nd winter) Lossie estuary per Birdguides
23/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (juvenile) Burghead per Birdguides
23/1/2017 Little Egret 1 Muirton (Elgin-Lossiemouth road) Doug Galletly, Bob Proctor
23/1/2017 Purple Sandpiper 12, Sanderling 10 Hopeman Dave Pierce
23/1/2017 Sanderling 17 Lossiemouth west beach Dave Pierce
23/1/2017 Grey Wagtail 1 Lossie estuary (1 km upriver) Dave Pierce
23/1/2017 Greylag Goose 55 Nairn (between cemetery and Househill) Jack Harrison
23/1/2017 Snipe 7 Findhorn Bay (saltmarsh behind Netherton) Gordon McMullins
23/1/2017 Twite 84 Findhorn Bay (22 on saltmarsh behind Netherton and 62 on stubbles at Seafield) Gordon McMullins
23/1/2017 Sanderling 88 Nairn east beach Martin Cook
23/1/2017 Brent Goose 37 Nairn links Martin Cook
Brent Geese on Nairn links, 23 January 2017 (Martin Cook)
23/1/2017 Jack Snipe 1 Kingsteps Martin Cook
23/1/2017 Black-throated Diver 4, Slavonian Grebe 2, Common Scoter 35, Long-tailed Duck 22 Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Martin Cook
23/1/2017 Kingfisher 1, Pintail 1 (female), Whooper Swan 1 Loch Oire Martin Cook
23/1/2017 Canada Goose 1, Greylag Goose 72 Portknockie (between village and A98) Martin Cook
Canada Goose with Greylags, Portknockie 23 January 2017 (Martin Cook)
22/1/2017 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 persistently drumming Sanquhae Loch (Forres) Bob Johnson
22/1/2017 Waxwing 3 Forres (opposite Lidl) Lisa Stewart
22/1/2017 Waxwing 7, Tree Sparrow 21 Dyke Lisa Stewart
Waxwings at Dyke, 22 January 2017 (Lisa Stewart)
22/1/2017 Crested Tit 10, Bullfinch 12 Culbin Forest Lisa Stewart
22/1/2017 Bullfinch 35 (in two flocks, of 20 and 15) Teindland Forest David Law
22/1/2017 Reed Bunting 114, Siskin 76, Linnet 110, Goldfinch 65 Easter Bauds Alastair Young
22/1/2017 Curlew 169, Lapwing 13, Oystercatcher 1, Greylag Goose 47, Wigeon 690, Herring Gull 1530, Fieldfare 15 Cloddach quarry Martin Cook
22/1/2017 Grey Wagtail 1 Cloddach (on River Lossie) Martin Cook
22/1/2017 Pink-footed Goose c.1250, Barnacle Goose 1, Greylag Goose 2 Nether Birnie Martin Cook
Barnacle Goose, Nether Birnie 22 January 2017 (Martin Cook)
22/1/2017 Mediterranean Gull 1 (adult), Iceland Gull 1 (adult) Loch Spynie Duncan Gibson
22/1/2017 Brent Goose 28 Nairn (on Links cricket pitch) David & Carol Shaw
22/1/2017 Waxwing 4 Portknockie (at old railway line across from tennis courts) Lenny Simpson
22/1/2017 Canada Goose 1, Greylag Goose 60+, Twite 2, Peregrine 1 Portknockie (between village and A98) Lenny Simpson
22/1/2017 (am) Herring Gull 2100, Black-headed Gull 328, Common Gull 41, Great Black-backed Gull 9 Loch Spynie Bob Proctor
22/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (adult), Whooper Swan 7 Loch Oire Bob Proctor, Martin Cook
Iceland Gull at Loch Oire, 22 January 2017 (Bob Proctor)
22/1/2017 Song Thrush 1 Elgin (Bishopmill) Bob Proctor
22/1/2017 Lapwing 470 Balormie Bob Proctor
22/1/2017 Great Northern Diver 1 on sea off Lossiemouth harbour Bob Proctor
22/1/2017(08:35-09:35) Red-throated Diver 20, Long-tailed Duck 54, Common Scoter 1, Black Guillemot 2 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
21/1/2017 Black-throated Diver 4 Burghead Bay (from Findhorn beach) Roy Dennis
21/1/2017 Waxwing 22 Elgin (Morriston Road) Henry Farquhar
21/1/2017 Eider 47, Common Scoter 5, Guillemot 3 off Burghead Mike Crutch
21/1/2017 Pink-footed Goose 600+ Miltonhill Mile Crutch
21/1/2017 Water Rail 1 Loch Spynie (left of hide) Lisa Stewart
Water Rail at Loch Spynie, 21 January 2017 (Lisa Stewart)
21/1/2017 Stonechat 1, Hooded Crow 1 Findhorn beach Lisa Stewart
Stonechat, Findhorn beach 21 January 2017 (Lisa Stewart)
21/1/2017 Golden Plover 3, Redshank 72, Knot 13, Dunlin 5, Bar-tailed Godwit 2 Carse of Delnies Chris James & John Scrimgeour
21/1/2017 Lapwing 322, Skylark 2 (singing) Balormie Bob Proctor
21/1/2017 Snow Bunting 2+ Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
21/1/2017(08:30-09:30) Black-throated Diver 2, Great Northern Diver 2, Red-throated Diver 10, Razorbill 16, Black Guillemot 5, Guillemot 2, Kittiwake 8, Long-tailed Duck 45, Common Scoter 5 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
21/1/2017 (dawn) Pink-footed Goose 1820 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
21/1/2017 Black-throated Diver 7, Great Northern Diver 2, Red-throated Diver 4, Common Scoter 40, Velvet Scoter 1, Long-tailed Duck 94, Red-breasted Merganser 19, Slavonian Grebe 3, Brent Goose 6 Burghead Bay (from Findhorn dunes) Gordon McMullins, Richard Somers Cocks
21/1/2017 Blackcap 1 Forres Jim Simpson
21/1/2017 Raven 2 Portknockie (Bow Fiddle Rock) Moray Bird Club
21/1/2017 Stonechat 1 Tronach Head Moray Bird Club
21/1/2017 Stonechat 2 Portgordon Moray Bird Club
21/1/2017 Red-throated Diver 7 Portknockie Moray Bird Club outing
20/1/2017 Common Scoter c.500, Red-throated Diver 4, Wigeon 69, Curlew 66 Spey Bay (Boar's Head Rock area) Melvin Morrison
20/1/2017 Teal 136 Netherton (Findhorn Bay) Gordon McMullins
20/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (adult), Gadwall 1 (male) Loch Oire David Law
20/1/2017 Knot c.2400 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Knot in Findhorn Bay, 20 January 2017 (Richard Somers Cocks)
20/1/2017 Twite c.100 Broom of Moy Ian Bailey
19/1/2017 Grey Plover 3, Brent Goose 13, Long-tailed Duck c.60, Stonechat 2 Carse of Delnies Al McNee
19/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (adult), Scaup 9 Loch Spynie per Birdguides
19/1/2017 Black-tailed Godwit 2, Bar-tailed Godwit 88, Knot 2000, Pintail 572, Mallard 139, Wigeon 698, Peregrine 1 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
19/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (2nd winter) between Balormie-Muirton (following a plough) Mark Warren
19/1/2017 Iceland Gull 1 (adult) Urquhart pig farm (flooded field north-west of church) Mark Warren
19/1/2017 Canada Goose 1, Greylag Goose 27 Denside (west of Cullen, between Cullen Bay Hotel and Portknockie turn) Lenny & RyanSimpson
19/1/2017 Black-throated Diver 4, Red-throated Diver 2, Common Scoter 22, Velvet Scoter 1, Eider 24, Red-breasted Merganser 2 off Burghead Mike Crutch
19/1/2017 Knot 2000-3000, Redshank c.200 Burghead west beach David & Carol Shaw
19/1/2017(12:15) Little Egret 1 south of Lossiemouth (flew from ditch near Muirton towards Oakenhead NJ2368) Bob Proctor
18/1/2017 Scaup 4 (2 male, 2 female) Loch Spynie Martin Cook
18/1/2017 Pintail 2 Loch Loy Simon McGillvray
18/1/2017 Barn Owl 1 Darkland David Law
18/1/2017 Brent Goose 22 Nairn (on playing fields at NH883569 and NH882568) Seamus McArdle
Brent Geese, Nairn 18 January 2017 (Seamus McArdle)
18/1/2017 Little Grebe 8 (south-west channels), Tree Sparrow 11 (Netherton Cottages) Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
18/1/2017 Knot 2250, Bar-tailed Godwit 81, Black-tailed Godwit 2, Sanderling 6, Shelduck 231 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
18/1/2017 Shoveler 1 (male) Loch Oire David Main
Shoveler, Loch Oire 18 January 2017 (David Main)
18/1/2017 Long-tailed Duck 1 (male) Lossie estuary David Main
18/1/2017 Red-throated Diver 2, Wigeon 150, Goldeneye 2, Long-tailed Duck 2 Spey Bay (of mouth of Spey) Mike Collins
17/1/2017 Barn Owl 1 Boath (Auldearn NH9155) Bob Johnson
17/1/2017 Barn Owl 1 Kinloss (NJ6308) Bob Johnson
17/1/2017 Velvet Scoter 27, Common Scoter 128, Long-tailed Duck 400, Eider 24 Spey Bay (Boar's Head Rock area) Martin Cook
17/1/2017 Goosander 8, Tufted Duck 116, Goldeneye 7, Whooper Swan 2 Loch na Bo Martin Cook
17/1/2017 Shoveler 1 (male), Wigeon 147 Loch Oire Martin Cook
Shoveler on Loch Oire, 17 January 2017 (Martin Cook)
17/1/2017 Goldeneye 36, Pied Wagtail 35, Meadow Pipit 5 Spey estuary Martin Cook
17/1/2017 Velvet Scoter 12, Common Scoter 62, Long-tailed Duck 19, Eider 16, Great Northern Diver 1 Burghead Bay (off Findhorn dunes) Richard Somers Cocks
Velvet Scoters and Long-tailed Ducks off Findhorn, 17 January 2017 (Richard Somers Cocks)
17/1/2017 Purple Sandpiper 48 Lossiemouth (shore behind Beach Bar) Margaret Sharpe
31/1/2017 Black-Tailed Godwit 2 Findhorn Bay Gordon Mcmullins 31/1/2017 Black-Throated